400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey nice plants everybody. Here's my most extreme 400watt grow. I've added some more light since then. This was 6 five-foot tall plants in 2-gallon pots of coco. I got over 19 oz on this harvest!

The strain is White Lady.



Well-Known Member
Hey nice plants everybody. Here's my most extreme 400watt grow. I've added some more light since then. This was 6 five-foot tall plants in 2-gallon pots of coco. I got over 19 oz on this harvest!

The strain is White Lady.

Puts my grow to shame. Congrats. Did you use co2?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. That whole Amazon jungle thing was kind of an accident. It was only my second grow and I let them get way too tall. I don't have CO2 or anything. I just use coco coir, Botanicare Pureblend pro for veg, AN Monkey Juice Bloom and Ionic Boost for flower. I think everybody who hasn't grown in coco should give it a shot. You can put it in pots just like I have and treat it like soil. Just use ph 5.8 instead of 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. That whole Amazon jungle thing was kind of an accident. It was only my second grow and I let them get way too tall. I don't have CO2 or anything. I just use coco coir, Botanicare Pureblend pro for veg, AN Monkey Juice Bloom and Ionic Boost for flower. I think everybody who hasn't grown in coco should give it a shot. You can put it in pots just like I have and treat it like soil. Just use ph 5.8 instead of 6.5.
im amazed that yo ugot decent light penetration as far down as you did. kick ass 2nd grow.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
im amazed that yo ugot decent light penetration as far down as you did. kick ass 2nd grow.
yea thanks. I wish I had a better wideshot of that grow. I actually trim off the branches on the bottom 1/4 of the plant "lollipop" style to increase the size of the top buds. So even though the plants were 5 feet tall there was only about 3.5 feet of actual leaves and buds.


Well-Known Member
yea thanks. I wish I had a better wideshot of that grow. I actually trim off the branches on the bottom 1/4 of the plant "lollipop" style to increase the size of the top buds. So even though the plants were 5 feet tall there was only about 3.5 feet of actual leaves and buds.
i used to do kinda the same thing with 3 footers. then i thought to myself, why the hell do i grow a 3 foot plant just to clipp off the first foot? now i grow 2 footers; get the same bud i would froma 3 footer like we said, and veg less. i still pinch off any small crap growth the first couple inches, but i like it better than tall plants

dj crane

Well-Known Member
here is how my plants are looking now under my 400w hps. i was only using this for the longest time but just added a 56 w t-5 for support under the canapy, hope this dont kick me out of the club. tell me what you think, they are 5 days into flowering



Well-Known Member
Hey nice plants everybody. Here's my most extreme 400watt grow. I've added some more light since then. This was 6 five-foot tall plants in 2-gallon pots of coco. I got over 19 oz on this harvest!

The strain is White Lady.

Holy sh*t......... mother of all buds, how long did u veg and flower them? did u just use that fan to cool down the hps?


Well-Known Member
does everyone just have their seeds delivered directly to their house all of the time? isn't that a bad idea to send marijuana seeds to the same place your gonna be growin' it? also how many plants on average can you grow under a 400w hps?


Well-Known Member
Peeps get seeds delivered to a friends/relatives/PO Box. You can grow about 6 plants of med indoor size with one 400 W HPS.


Well-Known Member
Excerpt from my journal with pics of the little girls:

Day 19
81F 40%

400W Light 20" from tops. Plants 4-5" 5th node started.

The overwater damage makes me sad. :sad: As I posted before the worst is over but the crispie leaf edges just look bad. They are pretty dry now. No water in 3 days. Pots are pretty light. I will give them some water here in a few.

I am planning on watering enough that I can check the PPM of the runnoff. That will end my guessing about how much is in the mixture and I will know if i need to give them nutes with the next watering (In several days)

Pics in a few ....

EDIT: I mixed up some FF GrowBig to test. At 1tsp/gal it gives me a PPM of <400 @ .5

Mix up the order today....



