can the police really catch you from your electricity bill


Well-Known Member
i was wondering how big of a grow will make the police catch on to you....because my i have a closet grow with 2 plants and a 400watt hps , yes it did raise my light bill a little but not much my light bill is $126 this was aroound $80-$100 befor i installed that that a problem or what
yes, they can also bust you based on your purchases, based on your bank account transactions, everything, patriot act allows the police to have access to lots of records, remember anything that is evidence of your grow op, is evidence of your grow op. now a 126 dollar a month electric bill, for an apartment? so what? I could rack that up, taking two showers a day and leaving the tv on.
LOL, no.

If the cops are looking at your electric bill, credit card bill, mail, etc. you're already fucked. Those things are called "corroborating evidence" and they're collected during the course of an investigation. What triggers an investigation is a sworn affidavit from an individual (friend, cop, stranger wandering through your field), this gives the cops the legal authority to get warrants to search your ... electric bills, credit card bills, mail, etc. Like I said, if they're looking at that shit, you're already fucked.
No, the electric company controls those finances and they will overlook almost every bill as long as it's paid on time and in full. They're in the business of making money just like everybody else, a $20 increase in your electric bill will be like a fart in the wind, nobody knows nor cares where it came from.
thanks for the information i feel better

Don't sweat it bro, feds aren't looking for closet grows and state boys (in my neck of the woods) are too busy busting crackhouses. I stood in court next to a man accused of posessing 4 ounces of crack and $10k. I was there for a nickelbag... needless to say, the judge dismissed my case.
The electric co will become suspicious is they think you are stealing electricity other than that you're aight
There is so much paranoia here about trivial stuff. Years ago before it was legalized here, a buddy and i used two 1,000 watt halides in a garage along with fans. It at least doubled the electicity bill, and I'm sure id they were looking for unusual heat, the top of the garage would have showed it.

But legal or not, police generally have better things to do than do all the stuff mentioned in the OP's post and elsewhere here. For the most part, unless you are unlicensed or growing HUGE amounts and distributing, it's low on their prioroty list
ya...the electric company is making money off of you....they arent goin to turn u in unless u are stealing it....then everyones upset
LOL, no.

If the cops are looking at your electric bill, credit card bill, mail, etc. you're already fucked. Those things are called "corroborating evidence" and they're collected during the course of an investigation. What triggers an investigation is a sworn affidavit from an individual (friend, cop, stranger wandering through your field), this gives the cops the legal authority to get warrants to search your ... electric bills, credit card bills, mail, etc. Like I said, if they're looking at that shit, you're already fucked.
that is true this is how it works
i was wondering how big of a grow will make the police catch on to you....because my i have a closet grow with 2 plants and a 400watt hps , yes it did raise my light bill a little but not much my light bill is $126 this was aroound $80-$100 befor i installed that that a problem or what

If you rigged up your panel box to steal electricity, then yes they might bust you. Don't steal it, and just pay your bill on time and you'll be fine. And don't tell anyone you're growing. ;)
i was wondering how big of a grow will make the police catch on to you....because my i have a closet grow with 2 plants and a 400watt hps , yes it did raise my light bill a little but not much my light bill is $126 this was aroound $80-$100 befor i installed that that a problem or what

After quiet a bit of thinking I have come up with this answer if the DEA’s green thumb department were to have a link with your local power company for say AEP and they had a program in they’re computer that would red flag people that had a high power consumption within a 12hr period and then for the other 12hrs of the day it just completely dropped say as if you had 4 1000w hps hid’s running for 12hrs on 12 hrs off in order to induce your plant into budding the rapid drop in electricity in that exact same cycle for 2 months straight would more than definitely red flag you in they’re computer system there by alerting officials who could then go through your garbage, survey your house, audit funds, and possibly that alone could lead to a search warrant to “protect” the kids in your town from you being an insidious criminal growing the one side affect free drug that is grown from the earth that you cannot over dose on and relieves 85% of almost all pains and has less carcinogens then a black and mild. In other words yes we do have technology and the us would rather worry about us “pot” heads rather then spending that useful resource money to find little Suzie who is being rapped and beaten ever since she was abducted. Fuck the USA
I've replied to this question a few times before, here on RIU. I'm not feeling like re-writing my opinion here again so i'm going to post the link to the thread. Check it out. I think you'll find it interesting. I say read the entire thread, it has good info. Also note that my first post in this thread has a link to another thread. Read that one first. It will give you some background on why I have the opinions that I do concerning electrical usage and LEO. Hope it helps calm your nerves.

PS I run 400 watts and don't lose any sleep over it.
just always pay your bill on time and make sure there is no need for a service person to take a physical look at your meter, let me answer it like this CAN they use the electricity against you, YES but if you they have went this far this means you prob. were already being watched/going to be getting busted anyway! :(, Just the Small spike alone will not set off any flags, so use common since, don't steal electricity, dont forget to pay/pay on TIME, and keep your lips sealed. This is the #1 reason why people get busted, they are so eager to show their friends, etc, TAKE A PICTURE show them one day when your not growing! anyhow I hope this little info helps somehow I know most of you is just COMMON SENSE lol but nowa days ppl are lacking this!! GOOD LUCK BUDDY! given everything I said just be careful and just grow dont be to paranoid either!!
idk about that but i do think there shud b a thread of rollitup growers that disapear incase we are on this site like catlle n just get picked off now n then when we are ripe lol just kiddin...
or am i ....
the truth is out there skully.
you are completly fine, for all they know you are running a 1000w heater fan because you are cold, they are not allowed to just assume you are there has to be a reason, smell/sight/word of mouth ect. just keep a low profile, keep us updated
i was wondering how big of a grow will make the police catch on to you....because my i have a closet grow with 2 plants and a 400watt hps , yes it did raise my light bill a little but not much my light bill is $126 this was aroound $80-$100 befor i installed that that a problem or what
NOT without a warrant. And even then a good attorney would challenge its validity.

They are also prohibited from using a FLIR camera mounted on a helicopter to scan your home for a suspicious heat signature as well as bringing a drug dog on to your front porch on a 'knock and talk'

The 4th Amendment is a helluva thing!