Waiting For God to send Wife


Well-Known Member
monogamy is something the church has drilled into societies head...Humans are not monogamous, dudes wanna spread their wild oats, and chicks want the alpha of the group..We are just animals with a huge ego, and have created a way to control people through the thought of an afterlife...If jesus is all forgiving like all christians preach..he'll forgive you in the end

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
are you and Jesus holding hands wile you materbate to the porns you say your addicted to?please tell me god boy maybe i can join you and we can have a circle jerk you can be the pivot man!!!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I am also trying to give up porn which I'm addiccted to. I will try to take it one step at a time. It seems like alot of girls lose there virginity so early but there must be a jewel out there for me I know it and I am in waiting. Patience is key. peace and love, god bless all of you.

you truly are a prince among men i'd like you to meet my daughter


Well-Known Member
ty for the posts guy's, big P i'm srry you feel that way, school taught us that we came from evolution and sadly I believed it for some time until I found a bible which can really speak to you if you let it, robert man I didn't mean to toot my horn which I was trying to avoid in the first place to sound as humble as possible and get along with everyone and any negative reply is a bad reply and you sound like an accusser and a judge to me which is exactly what satan does. I believe most will be ressurected on a earthly paradise and a few chosen one's will be brought to live in heaven right away to govern with Jesus, but the unrightious will be brought to live to be judged. I'm not saying I'm perfect but adleast I admitted to looking at porn and will try to better myself in all area's but it's a life process and only Jesus was perfect and God jehova understands that more than we understand ourself's. God knows all.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
not judging once again just asking you asked for quotes i quoted the big ten and all of a sudden because you don't feel all godly I'm the devil?? cool


Well-Known Member
Robert, as a matter of fact now that I think about it the main reason I said I was addicted to porn was to actually show that I am not perfect and that I do have issues to work on like everyone else. Then you came on my thread and made a negative comment, I ignored you at first but then you made another, then another. Man you were not acting mellow, frankly srry to say you are acting like a lil b*tch! But it's ok because we all have our sin's and I totally forgive you. Now let's end this bitterness.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Robert, as a matter of fact now that I think about it the main reason I said I was addicted to porn was to actually show that I am not perfect and that I do have issues to work on like everyone else. Then you came on my thread and made a negative comment, I ignored you at first but then you made another, then another. Man you were not acting mellow, frankly srry to say you are acting like a lil b*tch! But it's ok because we all have our sin's and I totally forgive you. Now let's end this bitterness.

ok but this don't mean were taking long walks on the beach together and long hot showers .... i give love robert

Big P

Well-Known Member
well wish you the best, but just remeber you cant expect everything to be as it seems. Poeple are too caniving for that.



yeah, one of the reasons im not all that fond of religion is it expects you to have one wife...forever..always.... haha i just dont see that happening

biologically men have instincts...

youll notice it walking down the street

(i dont mean to offend anyone by talking about evoloution) but we have evolved certain things in our mind

for example...

your girlfriend gets mad cause you were look at a beautiful woman walking down the street...

its not fair for her to get mad IMO because your insticts, the evoloutionary trait....the ONLY THING that we KNOW we exist for (as any other creature)
and the NUMBER ONE GOAL of human life IS...

Keep the race going...
EVERY animal has this instinct...
survival of the race

so while your girlfriend will get pissed at you for it... its really evoloutions fault that your brain is telling you "ah man look at that hot woman i would hit that so damn fast"

any time you find a woman attractive its evoloution and biologys way of telling you and giving you that "woah hot chick" feeling because your subconcious notices that this person has desireable traits

traits you unconciously want your offspring to have

its crazy how evoloution, biology, and the brain works

next time you think a girl is hot remember its your brain telling you that it wants her traits and her genes in your off spring
(even if you dont want kids like i dont i hate them =/ )


Active Member
Faith in Him. Acknowledge Him first in all things and follow through with what He puts on your heart. God will bless you for it. Life is not about preventing, running from, or going around the fires that pop up. Its about how you handle yourself as you walk through them. If it is in His plan that you find the right woman you will. Find peace in that. Going through life trusting Him will provide you with more than you can begin to imagine.


Well-Known Member
yeah, one of the reasons im not all that fond of religion is it expects you to have one wife...forever..always.... haha i just dont see that happening

biologically men have instincts...

Spoken like a child...

You know that shakespear bit that says, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts"? It relates to how you will change throughout your life, you'll be the baby, you'll be the child, youll be the parent and the grandparent, and they will all be distinctly diffirent...

You are caught up in a short lived juvenile way of thinking that will pass.

I have a wonderfull wife, beautifull, inteligent enough to have been dux student at her high school, and very careing. I can not imagine a day without her, and could not concider evr being anything but faithfull to her.

Because of my medical condition we can sometimes not get it on for months... neither of us are bothered by it, we had our share, and the times we get around to it are breathtaking in terms of being very special.
But the physical part of the relationship has maybe a 5 or 10% role in the big scheme of things...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
BTW FYI do not tell anyone your a virgin if you ever go to prison.
i was 19 and a virgin when i was sent to prison for something i didnt do , they put me in a cell with this 350 lb. arion nation thug i. i almost started to cry ,until he asked if i wanted to play a game to pass the time . i thought here we go. he asked if i wanted to play house that i could be the momma or the daddy. great i thought this might not be so bad so i said i'll be the daddy ,great adolf says come over here and suck your mommas dick!!!