Aeroponic Cloners

Not sure the question but those all had nubs and roots burst out if you add food at that point but since I don’t want to change water I removed them and repotted into 1 gallon pots
I could show you how they progressed
But I am hospitalized for a spell and my wife ms black thumb is nursing them from FaceTime
By the time I go home they will be so large you won’t even believe they are the same ones
But I could have made them pop if I fed them in the cloner
The reason I avoid that is I get roots quicker not as dense in chlorinated water once transferred to soil I get 100 % but I always have 1 or 2 out of 60 that don’t take
It could be an air embolism but I really can’t say for sure
But I look at plus 90 % out of cloner a high enough rate to hold the course
The reason I don’t feed in cloner is two fold
One it doesn’t get any weird fungus or bacteria and two I never have to clean it
I wondered about just using straight water myself, I've had success just having root plugs sitting halfway in just water. Will try both at some point. Have a cloner coming in next week, can see how these things can pay for themselves with just a few uses.
I always run mine plain water. Very clean and roots well. I think this is the secret to aero clones.
Thanks Kildo. Does the pH matter with the plain water? My tap is 8.1 which is kinda high, I haven't even used my clone king yet. Here's why, I saw a YouTube vid where this guy used a cloner and when he transplanted to soil there was a huge shock to the plant as the soil was at a way lower pH. Vs cloning from root pods, from the root pods there wasn't much of a shock when he transplanted. Maybe just his experience? What's your take? I'm in organic soil so kinda hesitant to use the Clone King
The ph I usually run around 6.0. There should be no shock going into organic soil as long as it is not over amended and hot. You can give the roots a little haircut make the root mass square and use a garden knife to transplant.
The ph I usually run around 6.0. There should be no shock going into organic soil as long as it is not over amended and hot. You can give the roots a little haircut make the root mass square and use a garden knife to transplant.
Awesome...I'll give that a try. Thanks.