Everything MMA Thread

I doubt Jones is going to get suckered into a standup fight with a bigger, high level kickboxer. I'm not sure if Jones can actually KO him. I watched Gane's last fight right before I posted that last comment and noticed that he always slightly off balance. I think jones will stay outside and then close the gap at every opportunity.

All of that said, Jones likes to beat people at their own game. So we might see a slick kickboxing match.
You're correct on the KO theory I think,Jones cuts people up (death by a thousand cuts),some lgt. heavys who fought him don't rave about his punching power. I don't want him to lose to a frenchman and he's doing this for the 2 belt thing,I think he was unbeatable at 205 but maybe as he ages making weight is a prob. now. At 205 he had all the advantages w/ his length, if DC had the same physical gifts as JJ their fights might have been different.
I don't know, I *wasn't disappointed that it was a short fight. We just watched maybe the greatest fighter to ever live pull a nearly flawless victory after moving up a weight class to win the belt.

*I had to correct a huge typo there. I wasn't disappointed that it was a short fight. I always thought it was funny when people complained about Mike Tyson destroying some poor bastard in the first round.
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I do not like Jon as a person but have always said he is the goat and it’s not even close. I’m sure I’ve said it many times in this thread. Last night solidified that if it was solidified enough already.
Congratulations to Mike Perry for keeping his undefeated streak alive. I wrote this a few years ago:

This is my favorite street fight. Here we have Mike Perry: an extremely reckless MMA fighter. Mike Perry did something and is now being kicked out of a restaurant. He's refusing to leave the premises before the cops show up because he doesn't want to catch additional evasion charges. He is obviously very fired up. Any human can see this.

Except the other man. He is an older, out of shape gentleman. He has injected himself into the mix for unknown reasons, and is goading on Mike Perry with brazenly unrealistic self confidence. First he says, "touch her again, mother fucker." to Mike Perry. Mike Perry ignores this comment because he's locked into a "OH, YOU DIDN'T TOUCH ME?!" debate with the woman and the guy who apparently touched him.

The older man takes a softer tone and acts as a witness against Mike Perry, which draws Mike Perry's full attention. This gives the man some juice, so he raises his voice and exclaims, "you hit him. You hit him!" while waving his arms around. This actually calms Mike Perry down for a second.
Mike Perry then says, "you all are then going to tell the po-lice" in a urban influenced country boy dialect, and the man, who has been sizing up Mike Perry decides to mock Mike Perry by saying "Tell the po-lice! The po-lice." This clearly crosses the line for Mike Perry, who then says, "I'll knock your old ass out too." The man bravely responds with, "Yeah you should do it, mother fucker!" Mike Perry hurls back a, "let's do it, you fat POS!"

That's it. War is declared. The beast has become unslumbered. The man is done playing these little boy games. It is time to clean Mike Perry's clock.
So he charges at Mike Perry with a zombie bear blitz. A move that this man has probably played out in his mind his entire life. From here he grabs the adversary and choke slams them to the ground, where he then mounts them and bashes their face in with an onslaught of god like merciless knuckle stomps.

But the assault does not go according to plan for the man. Mike Perry, being an high level MMA fighter, brutally knocks out the man with a single, well placed right hook.

Mike Perry then goes full Tupac screaming the n-bomb 35 times while waiting for the cops to arrive.

Vera +225 …
O'Malley is a super quick,tricky sniper,and I don't dislike the kid,2 things,1 I've never seen him extended for 5 rds. or spend a to of time grounded. 2 As he gets older no way he can stay 135 at 5'11(I'm 6'0 and at 170 looks like i'm shooting dope)and will additional weight negate his skills vs. opponents w/more reach/power.That said both of these guys are winners in a brutal game w/a tough climb littered w/failures to escape poverty and provide a better life for family.
O'Malley is a super quick,tricky sniper,and I don't dislike the kid,2 things,1 I've never seen him extended for 5 rds. or spend a to of time grounded. 2 As he gets older no way he can stay 135 at 5'11(I'm 6'0 and at 170 looks like i'm shooting dope)and will additional weight negate his skills vs. opponents w/more reach/power.That said both of these guys are winners in a brutal game w/a tough climb littered w/failures to escape poverty and provide a better life for family.
I think more beef on the kid might help him get injured less. The most time I've seen him grounded was in one of his early UFC fights, when his leg was injured and his opponent decided to grapple. He has a great build for BJJ. I could see him hitting Adesanya levels on the ground, dangerous and tricky, good at creating space to posture up, without a whole lot of depth.

His power is speed and timing dependent, and I don't see that going away at 145 until he's out of his prime.

Chito hasn't looked great, but its hard to look great against sandhagen. I think his patience and power will pay off, but if he gives too many reads or doesn't drain O'Malleys tank going into the later rounds, he's in for a surprise nap.
I think more beef on the kid might help him get injured less. The most time I've seen him grounded was in one of his early UFC fights, when his leg was injured and his opponent decided to grapple. He has a great build for BJJ. I could see him hitting Adesanya levels on the ground, dangerous and tricky, good at creating space to posture up, without a whole lot of depth.

His power is speed and timing dependent, and I don't see that going away at 145 until he's out of his prime.

Chito hasn't looked great, but its hard to look great against sandhagen. I think his patience and power will pay off, but if he gives too many reads or doesn't drain O'Malleys tank going into the later rounds, he's in for a surprise nap.
Porrier vs. the french dude is pretty interesting in it's own right,if the french dude end up putting out Dustin's lights,maybe he consider retiring,he's a stand up dude and has a good heart,I'd hate to see him become similar to Tony Ferguson racking up L's and KO's once the magic is gone chasing it.