No god and no jesus


New Member
Speaking of arks, if they brought 2 of every animal on board, what did they feed the meat eaters? Did there used to be some species that aren't around anymore because they became food on the ark?

Also, why in the fuck would they bring mosquitos, or ticks, or snakes that kill you by looking at you?


Well-Known Member
i don't feel that im an atheist,its because the beliefs of love your neighbor ,don't kill people just for the hell of it ,leave my wife alone,ect,ect...are worthwhile
You can be a good, ethical, compassionate person, whilst still being an Atheist. It's nothing to feel dirty about.

If you don't believe in god/s, then you are an Atheist. Be proud of the fact that you have a brain. It doesn't make you a bad person. Quite the opposite, in fact. ;-)


Well-Known Member
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things

the Bible thump, thump, thump.........Staggerlee


Well-Known Member
Religion is for the weak minded, those who cannot except that death is inevitable and that when it happens, your ..........DEAD!
The greatest form of mind control ever.


Active Member
Zeitgeist is brainwashing via youtube. Sorry, no takers in my house. I tried to watch the thing, but it sucked. I mean really sucked, like 5 minutes after I started I was done, it sucked so badly.

If you want to brainwash people, you need to get to the meat of the story quickly. Whoever made it must have had an amazing amount of spare time and boredom, that's how much it sucks.

Zeitgeist - DON'T DO IT

You only watched 5 minutes? Dont judge a book by its cover..

The message in the first part of the video pertains to the previous posts thats why i mentioned it.. if you dont want to watch it, fine but dont bash it if you havent seen it- thats stupid.


Well-Known Member
As someone that is very spiritual it's hard for me to believe that there isn't something beyond this life. It's not that I don't have a brain, I have a soul as well as my brain. I also don't see why believing that there is something beyond makes you weak minded. I find it kind of triumphant that you can beat death.


Well-Known Member
It's the immaterial part of a person that contains their personality and thoughts. But wait you say, don't we have a brain for that? Yes and no. By using a computer analogy, the brain would be like the hardware (CPU, RAM, etc.) and the soul would be the operating system. All humans have a brain composed of roughly the same things, just like most of our other organs are composed roughly the same.

The reason I believe animals do not have souls is because they do not understand right from wrong. They simply act on instincts. They are hungry, the kill for food. They need to reproduce so they find the first female/male that is willing to let them. Souls also separate us from the animals. Would you like to be compared to animal? An animal that shits itself and sleeps in it because it doesn't know better? An animal that gets locked in a cage every night at the zoo? I personally wouldn't.

We humans have instincts but by in large, we overwrite them because we have morals, which could be argued to part of souls. We are simply "programmed" different from animals.


New Member
I don't know about that either. My cats know right from wrong, so do my dogs. My cats know that getting on the kitchen counters is wrong and they don't do it. My dogs know that digging in the trash and going to the bathroom in the house is wrong, so they don't do it.

Do animals have a right and wrong, other than what we humans decide is right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
Do animals have a right and wrong, other than what we humans decide is right or wrong?
Exactly, they are governed by a force greater than them. No one can argue that man is not the dominate force of the food chain. They can't make their own rules. If YOU didn't tell them that getting on the kitchen counter was wrong, they would have no idea.

Which is why I think of the idea of soul as, we govern ourselves, we have to hold ourselves to higher standard.

Anyway fun questions misshester, I enjoy the nature of the debate. :D


New Member
Animals govern themselves too. Wolf packs always have a leader, lion prides always have a male that leads. Hell even geese pick one to follow in their V when they fly.

Just because they don't speak any English doesn't mean they don't have one of their own in charge. Animals can and do make their own rules, it just that humans are too busy thinking that we're the ultimate shit and we don't pay attention.

This is why humans are bad for the planet, we're all stuck on "me" and can't take the time to notice what we're doing to everything else.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
mrs moffit has a valid point rouge elephants in africa are linked back to young males that were raised without the benefit of the matriarch that teaches them manners and acceptable behaviors


Well-Known Member
Exactly, they are governed by a force greater than them. No one can argue that man is not the dominate force of the food chain. They can't make their own rules. If YOU didn't tell them that getting on the kitchen counter was wrong, they would have no idea.

if no one told you what was right from wrong you would have no idea either.

it you took a newborn into seclusion, from birth teach it that all good comes from the big rock in the back yard. that once a year you have to do the Holy Moly Dance around the rock or bad shit would happen next year. teach it that you must pray to the rock when you want something.

guess what....thats what that child will believe.

religion is brainwashing, religion at an early age is downright child-abuse.