I fully loaded mine in, and my humidity shoots up around 88%. From there, I will be monitoring my Inkbird, and lowering the set point every few hours, depending on how the system is behaving. With a govee humidity sensor, I monitor in real time, and pretty much what I look for is for the humidity to rise and fall around 6% every 4 minutes or so (basically, the dehumidifier cycles every 4 min between on/off). If I set the humidity too low, I think the dehu freezes up cause it never reaches the set point but will also stop pulling moisture out. About twice a day I will put a paper towel in the condensation tray and remove a lot of water. No mold issues with this process the last time I used it. I'm currently using it now, and after 4 days it is now at about 79%. Trying 65F this time.