I avoid soy products of all kinds. Can cause hormone disruptions and there's a compound in them that has a negative effect on a man's prostate and I already have issues there. Gave up cashews for the same kind of thing and I love cashews.
Probably a few billion people eat soy every day and don't seem to suffer any harm but I'm not taking no chances.
One thing I have noticed since getting lots of hemp seed and protein in my diet is a big reduction in arthritis pain that took daily doses of CBD oil I make and regular RSO. I haven't had any CBD for at least a couple months and just a couple hits of pot in my pipe in the evenings. Not enough to be therapeutic in any way but good to relax and give me a little more appetite. Also taking salmon oil caps during that period for the omega 3 which hemp has lots of along with the 6 and 9. That's all supposed to be good to reduce inflammation and seems to work for me. Cholesterol is down below the high normal level which I was a couple points above for years. No way I was taking meds for that so great to see it down on it's own. Lots of oat bran in my smoothies which is supposed to help reduce that too.
Can put hemp hearts in almost anything. Had spaghetti tonight with my big scoop of hearts in it and don't even notice it's in there. Mild nutty flavour that goes with almost anything so easy to get my half cup with 28g of protein every day. Hemp hearts at the grocery here are $12 for half a pound and they don't sell the protein powder. I got 16lbs of each in bulk bags, free shipping from southern Alberta, $9lb for the seed and $10lb for the protein powder. Keep in the freezer for a couple years at least but the hearts should last a year before I need more. I use less of the powder so probably 2 years on that. Rocky Mountain Grain Products in Lethbridge, AB.
The best thing I've done for my health both physical and mental is to give up booze. Two and a half years in and feeling better than I have in decades. My head feels like it's getting clearer all the time and I don't miss those hangovers one little bit. Go on a 3 day binge once a month and suffer for 4 weeks with depression and stinking thinking.
Now the smoking has to go. Started today with reaching for my e-cig instead of rolling a smoke and already down to half the smokes. Need what lung power I have left for a few hits in my pipe here and there.