Can I stop Hating The U.S.?


Well-Known Member
Oh no. Now we've got MedicineMan going too. This is going to turn into one of those impossible arguments because they aren't here to listen or learn, they're just here to annoy and irritate anyone who has an opposing viewpoint.


New Member
Go ahead and hate the US. I hate the US and I live here.

Our government sucks. They are all theives and liars, regardless of party affiliation.



New Member
The flaw with the constitution is that everyone on capitol hill likes to use it as toilet paper, especially Bush.

Ever going to point out the flaws in the US Constitution to me Jester? I'm still waiting for that answer however methinks you lack the intellectual fortitude to engage.


New Member
Oh no. Now we've got MedicineMan going too. This is going to turn into one of those impossible arguments because they aren't here to listen or learn, they're just here to annoy and irritate anyone who has an opposing viewpoint.
Learn, learn?? Learn what? That all you right wing nazis have all the answers, That life would be wonderful if all us left wingers would just die and leave you to your excesses? Not a chance pal. I'm gonna come here and post if for no other reason, just to annoy your ilk.


Well-Known Member

Thieves and liars murderers
Hypocrites and bastards in laughter
Hey thanks for nothing
Morals in the dust
Two-faced bastards and sycophants
No trust
Inside outside which side you don't know
My side your side their side we don't know
Which side are they
Which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came
Which side are they
Which side of the grass is greener
Inside outside which side you don't know
My side your side their side we don't know
You're like a great big fucking sponge
Just waiting to get squeezed
Breathe forfeit erection
Toxical injection
Geriatric fuckface
We still believe in lies
Inside outside which side you don't know
My side your side their side we don't know
Who started it
Which side are they
Which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came
Which side are they
Which side of the grass is greener
Inside outside which side you don't know
My side your side their side no one knows
You're like a great big hit of acid
Waiting to be taken
Get out


New Member
America is a great place for the greedy, where else can the top execs of a company funnel off all the profits into their own bank account and then go crying to the government that they are "too big to fail" ?

Can you name another country that jacks their citizens for social security tax and then turns around and taxes it as "income" when they receive their money back?

If you are a thief, a liar, or just a dirty rotten greedy scoundrel, America is the place for you. Just ask Madoff, isn't he still sleeping in his own home, 50 billion dollars later?


New Member
yes it is, someone was on wanting to know if Obama would stop the federal income tax on their social security check. Apparently Reagan started that.


New Member
yes it is, someone was on wanting to know if Obama would stop the federal income tax on their social security check. Apparently Reagan started that.
You know, you're right, I elected to not have them deduct from my check, I pay at the end of the year, but there is a provision for them to deduct right from your check. Usually, we get a rebate, so it hasn't been a problem, but it is wrong.


New Member
It is wrong, they make you pay federal taxes on unemployment too. Now maybe it's just me, but doesn't someone who has lost their job and is living on a fraction of their usual income need every dollar they can get? Taxing the unemployed is wrong on so many levels. Especially since our own government paved the way for our jobs to be shipped off shore. Dumbasses, I guess they should have thought it through first.


New Member
they aren't here to listen or learn
HAHAHA you crack me up.

Your right, I dont like to "listen and learn" lies. And I am going to be annoying when idiots such as yourself come on my thread and act like a buffoon.

Okay, I'm going to give you one chance here.

Post your argument, because in all honesty I have know idea what you are doing on my thread and what exactly you are shooting your mouth off about.

I'm giving you once chance to pose your argument.

One chance.

The flaw with the constitution is that everyone on capitol hill likes to use it as toilet paper, especially Bush.
You can try Miss, but I think the ignorance has taken over his life.:spew:

Learn, learn?? Learn what? That all you right wing nazis have all the answers, That life would be wonderful if all us left wingers would just die and leave you to your excesses? Not a chance pal. I'm gonna come here and post if for no other reason, just to annoy your ilk.
we would make very good friends Med. :weed::weed::bigjoint::bigjoint:

& some +rep for it, now that I finally got the site back to how I like it.

Well, yeah, but they tax my pittance of a pension, that qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment in my book. I can hardly wait for the flack I'll get for this,LOL~.
I dont know anything about pension, but when I was laid off from a shortage of work(thanks to our shit-bag conservatives) They taxed my benefits. Which is bullshit. Think of how that works.

I work.
I pay taxes.
I give the government money for employment insurance.
When I need it they give it back to me but take a little cut for themselves.

Despite large surpluses of employment insurance funds, i get taxed on the money that the government gives back to me.


yes it is, someone was on wanting to know if Obama would stop the federal income tax on their social security check. Apparently Reagan started that.
Don't even get me started with Reagen.

Sorry to those of you who liked Clinton, but there has been one shit president after another. As for Clinton, he was just a two-face. He looked like a cool guy who had his shit together. He even sounded and acted like it. But it didnt take me long to realize he was just like the other idiots.

For all you patriotic flag-waivers. I'm sorry I expressed my feelings of hope for America.
I know it's hard to hear.



New Member
"they aren't here to listen or learn" Who is this mysterious "they" , what do "they" want from us.

I always thought "they" were the ones in government that were spying on us and screwing us over.

Would it be a seperate "they" from the government "they"?


New Member
It is wrong, they make you pay federal taxes on unemployment too. Now maybe it's just me, but doesn't someone who has lost their job and is living on a fraction of their usual income need every dollar they can get? Taxing the unemployed is wrong on so many levels. Especially since our own government paved the way for our jobs to be shipped off shore. Dumbasses, I guess they should have thought it through first.
Thats funny, you must have been typing this the same time I was.

Two great minds think alike :D


New Member
Well it is the truth, because of that we really don't make any kind of product in the US. We were built on manufacturing then the powers that been threw that away for us. I don't know what they thought people were going to do for jobs when the manufacturing left the country.

I guess our people in government couldn't see past their own lies and deception, now that people aren't working, that makes less income tax, eventually it's going to hit them too. The less money coming in, they less money to pay their greedy asses with.

I must say, these politicians must have never played with dominoes when they were kids or they'd know if you knock the first one down, it takes all the rest with it.


New Member
Thats funny, you must have been typing this the same time I was.

Two great minds think alike :D
Make that three great minds., We have about 4-5 right wing extremists that come here to express their hatred of us, but we must persevere, They will take a fall from grace soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Now here is a person I can respect. A good argument, although I'd like to hear more details on the "being fucked over for nearly 60 years" part, but sounds like you have an honest beef.

I have to admit. . . I want change too. . . I think a two party system could never work because what one party is in favor of, obviously the other party is going to oppose. Let's get some third party working in there. I like the Libertarian Ideals. . . and I can at least say I've read some of their arguments.

Anyone have something they can bring to the table that is more than juvenile personal attacks to really give us some viable perspective?
ChuckBane - A last chance? You're not a moderator.

Anyway, if you took the time to read all the posts instead of only the ones that are directed to you or the ones that you feel only support your viewpoint you would see that I have already stated my argument and viewpoint. I'm sure that "Panhead" had the courtesy to read it, eventhough YOU continue to ignore him on the thread.

In case you missed it, it's quoted above. Don't assume that just because someone is against your viewpoint that they are automatically - as you put it - a hillbilly redneck who only sides with the conservatives.

That's a clear indication to everyone that you only see things as black & white, either/or, there can never be a third option. Geez look past your nose for some options, DON'T let the block wall stop you - go around it or climb over it!

But again. . . that really is the Canadian mentality. They play office instead of doing business, they insist that everything be filled out in triplicate, they go about everything from an operations/accounting standpoint and never by a salespersons standpoint.

With this type of mentality, I can see why a capitalistic society doesn't fit into your ideal of living. You don't want to have to think to get something accomplished, you just want someone to tell you what to do, and you do it.


New Member
and we've yet to hear of Canadian CEO's stealing from the cookie jar and crying for help. Maybe there is something to be said for this "accountant standpoint". I bet their corporations and banks can tell you where every cent went. Can't say that around here, now can we? Hell the banks that got their bailout already can't account for a giant chunk of the money.


New Member
Now here is a person I can respect. A good argument, although I'd like to hear more details on the "being fucked over for nearly 60 years" part, but sounds like you have an honest beef.

I have to admit. . . I want change too. . . I think a two party system could never work because what one party is in favor of, obviously the other party is going to oppose. Let's get some third party working in there. I like the Libertarian Ideals. . . and I can at least say I've read some of their arguments.

Anyone have something they can bring to the table that is more than juvenile personal attacks to really give us some viable perspective?
I'm thinkin the Juvenile personal attacks work every time.~LOL~. I just don't know you well enough to attack you yet, stay tuned.