Well-Known Member
It's early days in this industry, but there must be something to it because so many smart people and companies are trying to make it happen. They know the business better than I and they believe it is possible. First a mixture of processed plant protein with cultured cells and then mostly cultured cells of various kinds.Probably almost all capitalization. Once the capital equipment is amortized, expect it to drop below real. (fistpump)
How Expensive Is 3D Printed Meat?
Additive manufacturing, also referred to as three-dimensional (3D) printing is a rapidly evolving industry that has greatly benefitted the food production industry. Some of these benefits include the capacity to modify food's nutrition, flavor, and texture and the economic viability
Global demand for meat is rising along with the incomes of many people, big parts of it are no longer the developing world, but are already developed quite a bit. We could never keep up with livestock farming and another way must be found and if it is, for a lower cost, then livestock farming is headed for trouble and maybe fish farms too. The rate of progress in the industry is very fast though and the biotechnology knowledge base is getter deeper everyday with tens of thousands of academic scientists and industry ones pushing the boundaries globally. China is intensely interested, and they might not have any issues with a genetically modified soy plant that produces olive oil for export dirt cheap, or another soy plant that grew most of the milk proteins in one shot and they export the extracted powder etc. The future has many possibilities and potential accelerators.