Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH


Well-Known Member
Well, some not so great news.

The 3 plants which weren't growing had to be yanked. The roots of these were covered in goops of slime and I had to remove them from the tank for safety of the 2 good plants.

I tried to clone the tops of the 3 I had to pull, so we'll see if they make better clones.

The 2 plants left in the tank have been doing well. I see some great growth and the taller one is now 10". I'll probably start them flowering this week sometime. I'll update with some pics soon!

On the side note, the Dutch Passion Blueberries I ordered are getting closer! Here's what the UPS tracking info has to say about it:

"Status: Inbound International Arrival

Your item arrived in the United States in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 2:27 AM on December 4, 2008."



Well-Known Member
Shit man oh well at least you got 2 girls. How much vertical space to you have for growth anyways??
Yeah, hopefully girls! Started them flowering last night so I'll find out soon enough I guess. I'll put up some pics tonight.

I've got about 7 feet of vertical space, so definitely not pressed. I'm thinking of getting a small grow going and veging for 2 months and try to get some trees. That's a long wait though..don't know if I have the patience.



Well-Known Member
So....I put in the HPS bulb in last night and switched them over to 12/12 for the first time. Still going on veg nutes at 1/2 strength.

I get home from work today to check on them before the light switched off and I might be wrong here, but I think my bigger plant is a female. Can they even show 1 day into flowering? I hope I right, but it does look like a couple of little white whiskers coming out of what I think is the correct location on the plant.

I tried to capture with my camera and you can kind of make it out in this picture (damn HPS screws with the pics)

Here is what the 2 survivors look like now:



Well-Known Member
sweet! can't believe how early it showed..i was expecting to wait at least a couple of weeks. now waiting on the other one..but it's smaller so might take longer.


Active Member
amazing thread! answered so many questions I had so far. how many plants should i start with if i were interested in having only one successful plant (space problems.)?



Well-Known Member
Glad all my mistakes through this grow helped stop someone from making them. I sure learned a lot throughout it and realized how much more there is still to learn.

all about patience!


Well-Known Member
sorry to be the bubble burster but theirs no way that a plant shows its sex in one day! what he has there is normal on both genders. your looking 2 sets of skinny white hairs (pistils) on each internode. i dont mean to be rude but any one who's been growin for a while will tell u that one day is out of the question.

yep, it looks like a female to me, just as long as no balls appear we'll be good!


Active Member
A quick search turned up these results:

"I only ever use a 24 cycle for seedlings, you should always use 18/6 for veg, they can show sex during veg cycle. The reason you want 18/6 is because your plants actually do need sleep at night, some time for photosynthesis to stop and the plant gets a chance to rest for a new day of growth, you will notice your plants grow surprisingly faster with a 18/6 cycle vs 24hr. "

I copied and pasted this from someones post on rollitup. You could go back and forth and you could find people that will tell you that its not possible and that it is. Since You vegged for a long time I came to the conclusion that we were looking at a female but with preflowers it is hard to tell. I like to remain positive. Next time I would use feminized seeds, because you have did alot of work and mostly waited a long time, and if you did get a male it would be a big dissapointment having to snuff him out.


Well-Known Member
The problem with feminized seeds is
some growers are stupid enough to think they can breed them
and then we all end up with a bunch of hermaphrodite genes
in the pool.

If you buy fem seeds,
learn to clone
and keep any stray males away from them.

As far as light cycles go,
I have tried several.
7 on 5 off

I don't notice much difference,
except in my electric bill.

As long as the light cycle
is greater than 14 hours in 24
then the plant will veg.

This current grow I ran 24/0
mostly to keep the room warm.

From planting seed under 24/0
to 12/12 in 49 days.

I think the amount of light,
and spectrum of the light,
will have the biggest impact on your grow.

Plants can be sexed when they are quite small,
but it still takes time to get them mature enough to analyze.

Here is a picture of a small plant
and the "pussy" that you are looking for.

look here, usually around the 6th-9th node


Well-Known Member
That's exactly how the pussy looks on my plant!!! Noticed another pair of 'pussies' on the brand new node just this morning. Also noticed that she's shot up at least an inch in the 2 days I've had her flowering. Now to wait for the other plant and hope they're lesbians! :weed:

Just don't have a good enough closeup macro mode on my camera to capture it like in the post above. Thanks Earl once again!



Well-Known Member
Great man seeing some future bud sights!!! Btw When did your plants start smelling?
Sweet, hope so! My tall one, I'll just call him Yao, has been smelling for a couple of weeks now and Shortbus is still not smelling yet. The tall one smells delicious though!



Well-Known Member
dont believe everything u read. sometimes its better to know from exprience then from what some other guy wrote. try to do ur own research on your own plants. then believe what u learned from your crop. just a few words of advice. when i started growing i would believe anything any one said or wrote and i've come to the conclusion that its up to the grower to decide whats best for your plants not what somebody else is telling u cuz their not growin what your growin.

A quick search turned up these results:

"I only ever use a 24 cycle for seedlings, you should always use 18/6 for veg, they can show sex during veg cycle. The reason you want 18/6 is because your plants actually do need sleep at night, some time for photosynthesis to stop and the plant gets a chance to rest for a new day of growth, you will notice your plants grow surprisingly faster with a 18/6 cycle vs 24hr. "

I copied and pasted this from someones post on rollitup. You could go back and forth and you could find people that will tell you that its not possible and that it is. Since You vegged for a long time I came to the conclusion that we were looking at a female but with preflowers it is hard to tell. I like to remain positive. Next time I would use feminized seeds, because you have did alot of work and mostly waited a long time, and if you did get a male it would be a big dissapointment having to snuff him out.


Active Member
dont believe everything u read. sometimes its better to know from exprience then from what some other guy wrote. try to do ur own research on your own plants. then believe what u learned from your crop. just a few words of advice. when i started growing i would believe anything any one said or wrote and i've come to the conclusion that its up to the grower to decide whats best for your plants not what somebody else is telling u cuz their not growin what your growin.
I'm sure your right. I have no actual experience, but have gotten the virtual experience for the last several years. I have spent alot of time on here dreaming and reading, and researching so that the day my magical beans go into the ground, I will be ready for anything that hits me. So Yesterday my magical beans have arrived!! and my closet is almost ready with the light, ventilation, carbon, constant good temps, and a complete line of food by advanced nutrients. I think I am finally ready, but I might wait till December 25 just to make it that more special. I will be growing dutch passion Purple #1 and Nirvana Wonder Woman. Can't Wait!!!