Can I stop Hating The U.S.?


New Member
I must say, these politicians must have never played with dominoes when they were kids or they'd know if you knock the first one down, it takes all the rest with it.
Wow, I don't know how many people I have tried explaining this to.
The system "we" have built today is an acting domino effect. All it takes is one little push and they all come tumbling down.

Unfortunately, unlike the 80's its more than just an energy crisis that has pushed. It's the off shore jobs.

So not only is it costing more to live due to a shortage of natural resources, but there are now very few jobs for the people.

And what does the governemnt do?

Throw some money at the problem. Typical knee-jerk reaction.
The bailouts are a prime example. If these companies cant stay open then what the fuck is throwing billions of dollars going to do?
Delay the inevitable.

Just like dropping the taxes. The conservatives over here dropped our GST down 2%(now we pay 5% with an additional 7% going to the province, for a total of 13%[used to be 15%]). But in all honesty, who notices that?
I sure as shit dont.
You dont pay GST on groceries.
And to make a big difference you need to be buying million dollar items (houses, yacts, big building) to really notice a saving.
So really, all that tax cut did was give more money to the people who already have a lot of money. What fucking good is that going to do?

I say keep the fucking 2% and create jobs. Help people who NEED the help, not rich fuckers who buy million dollar homes.

It just goes to show.


Well-Known Member
Well it is the truth, because of that we really don't make any kind of product in the US. We were built on manufacturing then the powers that been threw that away for us. I don't know what they thought people were going to do for jobs when the manufacturing left the country.

I guess our people in government couldn't see past their own lies and deception, now that people aren't working, that makes less income tax, eventually it's going to hit them too. The less money coming in, they less money to pay their greedy asses with.

I must say, these politicians must have never played with dominoes when they were kids or they'd know if you knock the first one down, it takes all the rest with it.
I like your point here on the taxes. Keep in mind though that it is usually the Democrats who want more taxes to support more large government. I'm NOT saying that Republicans don't want taxes too, they just don't usually want as much.

In regards to the manufacturing thing I think it will always work this way. The same thing happened to the U.K. during the industrial revolution. They thought that since they created the steam locomotive that nobody could pass them up in industry, meanwhile the Germans take the U.K.'s burned coal biproducts and create dying solutions to become the fur dye capitol of the world and the Americans invent an economical way to use electricity and a lightbulb and move - so to speak - full steam ahead.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinkin the Juvenile personal attacks work every time.~LOL~. I just don't know you well enough to attack you yet, stay tuned.
No seriously now MedicineMan - I'd like to see some viable perspectives. And I certainly hope you at least read the whole thread so you understand who I was talking to and what I was talking about with the quote that you are quoting. It was a guy who was actually agreeing with Chuck but he seemed to have MORE experience and a cooler temperment who could actually talk and not just throw out personal insults and attacks.

I can listen to reason. . .I ignore personal attacks - they don't go anywhere and you don't learn anything from them.


Well-Known Member
By the way MedicineMan - are you a real native American or do you just pose as one here on RIU. Serious question here, not trying to insult.


New Member
Bush the republican couldn't wait to hand over our tax dollars to these failed corporations.

Bush the republican is taking measures right now to try to make it so he can't be prosecuted for the things he's done in the past 8 years.

Bush the republican dragged us into a war that the people didn't support because his daddy and Saddam had a history of not getting along really well.

Bush the republican has a family that makes their money from oil. I'm sure he didn't foresee windfall profits from his war. *choke*

When you try to blame only one party and not government as a whole, it kind of makes you look, I don't know, how should I say this........blind !


Well-Known Member
Bush the republican couldn't wait to hand over our tax dollars to these failed corporations.

Bush the republican is taking measures right now to try to make it so he can't be prosecuted for the things he's done in the past 8 years.

Bush the republican dragged us into a war that the people didn't support because his daddy and Saddam had a history of not getting along really well.

Bush the republican has a family that makes their money from oil. I'm sure he didn't foresee windfall profits from his war. *choke*

When you try to blame only one party and not government as a whole, it kind of makes you look, I don't know, how should I say this........blind !
Again. . . I agree with you here MissHesterMoffitt.

I don't think a two party system works. There isn't enough ideas with a two party system.

Regarding the bailout and I hope Chuck is listening on this, it wasn't just the Republicans who wanted this. In fact I think we kind of are dealing with taxation without representation on this issue.

I think the majority of the Dem's and Rep's constituents didn't want a bailout. WE THE PEOPLE wanted to let the capitalistic system continue on and allow those that can't hack it go under while those that could weather the storm to rise and succeed. But both parties decided to act as a socialist government and believe that they knew what was in the best interests for their people and do what they wanted. They didn't represent US at all. They should ALL - and I mean ALL - be booted out of office. Not one legal voting U.S. citizen should vote for an incumbent again. All new fresh meat should be going in.


New Member
Reagen the republican was responsible for this (drum roll please ) ----->

"Q3. Which political party started taxing Social Security annuities?

A3. The taxation of Social Security began in 1984 following passage of a set of Amendments in 1983, which were signed into law by President Reagan in April 1983. These amendments passed the Congress in 1983 on an overwhelmingly bi-partisan vote.
The basic rule put in place was that up to 50% of Social Security benefits could be added to taxable income, if the taxpayer's total income exceeded certain thresholds.

The taxation of benefits was a proposal which came from the Greenspan Commission appointed by President Reagan and chaired by Alan Greenspan, who is presently serving as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. "

Please keep in mind that social security is money the government takes from us, by force. They say they are "keeping it safe for our retirement". Yet they want to tax us on the tax dollars they're already taxed us on.

Does this not make sense to anyone else.


New Member
This is a prime example of BOTH parties being EQUALLY guilty of shafting the American people. Like I said, when you lay the blame at the feet of only one party, it's like a blind man, stumbling around a dark room, looking for a black cat, that isn't there.

Regarding the bailout and I hope Chuck is listening on this, it wasn't just the Republicans who wanted this. In fact I think we kind of are dealing with taxation without representation on this issue.


New Member
Again. . . I agree with you here MissHesterMoffitt.

I don't think a two party system works. There isn't enough ideas with a two party system.

Regarding the bailout and I hope Chuck is listening on this, it wasn't just the Republicans who wanted this. In fact I think we kind of are dealing with taxation without representation on this issue.

I think the majority of the Dem's and Rep's constituents didn't want a bailout. WE THE PEOPLE wanted to let the capitalistic system continue on and allow those that can't hack it go under while those that could weather the storm to rise and succeed. But both parties decided to act as a socialist government and believe that they knew what was in the best interests for their people and do what they wanted. They didn't represent US at all. They should ALL - and I mean ALL - be booted out of office. Not one legal voting U.S. citizen should vote for an incumbent again. All new fresh meat should be going in.
This paragraph here really shows how little you know.

Regarding the bailout and I hope Chuck is listening on this, it wasn't just the Republicans who wanted this. In fact I think we kind of are dealing with taxation without representation on this issue.
You are right a little. But not in a good way.
You're right, it wasn't just the Republicans who wanted this, it was the rich ass CEO's. It was the greedy and it was the foolish.

This is not the taxpayers mess. This is the foolish CEO's who didnt prioritize properly.

Let them crash and burn,... lets have some new begginings. Start over fresh. Give the little guy a chance.


Well-Known Member
Anyway - I've got to get going! It's NEW YEARS EVE for crying out loud! I don't want to bring in my new year on a note like this! I love you all as Human Beings! We should all at least respect each other for that! I'd never have the audacity to bomb you or any of your people just to get a point across or for jihad or something stupid like that - life is too precious! I found that out this last year - had to get an organ transplant just to stay alive. Had a wonderful sister who was more than willing to donate! Now that's something to be proud of (Being her brother and just knowing that another human being would do something like that) I hope we all reach that higher mentality someday and we can all live in a Utopian society. I'm sure this will insult y'all but God bless, Karma Be With You!, Blessed Be! Happy New Year - only 3 more till 2012 - SCARRRRRYYYY! Until next time!


New Member
I've not met a single taxpayer yet that thinks any of those companies deserved anything other than to let them stew in their own juice. Saying the PEOPLE wanted it is very misleading. SOME people wanted it, but they happened to also be the people responsible for the failure. They should all be out on their asses and prosecuted.


New Member
I am in no way miserable. I'm quite happy actually inspite of our government doing everything they can to screw us over. I'm already married, been married for 21 years now, which imagine is pretty much as long as you've been alive.

Apparently you two are just miserable people. Maybe you should get married.

That wasn't a non-intellectual personal attack was it?



New Member
I am in no way miserable. I'm quite happy actually inspite of our government doing everything they can to screw us over. I'm already married, been married for 21 years now, which imagine is pretty much as long as you've been alive.

That wasn't a non-intellectual personal attack was it?

Im surprised he didnt bust out with the "misshester and chuckie sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g"


I'm not miserable either :D
I had a shitty hand dealt to me right from the start, but I've made the best of it.

I'm happy, are you lopezri?


New Member
Speaking of haters, thanks for the intellectual stimulation. I always enjoy a good debate, especially when the other party is so articulate. :clap:
Yea, "those" come around often. Some are slightly more intelligent than others. Some are outright :wall::wall:. But one thing they all have in common is the ignorance.

At least he's not saying "My dad could beat up your dad!!":weed::-o:o