Ok, you dont mean start the flowering process right?? you mean, start the plant off, and grow her for 35-40 days right??
If you mean that you wanna flower the plant for 35-40 days before moving her outside, 1-you may as well finish the plant where it is, and 2 - i dont even know really if a flowering plant would be able to survive a transplant from a controlled indoor grow, to potentially harsh outdoor weather - cuz your talking about transplanting in what, like february?? the plant would straight up die dude. way way too cold in the midwest to do somethin like that.
Now, on the other hand, if your talking about straight VEGGING the plant until its ready for the transplant, once again you cant go 35-40 days because the weather is too harsh - but what you could do is veg her for like 3-4 months and then transplant her as soon as it starts to get warm enough to plant a plant. The reason i say as soon as, is because your going to want to catch the VERY VERY beginning of the warmer season, otherwise the plant will just continue to veg all the way through until next fall. Granted, youll end up with a fucking TREE, lol, but do you really wanna wait that long for a harvest? you seem like your pretty eager to get started
MY advice to you is, if you have a buddy that will let you start your grow over his place, and if you wanna start it now - then start it, but FINISH it there aswell. Indoors is the only place your gonna have a successful grow at this time of year in the midwest dude. Starting a plant now with the intent to grow outdoors just wouldnt be a smart move man. Sorry for the bad news, and ive been thinkin for a little while now about your question to come up with a way to do it, but i just dont see it happenin.
BUT, lol, if you decide to do an inside grow man, good luck to you, i wish you nothin but the dankiest nugs bro