
Russia may have the #'s, but those number are dwendling, during the first mass conscription over 300k of young men left Russia, cause they didn't believe in this war.....young men who get summons are also leaving. Disidents inside russia are actually getting more and more active. Don't get me wrong i do feel for the conscripts that have been put into this meat grinder and most don't deserve to be in UA. I've come across vids of conscripts not having anything at all, most i would hope to surrender, others....well. In reality this war shouldn't have happened at all.

Also keep in mind Russia is also calling the kettle black. The United Russian party in itself is the reamergence of the old nazi party right now. From the flag itself, it doesn't say motherland anymore.....it actually says "Fatherland", now where in history have you heard that. Listening to the propaganda they spew, Russia backing the Repug party, backing the orange dumb dumb, celebrating Tucker etc etc......
I agree 100%,what get's me is prior to the invasion,when Russia was deploying and surrounding Ukraine w/BTG's,I figured on Russia showing video's of precision strikes taking everything of value out,hell the 1990 Gulf War model was 30 yrs. old and I figured if they were a decade or 2 behind in tech they still would be capable of something similar,instead a bungled attack,Airborne and Spetsnaz wiped out in Hostemel airport,columns of sitting duck armor bumper to bumper on the rds.,no air superiority established,etc.etc. and settling on a WW1 artillery static front war w/whole villages and not one roof intact,who'd have known on Feb. 16,2022.
It's always been that way for the common Russian soldier. Stalin didn't invent the "wave attack" that was an Imperial Army tactic in WW1 and probably before then. Putin just dusted it off for use more than a hundred years later. Russia has always treated the population outside of the Moscow-St Petersburg region as nameless slaves whose lives are spent by their masters. Knowing this is what drives Ukrainians to such desperate measures.
Human life is a currency of low denomination in Russia.
Moscow substation on fire, leaving residents of 3 districts without power or heat during severe cold – photo, video
RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, that the fire broke out at a transformer substation in north-east Moscow on the morning of Thursday, 4 January. The affected residents are being switched to a back-up power supply.

Later, RIA Novosti cited Moscow city officials, saying that "the majority of the buildings have been switched to a back-up supply after a fire at a Moscow substation, with around 40 buildings to be re-connected in the next 1.5–2 hours."

Baza reported that the fire at a substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd in Moscow had left more than 20 high-rise buildings in several parts of the city (Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, Severnoye Medvyedkovo and Yuzhnoye Medvyedkovo) without power and heat.

It is yet unclear what has caused the fire.

The night of 3–4 January was the coldest night since the beginning of winter in Moscow, with the temperature dropping to –27.1ºC, according to the Fobos weather centre.

Mash reported that the substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd caught fire at around 06:00. It supplies power to buildings in Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, and Medvyedkovo. The fire was later extinguished.

High-rise apartment buildings in these three Moscow districts were left without power. Temperature inside the apartments dropped to 10-15ºC during the current cold spell.

Moscow substation on fire, leaving residents of 3 districts without power or heat during severe cold – photo, video
RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, that the fire broke out at a transformer substation in north-east Moscow on the morning of Thursday, 4 January. The affected residents are being switched to a back-up power supply.

Later, RIA Novosti cited Moscow city officials, saying that "the majority of the buildings have been switched to a back-up supply after a fire at a Moscow substation, with around 40 buildings to be re-connected in the next 1.5–2 hours."

Baza reported that the fire at a substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd in Moscow had left more than 20 high-rise buildings in several parts of the city (Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, Severnoye Medvyedkovo and Yuzhnoye Medvyedkovo) without power and heat.

It is yet unclear what has caused the fire.

The night of 3–4 January was the coldest night since the beginning of winter in Moscow, with the temperature dropping to –27.1ºC, according to the Fobos weather centre.

Mash reported that the substation on Vysokovoltny Proezd caught fire at around 06:00. It supplies power to buildings in Otradnoye, Bibiryevo, and Medvyedkovo. The fire was later extinguished.

High-rise apartment buildings in these three Moscow districts were left without power. Temperature inside the apartments dropped to 10-15ºC during the current cold spell.

No word of Ukrainian involvement, but it illustrates the risk the Russians could be taking by focusing on the Ukrainian power grid, if they should retaliate in kind. Disrupting electric power will disrupt their war industries but might be considered a war crime though The Ukrainians are trying to play it straight for aid, PR and future court cases where they will try to get frozen Russian money.
European NATO members strike deal to buy up to 1,000 Patriot missiles
NATO on Wednesday said its procurement arm would support a group of member countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain, with a contract to buy up to 1,000 Patriot air defence missiles.

The agency awarded a production and delivery contract to COMLOG, a joint venture between Raytheon and MBDA, the transatlantic military alliance said in a statement, adding that European production of the missiles would be expanded.

"The consolidated multinational procurement, in the spirit of the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI), offers economies of scale and supports the expansion of production capacity for new GEM-T missiles to meet increasing demand", NATO said in a statement.
European NATO members strike deal to buy up to 1,000 Patriot missiles
NATO on Wednesday said its procurement arm would support a group of member countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain, with a contract to buy up to 1,000 Patriot air defence missiles.

The agency awarded a production and delivery contract to COMLOG, a joint venture between Raytheon and MBDA, the transatlantic military alliance said in a statement, adding that European production of the missiles would be expanded.

"The consolidated multinational procurement, in the spirit of the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI), offers economies of scale and supports the expansion of production capacity for new GEM-T missiles to meet increasing demand", NATO said in a statement.
For a giddy second there, I thought they were buying them for Ukraine.
Such small vessels could be built in sections like a Liberty ship and the sections sent by rail and truck to Ukraine and assembled there, such things have been done before and there are rivers and canals throughout Germany so they can barge the parts closer to the railheads, Poland has Baltic ports too.

‘Realistic prospect’ of NATO going to war with Russia as Turkey blocks minehunters | Frontline

“There’s a concern that Turkey’s ambiguity in this might be encouraging Russia rather than deterring them.”

Blocking British minehunters destined for Ukraine could lead to NATO going to war with Russia, says Hamish de Bretton-Gordon on Frontline for #TimesRadio.
It all adds up and if required they could end up there, but I feel it will be all over by the time these things arrive in Europe.
My current intuition is that this war isn’t half over. Unless US and Nato resume massive supply of Ukraine, the best outcome I see is a slow, painful arrival at a frozen conflict, as happened ten years ago.

There is not enough indigenous Ukrainian war power to fully erode the enemy’s ability to continue its offensive. Nato powers seem to be getting tired of sending their goodies into the potlatch. Unless that trend reverses, I’m diffident.
My current intuition is that this war isn’t half over. Unless US and Nato resume massive supply of Ukraine, the best outcome I see is a slow, painful arrival at a frozen conflict, as happened ten years ago.

There is not enough indigenous Ukrainian war power to fully erode the enemy’s ability to continue its offensive. Nato powers seem to be getting tired of sending their goodies into the potlatch. Unless that trend reverses, I’m diffident.
I feel confident that there will be more US aid before the election, especially now that the GOP is down to a 2-seat majority in the house. I wouldn't expect any major moves on Ukraine's side until they get more support. Meanwhile the Russian army and its irreplaceable equipment is being depleted and North Korean munitions are substandard, causing major issues for the Russians. We might be slow with our shells, but at least they don't kill our side!
I feel confident that there will be more US aid before the election, especially now that the GOP is down to a 2-seat majority in the house. I wouldn't expect any major moves on Ukraine's side until they get more support. Meanwhile the Russian army and its irreplaceable equipment is being depleted and North Korean munitions are substandard, causing major issues for the Russians. We might be slow with our shells, but at least they don't kill our side!
Looking at the video you posted, a number of F-16s are expected soon. They could be of real help. The boffin talked about taking out Russian jets. A possibly more important role might be three things:
- close-in air support, especially of armor maneuver
- antiradiation missions against antiair sites, tactical radar and jamming equipment
- killing or grounding attack helicopters, which Russia has been using effectively

All told, this raised my confidence a bit.
Such small vessels could be built in sections like a Liberty ship and the sections sent by rail and truck to Ukraine and assembled there, such things have been done before and there are rivers and canals throughout Germany so they can barge the parts closer to the railheads, Poland has Baltic ports too.

‘Realistic prospect’ of NATO going to war with Russia as Turkey blocks minehunters | Frontline

“There’s a concern that Turkey’s ambiguity in this might be encouraging Russia rather than deterring them.”

Blocking British minehunters destined for Ukraine could lead to NATO going to war with Russia, says Hamish de Bretton-Gordon on Frontline for #TimesRadio.
Surprise ,surprise,Turkey the ambivalent,contrarian Ally
Surprise ,surprise,Turkey the ambivalent,contrarian Ally
They probably want to sell them mine sweepers, the UK is not at war with Russia and should be able to sail through and then reflag them in Ukraine. No formal war has been declared by any side, but we have war nonetheless.
They probably want to sell them mine sweepers, the UK is not at war with Russia and should be able to sail through and then reflag them in Ukraine. No formal war has been declared by any side, but we have war nonetheless.
But then why can Turkey stop Russian ships but not Ukrainian? They are doing what the convention says to do. Turkey lives in an unfriendly neighbourhood and has an internal rebellion going on. I can fault their president for a lot of things but not this.
But then why can Turkey stop Russian ships but not Ukrainian? They are doing what the convention says to do. Turkey lives in an unfriendly neighbourhood and has an internal rebellion going on. I can fault their president for a lot of things but not this.
That is why I posted the link about the treaty to show the complexities of the situation.