I was going to get into all that and see what your thoughts are,I just put this idea recently about whole closet 2 months ago. What I really need to do is when I go back to the grind at the end of next month is buy a piece a week light,fans everything I'll need. Then I'll have the exhaust fan and intake and can be installed with door when your here if that's ok. If you got another doc appointment in summer then I'll make sure to have everything I need. Money is tight really sucks right now is what is. If you did cut the door I am going to do this don't want you to think I'm not ,waste wood I know you need. If I had a damn side job I'd be working now and my piece of junk car blah blah. Im just letting you know where my head at winter doesn't help. I'm not sure what going on with Sophie so going to vet next week was money for light.