broke as hell? need a scale?


Well-Known Member
ok if so then you are just like me :P lol i was searching on cheap digital scales but i didnt have any money. so i figured well do I have to have a digital scale to mearsure out a gram. then i thaught back to elementary school and i remember putting thoes little 1gram cubes in a scale to figure out how much things weigh. and then it hit me. i can use a balence scale. and then i said to myself where am i gunna get a scale from? thats when it hit me, all a balence scale is a balence, and if you ever played the PC game "Gizmos & Gadgets" a balence scale is just a simple tool and you can make it out of pretty much anything. then i found a diagram of a homemade balence of shit that everyone has in their home.

after seeing it i realized that you can save alot of energy buy switching the hanger with a wire hanger and insted of putting a whole thru the center, just hang the hanger somewhere and tie the strings at the end of each end of the hanger.

now with weighing, your gunna need somthin thats equal to the amount of bud u want to weigh. i wanted to weigh a gram so i figured out what weighs a gram which is a dollar bill, or a ml of water. then u can use like 2 dixie cups and weigh it out. simple enough? and if u wanted to weigh like a ounce then u would use like 28 ML of water. but its a rough draft of weight its not 100 percent accurate but its pretty damn close, way better then eyeballin it.

i hope i helped somebody out. keep smokin... "im the weed man, im the weed man" sorry a quote from Bizzy bone's song keep smokin' lol


Well-Known Member
you can easily enlarge it, .............................

a dollar bill weighs 1 gram, a nickel weighs 5 grams. you can go from there.



Well-Known Member
Then buy a two dollar one? Scales aren't costly and anything ghetto rigged isn't going to be very good or accurate.

yea well, i just did it and my boy has a scale and we mesured the bags and the highest i was off was about .4 and thats because i didnt set the hanger exactly in the middle. but then again i eye balled the nugs befor i put them in and i've been smokin for years so i know what a gram looks like. i mean if ur goin into the business hard then i would invest in a scale, but like i said, i spend all my money on the weight and the bags so thats all I had and im in a hurry so i had no plans on goin out and lookin for a scale that i might not even find. not to mention i have no debt card or cerdit card to buy anything offline. and i kno theres a few ppl in this situation aswell, so sometimes u just gotta go for what u kno.


New Member
yea well, i just did it and my boy has a scale and we mesured the bags and the highest i was off was about .4 and thats because i didnt set the hanger exactly in the middle. but then again i eye balled the nugs befor i put them in and i've been smokin for years so i know what a gram looks like. i mean if ur goin into the business hard then i would invest in a scale, but like i said, i spend all my money on the weight and the bags so thats all I had and im in a hurry so i had no plans on goin out and lookin for a scale that i might not even find. not to mention i have no debt card or cerdit card to buy anything offline. and i kno theres a few ppl in this situation aswell, so sometimes u just gotta go for what u kno.

not to continue on the "why you should have done this instead of that"s local headshops? 20-35$ for the financial security and peace of mind that a scale can offer is quite a small price to pay:?


Well-Known Member
Walmart, target zellers.. etc..sold in the cooking area... kitchen scales weigh in grams.. some calibrated at .1's.. about $6.


Well-Known Member
you definitely need the scale that does .1 g.

when you get ballin there is the myweigh i500. you can find it on the net for like $70. it weighs up to a pound!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Smokey.. unless you're selling points of H/ or 1/4's of blow . any gram scale should be OK till you can afford better..... anyone remember the old pesola, or counter balance they'd sell in head shops for $5.


Well-Known Member
an eighth is 3.5 grams...dont wanna give out 4 now. or 3. thats why I like the .1g if I was slangin blow id want the .01g scale