Upgrading LED Lights


Well-Known Member
FWIW > I don't rely on the power knob to set power, I use a simple free lux meter on my phone and convert to par x .015.

But, it's more complicated than that !

What is your feed ppm ?

What is your temperature at plant height ?

What is the rh ?

How and where is your ventilation/air movement ?

Have you tried lollipopping the bottoms ?



Well-Known Member
FWIW > I don't rely on the power knob to set power, I use a simple free lux meter on my phone and convert to par x .015.

But, it's more complicated than that !

What is your feed ppm ?

What is your temperature at plant height ?

What is the rh ?

How and where is your ventilation/air movement ?

Have you tried lollipopping the bottoms ?

1.8ec the .5ec of it is tap calcium and magnese something like that. Maxi bloom 5x a day.

About 75-89F Usually 85 Average. 38-45rh 50rh probably at lights out or some time Im not looking. No more than 50rh.

6” inline fan and filter in 2.5x5x6.5 and 3x3x6. No canopy fans. All inline fans on max with bug screen cut out so no dust clog, all vents open.

Yes I just learned to lollipop real well but they grow too thick colas and debating on tossing 10oz. Todays the day it goes down Im starting to doubt my decision to consume it, a few balls of mold is one thing but Im cutting too much out.

So the rest is bathed in spores. Shallow canopy not wall to wall just snug until colas flop but usually time to chop in 2 wks from then. I just did 9 full wks.

I got perpetual goin on so three more 6-8oz clones in mid flower so should take advantage of that and toss this or let my confirmative bias get the best of me that people do this all the time.


Well-Known Member
These the molded plants. Lots of good nug left but shit its spored up. So public appeal is zero no need to show her off its a stunt at this point to consume it but lots of people been since dawn of time like this.



Well-Known Member
Now the “no smoking” sticker just looks hilarious. Didnt plan on that. Just implying Im extracts only tryung to start a new trend. That aged badly but meh I had so many mold free runs I know what I have to do. Now to decide if to toss this or not.


Well-Known Member
The problem with my decision based on that is people do that outdoors indoors is a new field as thats a modern day thing ya know caveman shit evolution. Outdoors pollen and mold can drift away where as indoors can actually get gross if you cant afford a microchip lab like cleanliness. Even if I tried my hardest its gonna be dirty.

Just sits there sitting in the same air even if you vent out or in whatever. I thought I read once that indoor air quality is usually much worse than outside at that.


Well-Known Member
1.8ec the .5ec of it is tap calcium and magnese something like that. Maxi bloom 5x a day.
I don't use ec, I use ppm's and when I ran the Maxi Series anything over 1000 would burn....

About 75-89F Usually 85 Average. 38-45rh 50rh probably at lights out or some time Im not looking. No more than 50rh.
If you pay any attention to VPD you need to consistently lower your temperature. 50% and 77F will put you in the green zone.

Since you say you are experiencing mold I would try to get the rh down to 40% with more air flow at canopy height.

Another option is to limit the amount of cola's. Top and train sideways and trim all side branches right up to flower with the aim of leaving Only a dozen or so top branches/cola's. Also cuts trimming time from hours to minutes.

Something like this...

Green Crack  10 Nov.jpg

Yes I just learned to lollipop real well but they grow too thick colas
LO, this is a too thick cola with No mold ;)

Day 111 NOTM NO card Natural 10 Nov 2023.jpg

I would suggest after harvest you clean/sterilize your grow space and take Control over the eventual shape of your plant(s).

Keep an eye on your temperature/rh, increase your in tent air movement, etc. to reduce the chances of any mold at all....



Well-Known Member
Last couple runs same exact tent. Il figure it out just gonna likely listen to people who been growin longer than I been alive and toss them. Make best of a shitty situation kumbiah. Take a T break its not a lovely time to get baked out of my mind.



Well-Known Member
Thats what drives me crazy though I also been told by large scale growers to just carefully cut it out and around it generously and stay on top of it. I just got a bad set of more infections getting me grossed out but I still was on it. To chop only a wk early was pretty ballsy of me. Just trying to follow the old gurus that used to be here.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes walking into veg tent is the most relaxing thing on earth. Just watching the heart of my perpetual grow at work. Photo from few days ago theyre all exploding un growth suddenly. Making me worried 2 wks planted clones looked stunted and the big ones werent exploding yet.



Well-Known Member
Holy shit yall first time seeing PM. Couple spots but got to be more. I think this run is spoiled its just in the middle of a bloom. Im too grossed out to consume and paranoid its gonna screw me over the rest of garden. I heard someone say PM is the worst thing that can happen holy shit and I got it.


Well-Known Member
Thats the thing though I was using epistar led diodes of a brand knock off and was only barely cheaper. Just looked again, yea theyre not much cheaper even the other knock off brands probably same diodes.

I think theres something to samsung lights growing better girthy buds at a quarter the watts. Comparing buds in full size plant getting 65w or even the 130w one per 2x2 space.

The clear winners are the mars hydro and samsung which essentially both are Im sure. Ive seen the.. freakin whats it called.

LM301B is all I can find that they use amd its on their SP series. I heard theyre only like 3 mfg in the world that make led diodes and all brands use it but some use the latest newest best tech.

Top bin of those at that which I heard of but not sure what means other than it performs the best of that latest tech.

That diode manufacturing theyre not all perfect theres top bin then the rest but thats just what I heard/know atm .

I remember they used to advertize openly what diodes theyre using idk what changed. I had to look hard just to find that. like this diode and compares to other brand and says “fake diodes” lol.
So the bin is basically like the same concept as Intel CPU’s not every board is created equal ,
the best quality LED’s I believe go to tv companies first . I used to run Amazon king LED’s and had good results . high quality smoke and decent yields . I switched to a 4x4 fluence spydr 2i , and my results got much better . Photos yielding 2.5lbs per light . I just recently switched to the kind x750 , and having a switch for reds/IR/Uv should improve upon yields once again , or at least match previous runs ,

if you’re on a budget , I’d run vipraspectra like everyone else recommended , or even the king led . They draw around 530w from the wall , have a veg/bloom switch , and grow quality product for 150 bucks a piece .

I still use my king led/ for clones and mothers in veg


Well-Known Member
It just started in more places than I thought not the pm the pm is new but theres good buds but its hard to make any decision right now. I say toss it and do that next time and grow them much smaller and I guess get some fans again.

Ive grown a real moldy plant in the same room before its crazy never seeing this level of infection. All my plants were unquestionably clean so damn maybe the plants defense is just all time low this run.


Well-Known Member
I threw them away I have to keep the rest of garden safe which its not. My best run turned into the worst ever. I have no idea how it could go so wrong.

I dont know what to expect from here just take it day by day.


Well-Known Member
It had botritus but also a green mold growing on where I cut the infected cola out right on the stem. Webbing that just spands over the bud in ways never seen before in such early form like just few strands but its either spider web or still botritus getting even more vicious.

Then pm which is a lot of growers worst nightmare. So just too much to keep I dont care about that its by deseign but also a easy down fall if I dont treat it like commercial growers do. All eggs one basket.

Need to gaurd mothers shit a lot of stuff I probably wont do. How do people even dirtier and lazier than me manage to not come across this? Well this could make or break me but all I got right now is my experience. Seems to be half the time I get unheard of things.

Next time Im removing the whole plant upon one infection approach. This wasnt smart I just pumped my room full of nightmare spores of the dreadful pm. Idk how commercial growers do it or even people that push it, its clear I need to go back to the smaller the better approach or less is more.

Back to decking out tents with fans now if I dont feel air moving when sticking head into tent Im cringing. Someone said I had too many fans…


Well-Known Member
So I think a take away is when they say systemic hell Id be lying if I told you what that means just the obvious, it keeps coming back. If I understand that right then the whole plant toss approach is best. I need fans and a ozone gen and I guess some rubber gloves clorox the whole shebang.

Im medidedicated damn it! With a name like that yall know Im into this. Jaw dropped when I saw that shit. I didnt take a pic I been doing this hell I seen people get it for so long, I was the perfect guy for it to happen to. Im a victim of circumstance lmfao Im being silly. See I can take a loss its what Im used to.


Well-Known Member
Is it that once a mold gets familiar with a plant it makes it its home quickly and thats why I saw it go down so many different ways? Like on the very outside of cola working inward and it produce small amounts of strings between nugs like litrally transfwring from calyx to calyx and even reaching out to the next nug above it. Hard to explain.

Then in side the cola between nugs you can pull it apart and some in the very inside its no wonder it molded. It was wet and mushed all together the fattest colas I ever.. Ever grown? I guess so damn they were girthy. You see my other runs the nugs much smaller and spaced.

Anyway maybe its just like that. It got to the other plant easy being next to it and just behaving same way. Root ball is brown which is another problem. That maybe different clones from a different cycle in other tents might yield new results.

Thats all I can tell myself, Ive had half the time go ok only difference is perpetuating a mother and if systemic means anything like jumping from clone to clone through mother then hell. That from seed each time or a well guarded mother keeps health in check.

Thatd be cool because I just thought of that based on everything I know which is little. Im not fully clear to a cell level on how plants work and if mold can just hang on for the ride.


Well-Known Member
Lets carry the convo to this thread I dont want to get modded for the first time I guess I behave alright lol. Im sure they understand hell I surf the web a lot and idk anyone getting hit with shit like this.
