That’s a lot closer. Beowulf’s tribe were our norhern enemies and at times friends, even a marriage between royals. My tribe’s first king, Finn, is mentioned in Beowulf. My ancestors eventually defeated them. Just like they held back the romans, the spanish, napoleon and for a long time the dutch. All that’s left is a province in NL and some areas in north germany and denmark (which used to be Frisia). One of those small cultures that feel threatened by progress as you brought up a few times. Christian af.
On a similar more relevant note, the best trees we have, old oaks, are dying again. They can’t handle the nitrogen excess. Before it gets to a point where we can re-forest, we have to reduce livestock to save the little we still got. Holland… from the Old Dutch holt lant, literally "wood land"” which in the current state is an absurd misnomer.
Still don’t get the attraction to futurists and prophecies, perhaps you’re going through a Ray Kurzweil period, but thanks for bringing up PF. I’d given up entirely on nature in NL. Now it looks like we might not just save the rest, but restore some too.