A quality $5 Opiate Buzz


New Member
you can't get high from bananadine or whatever that prank from the anarchist cookbook says. never shot up peanut butter. But i'll spend 5 bucks in the name of science. that shit'll make you fail a drug test mayne. why can't a pound of them made in to tea get you fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I used roughly a quarter pound of seeds, a 2 litre bottle and a quarter cup of lemon juice. IT WORKS I have just done them and I had a very nice buzz, still do actually. I recommend it, although I am attempting more next time, or using it in a hot tea. I shook the bottle for just over an hr and immediately strained and drank the entire glass. Started feeling great, like my body was all relaxed. Felt like I just went to the gym muscles felt heavy almost. Hard to describe but in my opinion it is a blast. Ill be making another soon here.

So........ stop hating on this guys thread. He knows his shit. I will try 3/4 pound next time probably be high for an entire day. In total, I have spent $3.50 on poppy seeds and about an hr making it. And I was high as hell.

Enough said :D


Active Member
I used roughly a quarter pound of seeds, a 2 litre bottle and a quarter cup of lemon juice. IT WORKS I have just done them and I had a very nice buzz, still do actually. I recommend it, although I am attempting more next time, or using it in a hot tea. I shook the bottle for just over an hr and immediately strained and drank the entire glass. Started feeling great, like my body was all relaxed. Felt like I just went to the gym muscles felt heavy almost. Hard to describe but in my opinion it is a blast. Ill be making another soon here.

So........ stop hating on this guys thread. He knows his shit. I will try 3/4 pound next time probably be high for an entire day. In total, I have spent $3.50 on poppy seeds and about an hr making it. And I was high as hell.

Enough said :D
what kind of poppy seeds did you use?where did you get them? my friend did 9oz and said he didnt feel shit?


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for yall to get a good recipe put up here because ive got a knee injury and Vicodin just went up to $5 on the street!!!!!Help me out fellas,Getting to the store and back is a bitch considering sitting in my car is agony.I want to one stop shop and cook some brew.I will rep ya every time i see ya if it works:hug::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


New Member
remember that even codeine is physically addictive. Just remember and DO THIS because it does work, very well. I have a friend that was addicted to this tea. Yes it really can happen. This is good to have if you don't have access to doctors easily or affordably. works for dental pain too. Better yet, the effect is quite nice. ;)

Think I've stop at the health food store on the way home:cool:

Feliz nuevo ano

lo siento, no tilde hoy


Well-Known Member
Save On Foods, BULK poppyseed. generic poppyseed. it works, I used around a qp. Was pretty high for around 6 hrs maybe a lil longer


New Member
i am definitely doing this. thank you guys for the most awesome news i've heard in like a month. generic sounds best cuz of all the plant matter left over.


Well-Known Member
I had just seeds. No plant material what so ever. Im going to try and crush em and make a tea. Seems like it would work better. I will let you know the results :D


Active Member
Hahah, it definatley works! huge body buzz all day today! g/f had around 3lbs of regular bulk seeds, from "Bulk Barn" took me like 1 hour to do, and that was making "As I read" type of deal...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am making a hot tea. Going grocery shopping pretty soon here, definitely have to pick up a couple pounds :D Let's just say I have a lot of baking to do ;-)


Well-Known Member
I bought mine from Save on foods. Which is a food store here in Canada. My seeds were bought in the bulk section. Nothing special about them. You should be able to pick them up at walmart. I take it that walmart sells food??? here it does not really but i heard different from the states.


Well-Known Member
So what was the verdict did it work?Did anyone refine the recipe?Ill give a rep for a working recipe!!!Id Pay For It Shit,,,Lol:wall:


New Member
i asked in a walmart around here and they didn't know off the top of their head and we had tree on us and it was christmas season and there were cops..... we left quick.


Well-Known Member
Go to wherever you buy food. Go into the bulk section and find poppy seeds. Like the thread starter said, following his recipe shaking like your life depended on it. I used roughly a quarter pound and had a very nice body buzz. But I don't use opiates. I could see someone who takes opiate based medicine, not affecting them as much. I would use a pound in a 2 litre bottle 1/4 cup of lemon juice and a pound of poppy seeds. Shake for an hr, strain and drink. Tastes nasty, but gives you a nice body high :D