wtf are some of you thinking?

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Well-Known Member
the same reason the lazy assholes wont do the tinnyest bit of research ? but seriously i can't stand either side of that arguement. people need to do their own research but this is a public forum for people to ask questions. your going to get people on both sides of the spectrum ones that do no research and ask a million mundaine questions and those who do their research and just have a problem they want help with. I do my best to answer questions as long as it apears the person has done their research and if they havn't i simply say read the grow FAQ and link them to it its not hard. theirs no way to filter the crap on a public forum so its easyest to just not answer the questions you don't want to its really not that hard and it would probley lower a few of these bitches blood preasures

again can we get an admin to lock this the same shit is getting repeated and making more people pissed. the person that made this thread was banned by FDD who is for all intensive purposes god on this forum case closed no need to bitch about somthing that is already over and done with


Well-Known Member
the same reason the lazy assholes wont do the tinnyest bit of research ? but seriously i can't stand either side of that arguement. people need to do their own research but this is a public forum for people to ask questions. your going to get people on both sides of the spectrum ones that do no research and ask a million mundaine questions and those who do their research and just have a problem they want help with. I do my best to answer questions as long as it apears the person has done their research and if they havn't i simply say read the grow FAQ and link them to it its not hard. theirs no way to filter the crap on a public forum so its easyest to just not answer the questions you don't want to its really not that hard and it would probley lower a few of these bitches blood preasure.

Are you seriously suggesting that the grow faq are clear??? they are muddled with contridicting info, and suggestions.they would confuse a master like d.j. short.So again. i say How bout you selfish assholes shut the fuck up and help someone out. or get off the forums.


Well-Known Member
damn so angry for someone who smokes canabis is that fork just in your ass or is it turned sideways as well? I am simply suggesting that the grow FAQ has alot of good information for someone who knows nothing about growing canabis and is a good refrence tool for answering most questions. if the grow FAQ dosn't answer their question then by all means post on the forum thats what its their for. in closing roll one up and smoke it you need it


Junior Creatologist
how bout you selfish assholes shut the fuck up and help someone out. how bout that.

Most of the Vets are actually really hepful. At least they were when i was just a n00b tryin to find my way around here. N most of them still are really great people. I mean, if you find somebody thats tired of answering questions n everything, thats fine, just move on n ask somebody thats willing to help man, theres an over abundance of people here that know what theyre doin. N a good grower should always be willing to pass their knowledge on to the next generation. Its not knowledge that anybody was born with, its knowledge that was passed down to them, just like its being passed down to us, and well pass it down to the next person n so on. People that dont like answering questions reguardless of their experience, i just dont get. I mean, this is supposed to be something that we spread all over the world so everyone can grow - the more the merrier, right?? I dont get some peoples unwillingness to help out, but then again, the majority of the people who ive seen unwilling to help or bitching about some question being stupid, are people with very little experience. Ive RARELY seen a vet turn down help to someone thats in need of it.

-Like i said, if someone gets ignornant because they feel that a question your asking is too dumb for them to aknowledge, the move on to asking someone else who doesnt have a bug up their ass. But in the same hand, do some reading too. I dont see why people get so mad over other people actually having a contrary opinion to the whole "Fuck you, read the FAQs n stop asking dumb questions you dumb son of a bitch" attitude. wierd ass shit, lol.

-n whos gettin pissed?? Im touchin on the subject cuz ive been gone for a day or two n havent seen this thread, and its caught my interest. i could give a fuck less if the person who started the thread was ignorant n got himself banned. I was merely saying that if someone needs some help with something, no matter how much somebody wants to bitch n complain (not you personally neccesarily) about how stupid a question is, theres always gonna be somebody nice enough to help out n field a question for them. n like was said, theres opinions that lay on both sides of the spectrum, so its understandable for sure to be tired of repeating yourself if your one of the people who dont like to help out the new newbies, but for me personally, i dont mind helping somebody out, reguardless of what the question is. I consider myself blessed that i know the answers to the simplest of questions when it comes to growing pot. So im happy to help anybody that crosses my path. :D


Well-Known Member
And then use some sticky strips for gnats and flying anything and some bti for your water so that you dont breed anything in your tank or on you soild medium as the water contains bti totally harmless to weed/quote]

anyone know what bti is??


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone all pissed off on this?

I can understand how one could get irritated by someone who
has done no reading at all and asks "how to grow weed".....

I for one found this site because I wanted to learn
how to grow weed, and make everyone and myself

happy. I saw how much people liked my big brother
when he was growing weed. He's one of those really

cool dealers that will always try and hook you up...
and by doing that, everyone had some dank ass weed,
and everyone was happy. I just thought I'd try it because
I've always found reading about growing weed interesting, and
because I absolutely love gardening. If I didn't love gardening
so much, I probably wouldn't be interested in it. So people, that
being said, lets just all calm down, smoke a joint, and be happy...
please. I think we're all here to fight government tyranny by growing
weed, and to help others cope with everyday life....

So, just kick it guys.I thought pot smokers were supposed to be
peaceful people. There's always that question in my mind....

---If you were moving in a house, but there are only three choices
to where you could move, who would you live next to? A crackhead,
an alcoholic, or a pot smoker?---

Of course you'd choose the pot smoker, because when we get high,
we're chill, and we don't get all crazy. It just seems like this thread
isn't proving that point. So chill...

I'm a noob, and haven't had any experience at all. But I'm confident
I won't be horrible at growing. I didn't ask any questions on here
until I was done reading the GrowFAQ, plus other helpful sites.
By just READING on this site with so many people, I feel I have
adequate knowledge to try and help others, and if not, I don't answer.

But I love this site, its a new favorite of mine....
So CHILL. and toke up.:weed:


Well-Known Member
anyone know what bti is??

BTI Mosquito Briquets are a sustained-release larvicide that conveniently floats right on the water surface. These briquets can be used in virtually any standing water site where mosquito larvae grow. As the briquets float, BTI (or bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, a natural mosquito-killing biocontrol agent) is slowly released at the water’s surface and gradually settles in the water where it is consumed mosquito larvae. Bti kills mosquito larvae before they are able to grow into mature, biting adults, eventually controlling the mosquito population. Additionally, the toxin will continue to be released into the water for a period of 30 days or more, providing continuous kill. Each briquet will effectively treat up to 100 square feet of surface water regardless of depth.

Active Ingredient: Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis solids, spores and insecticidal toxins, 10.31%
Target pests: Mosquitoes and Psychodid Flies, and their larvae
For use in: bird baths, old automobile tires, rain barrels, ponds, abandoned or unused swimming pools (particularly above ground types), ditches, tree holes, roof gutters for collecting rainwater, flower pots, animal watering troughs, waste water treatment plants, elevator shafts, basements that flood, sump pumps and any drainage areas within buildings
Pet safe: Yes; when used as directed
Yield: 1 briquet treats up to 100 sq ft of water


Well-Known Member

BTI Mosquito Briquets are a sustained-release larvicide that conveniently floats right on the water surface. These briquets can be used in virtually any standing water site where mosquito larvae grow. As the briquets float, BTI (or bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, a natural mosquito-killing biocontrol agent) is slowly released at the water’s surface and gradually settles in the water where it is consumed mosquito larvae. Bti kills mosquito larvae before they are able to grow into mature, biting adults, eventually controlling the mosquito population. Additionally, the toxin will continue to be released into the water for a period of 30 days or more, providing continuous kill. Each briquet will effectively treat up to 100 square feet of surface water regardless of depth.

Active Ingredient: Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis solids, spores and insecticidal toxins, 10.31%
Target pests: Mosquitoes and Psychodid Flies, and their larvae
For use in: bird baths, old automobile tires, rain barrels, ponds, abandoned or unused swimming pools (particularly above ground types), ditches, tree holes, roof gutters for collecting rainwater, flower pots, animal watering troughs, waste water treatment plants, elevator shafts, basements that flood, sump pumps and any drainage areas within buildings
Pet safe: Yes; when used as directed
Yield: 1 briquet treats up to 100 sq ft of water

kool....thanx smokingrubber, for the info...........


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob, and haven't had any experience at all. But I'm confident
I won't be horrible at growing. I didn't ask any questions on here
until I was done reading the GrowFAQ, plus other helpful sites.
By just READING on this site with so many people, I feel I have
adequate knowledge to try and help others, and if not, I don't answer.

thats what i LOVE to see keep it up Also locking this thread anyone ? if not i guess we can see if we can break 20 pages in a 24 hour period


Well-Known Member
OP needs to quit his whining and moaning. chill out and if someone needs help aid them, its all in good heart, all for good cannabis and all then for a good cause.



Well-Known Member
i find my ph pen and ppm pen very usefull, was this guy joking around about ratting you out i read the post he was lol and then said he would probably hide in the closet if the dea was there


Well-Known Member
personally i feel a gluacoma patient who cant read. should be allowed to ask questions.and get help.problem is there are alot of ignorant people here and mean people.I personally dont care if you read the garbage faq. or not. if you need help and i can help.I will.and i feel a true site dedicated to potheads,would be full of people who share my view.This is not that site.This site is full of status happy sheep and wanna be's.A bunch of bored children.So ill say this now. If you care about growing good weed and need help. look me up. Im a master at my craft.And i like to help anyone who wants to grow better.I dont care if you have or have not read the faqs.


Active Member
wtf ... I need to smoke a bowl ofter this thread!

Noobs like me post dumb ass questions b/c we want people to comment on our problems and photo's isn't that what this site is all about?

when it is all new and exciting you want to tell people, but it's not like you can stand on your roof and tell everyone you know is it!


Uses the Rollitup profile
Obviously, Dazed is confused, and doesn't know shit about growing.

Luckily for us, he's gone now, and we can continue partying. :bigjoint:

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