New grow room Autopot grow

ryan s

Well-Known Member
I feel like I should say that as far as my impressions on the autopots and Beanstalk crf goes, I think they're doing pretty great things so far. My plants don't look perfect by any means, but this has been bar none the easiest veg I've ever done. It's just keep the reservoir filled and ph'ed and refill the humidifier. I have taken way more time with the plants in the meantime and it's been a joy so far.

My grow area should be setup in a couple of weeks and then I will transplant into another autopot and hopefully be switched to flower around the weekend of December 17th.

I took some pictures of my plants that appear to have that most amount of plant problems in hopes that I may be able to find some solutions here. Over all I am impressed with beanstalk in veg.




ryan s

Well-Known Member
My plants just keep growing. I'm hoping the construction on Area 51 will be done soon enough. The hole on the side of my garage is still there so we'll see.


I'm getting ready for the next transplant as soon as Area 51 is assembled and I had thirty minutes so I measured out nutrients for the flower cycle. The instructions call for 15g Absolute Flower per gallon coco, 5g K-Boost, and 5g Ca-Fortify. It says you can use more in a looser soil so I decided to up everything 20%. I'm using 9 gallon pots so I made six ziploc bags, one for each plant, and measured 162g Aboslute Flower, 54g K-Boost and 54g Ca-Fortify into each bag.


When I transplant, all I will have to do is mix the zip lock bag into the medium and mix it in. All I will need to do throughout the grow in terms of feeding is keep the reservoir filled with pH'ed tap water and everything else will be automated. It's all simple and I hope the results don't reflect a lazy grow, but an efficient and simple way to get good results.

ryan s

Well-Known Member
I did a major defoliation and rearranged the tent. I believe the issues i have been having with the auotpots are due to the bases not being level. If this is so, it should not be a problem in the garage.


ryan s

Well-Known Member
I believe my autopots are working now. They just needed to be level.

The garage is patched and now all that needs done is paint. I need to transplant asap so I'm hoping I can move my supplies in there sometime next week.

Moving right along. This journal might get a little more interesting next month when I move on into flower. The plants are already pretty tall.

Please feel free to comment!!

ryan s

Well-Known Member
The grow room, Area 51, is almost completely set up. There is very little left to do and nothing that needs to be done until the plants are done vegging.

I started:
2x Blueberry Bang Bang
3x Grand Master Sexy
3x The Hive

So far, 1 BBB and 1 GMS have sprouted. I need 6 total. Anything above that will be kept in small pots as back ups. I might pick up some more gear from autopot, like a tray2grow, for the clone and mini veg chambers in the veg tent so that these may water themselves as well.

ryan s

Well-Known Member
At least six of my seeds have germinated! I have two of each strain so far.


Here's a gratuitous picture of my flower area with only the UV light bars turned on.

Everything is set up in the grow. Over the next couple of months I will need to do only a limited number of tasks:
Get extension cord for dehumidifier.
Hook up CO2.
Buy chest freezer.
Buy materials for cloning and mother plants.

I think that is about it. We rockin', baby!

ryan s

Well-Known Member
Discovered last night that the whole room in on one 20A circuit. I have no clue how I let that happen when the room was being built. Costly error, but I'm going to get that fixed. This shouldn't delay the grow very much if at all.

ryan s

Well-Known Member


All 8 seeds have germinated. I will be replanting these in a few weeks into their final veg containers where they will veg until the new year. I'm looking forward to my first harvest hopefully in March.