Over watering? Nutrient problem? Light problem?


Well-Known Member
The tall plant on the left appears to be turning yellow, the tips of the leafs look brown, the plant is drooping. I have 2 CFL 23 watt bulbs (150watts) 1 inch away. I have the light on 24/7 since they was born. I water until the water runs out the bottom of the cup one time every morning.

Too much water, Too many hours of light, not enough nutrients?

I want this to be 100% organic.

EDIT: I have added no nutrients... Check my grow room photo album for more info on my soil. I am currently in the process of making tea by using 50/50 water/soil mixture. I will set this out for a few days before i use it.



Well-Known Member
ur over water plants need like a water a week it a weed less water will make it grow faster and u over due it u should have them on 18/6 nuttin more


Well-Known Member
but for a cup i give them water ever 3-4 days
Hey there dude,whats going on between you and Ganjababy, He keeps following your posts and disputing your advice....

And whats this story of 3 pounds from a 430 HPS

Any light on these subjects dude??????


Well-Known Member
The cups dry out really fast like... So i feel like i should soak them down every day. Should i let them dry out anyways?


Well-Known Member
I pulled 2+ pounds off two plants and a 400w HPS. Granted it took almost a year but I did it.

See, people think a gram per watt actually means something - it doesn't, it's a fallacy. They forget about things, such as time, and thermodynamics. As long as you can get light to all parts of the plant and train it properly and give it TIME, one plant could yield you two, maybe three pounds going hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
I pulled 2+ pounds off two plants and a 400w HPS. Granted it took almost a year but I did it.

See, people think a gram per watt actually means something - it doesn't, it's a fallacy. They forget about things, such as time, and thermodynamics. As long as you can get light to all parts of the plant and train it properly and give it TIME, one plant could yield you two, maybe three pounds going hydroponics.
I would like to go hydro but I am unfamiliar with how to. Once i self educate myself enough then ill be going hydro.


Well-Known Member
I pulled 2+ pounds off two plants and a 400w HPS. Granted it took almost a year but I did it.

See, people think a gram per watt actually means something - it doesn't, it's a fallacy. They forget about things, such as time, and thermodynamics. As long as you can get light to all parts of the plant and train it properly and give it TIME, one plant could yield you two, maybe three pounds going hydroponics.

My god thats a long time to grow one plant dude
I couldn't say that i'd have the patients and energy to focus my energy for a year on 2 plants.

But deffinate congrats for the long term comitmant to you Grow


Active Member
why is his plant soo skinny?? mine are growing wider ??
how lonbg after tthe seeds germinate will they sprout?
how long should i leave my lights on??


Well-Known Member
I had left my lights on 24/7 since they sprouted. 2 weeks for the taller and 1 for the shorter. Just a few minutes ago I put a timer on my lights. So now they will have 18on and 6 off.


Well-Known Member
why is his plant soo skinny?? mine are growing wider ??
how lonbg after tthe seeds germinate will they sprout?
how long should i leave my lights on??
Could be different species and strains!
3 - 10 days for germination to seedling!
Lights can be put on different schedules acording to your lighting and preference, 18/6, 20/4, 24 hour!

Hope that has answered your questions sufficiently dude, Any more questions just post.!!


Well-Known Member
Also put a fan on those bitches if you want to promote hardy thicker stalks. Good Luck!
I stick a box fan on there whenever I am home.. they get some fan action everyday for 2-12 hours.... Check my grow room pic out on my photo album... The fan is at the bottom but it still circulates and wiggles the plants around


Well-Known Member
I stick a box fan on there whenever I am home.. they get some fan action everyday for 2-12 hours.... Check my grow room pic out on my photo album... The fan is at the bottom but it still circulates and wiggles the plants around

Thats good going dude,keep that up with the fan and it will promote thick stalks for you for your plant to hold up its heavy, thick , dense bud when it gets to bloom!!


Well-Known Member
Any idea on how to create a grow journal???


The closet is 2x3x7ft.... what light would you recommend? 150watt hps.. 250 hps.. 400 hps... or just stick in more cfls?