Can I stop Hating The U.S.?


New Member
Still waiting for you to debate me on the flaws in the US Constitution. Go...
Is this going to be a frequent thing VTX? As soon as I say something that pisses some dumb rednecks off you are going to jump in while I have 5 hill-billies climbing all over me, then act like a big man?


You got another thing coming cowboy.


Well-Known Member
Simple enough, Have you ever lived in Canada?
Ok,i see now,canada,thats cool i guess.

I have never lived in canada but ive been there 100's of times as the us canadian border is 30 minutes from my home,im not an all american hero as the usa has fuked me over for damm near 60 years now but i'll tell ya this,ive lived in 2 other countries briefly for my work,visited quite a few other countries, including Canada & shits fuked everywhere,not just here.

So whats the whole point of the thread ?,what do you hope to acomplish or what outcome do you wish to achieve ?,all i see is a bunch of pissed off people,that cant be fun for you,can it ?


New Member
Ok,i see now,canada,thats cool i guess.

I have never lived in canada but ive been there 100's of times as the us canadian border is 30 minutes from my home,im not an all american hero as the usa has fuked me over for damm near 60 years now but i'll tell ya this,ive lived in 2 other countries briefly for my work,visited quite a few other countries, including Canada & shits fuked everywhere,not just here.

So whats the whole point of the thread ?,what do you hope to acomplish or what outcome do you wish to achieve ?,all i see is a bunch of pissed off people,that cant be fun for you,can it ?
shits fuked everywhere
But a little less over here.

Thats not what this is about. this is what the rednecks have made this about.

I am saying I finally have hope for America.

Why are people taking offense to that?

Oh right,

Because they are dumb rednecks:bigjoint::wall::bigjoint::dunce:


Well-Known Member
Ive paid taxes in the U.S.A.

And so do all my family.


Yes, in your fascist world that is how it works. You are just a stereotypical piece of shit. Back the fuck off, I don't say all Americans are lazy pieces of shit, although I could, because who's to stop me? Just like who's to stop you?
Anyone can say anything about anybody,, but that doesn't make it true. You got a lot to learn.

And i would like you to post a link for the fact you stated. 75% was the number you have. That is a precise numerical piece of data.
Show me your reference.

Sorry meng, but you seem like one of those cats who should be dead by now. Or at least in jail. knowhatimsayin?

Like I said. I have paid taxes there. And my family still does

Nope, because there are too many dipshits like you running around still.

Rednecks, hillbillies, hicks, bible thumpers, scientologists, britney spears...

Nahh, I like it here in Canada, even with all this !@#$ing snow

I'm going to break your paragraph down for you so you can see how foolish you sound.

All you got? Do you just sit their with a hat full of insults and pull them out at random?

You sound like a child!


This just goes to show you, the problem with the liberal viewpoint is that their argument can't hold up to scrutiny. Their first line of defense isn't to argue the issues, it's to personally attack. Let me define this for you. . . Neo-Conservative - believe that government is the problem not the solution, believe that government staying out of our lives will allow the people to proliferate and be profitable. Not to say that some "reasonable" regulation shouldn't be in place, but believe that we DO NOT want the government to run our lives. Socialists (Liberals) believe that BIG GOVERNMENT is the answer. They should regulate how to do business, what the people's moral standards should be.

The government that can give you everything, can (at their whim) CAN TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY.

AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed.

How can the democratic liberal socialistic viewpoint possibly set us forward?



Well-Known Member
yep, thats all you got pussy.

Sorry i'm not foolish and brainwashed enough to defend a country that bends its citizens over backwards and royally fucks them!

you are just a lowly sucker fish eating the slime thats left over for you on the ocean floor. :finger:

simple enough, have you ever lived in canada?
personal attack, no intellectual argument!


Well-Known Member
is this going to be a frequent thing vtx? As soon as i say something that pisses some dumb rednecks off you are going to jump in while i have 5 hill-billies climbing all over me, then act like a big man?


You got another thing coming cowboy.
and yet again, personal attack, no intellectual argument!


Well-Known Member

But a little less over here.

Thats not what this is about. this is what the rednecks have made this about.

I am saying I finally have hope for America.

Why are people taking offense to that?

Oh right,

Because they are dumb rednecks:bigjoint::wall::bigjoint::dunce:
AND THEN YET AGAIN, PERSONAL ATTACK, NO INTELLECTUAL ARGUMENT! We are obviously dealing with a sub-intellect here who can't argue a point but attacks those who oppose his point of view, hmm. . . Just like Al Franken.

And he has the never to call us children?


Well-Known Member
Wrong again. You lie. See here.

"AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed."

I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world.

The only way you could know that it is, is if you lived in EVERY country in the world. But you haven't. I doubt anyone has. You are a pathetic fucking liar. Plain and simple.

However, I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world because I have lived in both USA and Canada and I know, from living in both countries, that Canada is better.

You see I'm not a pathetic fucking liar like you are to say that Canada is the greatest, because I do not know that.

You need to grow a set of nads boy. Because I'm not fucking around here


New Member

This just goes to show you, the problem with the liberal viewpoint is that their argument can't hold up to scrutiny. Their first line of defense isn't to argue the issues, it's to personally attack. Let me define this for you. . . Neo-Conservative - believe that government is the problem not the solution, believe that government staying out of our lives will allow the people to proliferate and be profitable. Not to say that some "reasonable" regulation shouldn't be in place, but believe that we DO NOT want the government to run our lives. Socialists (Liberals) believe that BIG GOVERNMENT is the answer. They should regulate how to do business, what the people's moral standards should be.

The government that can give you everything, can (at their whim) CAN TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY.

AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed.

How can the democratic liberal socialistic viewpoint possibly set us forward?

Wrong again. You lie. See here.

"AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed.

I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world.

The only way you could know that it is, is if you lived in EVERY country in the world. But you haven't. I doubt anyone has. You are a pathetic fucking liar. Plain and simple.

However, I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world because I have lived in both USA and Canada and I know, from living in both countries, that Canada is better.

You see I'm not a pathetic fucking liar like you are to say that Canada is the greatest, because I do not know that.

You need to grow a set of nads boy. Because I'm not fucking around here

AND THEN YET AGAIN, PERSONAL ATTACK, NO INTELLECTUAL ARGUMENT! We are obviously dealing with a sub-intellect here who can't argue a point but attacks those who oppose his point of view, hmm. . . Just like Al Franken.

And he has the never to call us children?
I figure this is the only way to communicate with such un-evolved beings.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again. You lie. See here.

"AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed."

I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world.

The only way you could know that it is, is if you lived in EVERY country in the world. But you haven't. I doubt anyone has. You are a pathetic fucking liar. Plain and simple.

However, I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world because I have lived in both USA and Canada and I know, from living in both countries, that Canada is better.

You see I'm not a pathetic fucking liar like you are to say that Canada is the greatest, because I do not know that.

You need to grow a set of nads boy. Because I'm not fucking around here
For a fact? LOL. Can you "show me the proof?" Where is your documentation?


Well-Known Member
and yet again, personal attack, no intellectual argument!
Does no good Lopezri. I've been asking him, since he first posted against me that he could point out the flaws in the US Constitution, to debate me. He has never once engaged me with anything resembling an intellectual argument against the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again. You lie. See here.

"AMERICA became the greatest country in the world because they are the LEAST governed."

I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world.

The only way you could know that it is, is if you lived in EVERY country in the world. But you haven't. I doubt anyone has. You are a pathetic fucking liar. Plain and simple.

However, I know FOR A FACTthat America is NOT the greatest country in the world because I have lived in both USA and Canada and I know, from living in both countries, that Canada is better.

You see I'm not a pathetic fucking liar like you are to say that Canada is the greatest, because I do not know that.

You need to grow a set of nads boy. Because I'm not fucking around here

I figure this is the only way to communicate with such un-evolved beings.


Well-Known Member
Does no good Lopezri. I've been asking him, since he first posted against me that he could point out the flaws in the US Constitution, to debate me. He has never once engaged me with anything resembling an intellectual argument against the Constitution.
Yeah you're right VTXDave. I'm beginning to think we are dealing with someone who must be about 12 years old.