GROWER IN DILEMMA: How to confront a possible fellow grower?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
So, I have a friend who built a house within the recent few years. ......

I ended up picking up a bag of the White Rhino and White Widow. He even gave me a nug of the bubblegum to try out.

How do I possibly pop the question? That is, "Hey dude, serious question...Do you grow your shit?"

I'm late to the conversation... but here's my 2 cents. #1, this guy is not a "friend" .... he's your dealer. If he's selling to you, he's selling to others too. #2, Since he sells to you, he is well aware that you smoke dope and if he wanted you to know about his grow op he would tell you on his own.

He stands to lose everything if he gets busted and quite frankly, he doesn't sound all that bright if he's dealing from the house he's growing in.

Leave it alone and don't ask questions about his grow op. If you want to talk to others about your grow... well that's what this forum is for ;)


Well-Known Member
foster plant,lol. That is one more reason to not tell your growing legal or not.
There are people so desperate they stalk forums like this to rob you.
It has happened on other forums.
Lots of home invasions across the country targeting grow ops. Even more are not reported....Duh!


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to end up asking him about it. I've decided if he wants to tell me he can. I've figured out he might grow, maybe he can do the same. I just got real excited at the thought of someone else growing. I'm a pot nerd, i guess?


New Member
It's OK to be a pot nerd, there are lots of us right here. I agree with FLgirl, if you want to chat about growing, you're in the right place. Just chat with us all about it, we like to chat about it too.


Well-Known Member
IM A POT NERD!!!!!! we can be pot nerds together!

seriously, i love growing. its the most relaxing part of my day when i tend the crop. but this right here is the only place i get to talk to other growers, and really its the best place too. where else can you get this many methods layed out for you with results posted so you can figure out whats best for you.


Well-Known Member
chit chat with him about strains/seeds/clones shit like that and he may realized u know what ur talkin about and may decide to open up to u


Well-Known Member
This is a hard one and although we are all guilty of telling people we deem close about our grows, sometimes things are best left undisguised.


Well-Known Member
for real dude, im a pot nerd. LOL my girl gets annoyed sometimes cuz im always talking about bud. Haha she thinks that i think about marijuana more than her.


Well-Known Member

I am now and always have been a pot nerd, and all of you guys are the only people that I share the dirty details of my second life with.