Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions


Well-Known Member
You know I never really have that much to say about Israel ... other than their possible role in 911 ... but the things they are doing now a days is down right war crimes ... I've always wondered why the bushies would rant and rave about the so called UN violations Iraq committed yet are deathly silent about Israel ... why is that?:?::o

Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

Israel, US, Saudi...etc. all do and support atrocities world wide to the benefit of their economies, etc... but at some point the blatant inequality of a conflict must be questioned... the hobby store rocket(here at any hobby shop) VS a guided missile supplied by a super power.. The random, all be it sad death of one/many to the crude weapons can not be allowed to justify the mega overkill of the power of a superpower 500k bomb, just doesn't square in my books..
Britain's first mistake was giving them the land, the second was giving them heavy water to make nukes. It's about time we helped the Palestinians for a change, maybe give Iran some heavy water for their own nuclear program to even things up a bit, of course it won't happen because the Jews have a disproportionate influence over our policy makers.:wall:
The Jews have as much history in that region as the Palestinians do. While i heartily agree that I's response is way over the top. they do have the right to respond. What with the tech they've got a lot more precision is doable.
And those "hobby" rockets will still kill anything around when they hit.
If the people of Gaza want the attacks to stop, then don't you think they can?
The extremists claim that all Americans ands Israelis are fair targets because we/they support the actions of the gov't's through taxes, then bitch when their"supposed " innocent civilians are injured or killed. Now I want to know how we are guilty of supporting the war efforts because we pay taxes, but their civilians, who provide food, hiding places, and security, aren't guilty of supporting their war effort? Now that's a double standard. And as to the Jews have undue influence over western gov't please..that is simply *imo* a fallacy put forth by antisemites and those looking to blame "someone else for their own don't have a high paying job because of them Jews" when quite frequently it's because the complainer doesn't want to put themselves out to better their lt in life.
I must disagree with the above post ... Israel has no right to commit war crimes ... which is what they are doing ... from what I understand of the conflict the people of Gaza were there first and have a right to the land.
It is wrong for the US to support war crimes ... of Israel and war crimes committed by the US.

Ron Paul on the Gaza Invasion
I must disagree with the above post ... Israel has no right to commit war crimes ... which is what they are doing ... from what I understand of the conflict the people of Gaza were there first and have a right to the land.
It is wrong for the US to support war crimes ... of Israel and war crimes committed by the US.

Ron Paul on the Gaza Invasion

that region of the world has been being fought over for 5k years or so. so it's diffucult to eally know for sure. As for war crimes, why aren't the actions of Hamas also considered war crimes? If attacking a civilian population is a war crime, then who ever instigates the attack is a criminal. Would it be a surprise that another Arab country does not support Hamas in their efforts. Egypt does not recognize Hamas a being the legitimate gov't of Palistine. Is Hamas also launching rockets into Egypt? no.
All that being said, I believe that there should be a better way to handle the situation, although how can any negotiations take place with a group that "wants to wipe Isreal of the map.
i wonder what the response here would be if say China wanted to wipe us off the map? would there be much talk of negotiations..not a chance..I believe.
The Jews have as much history in that region as the Palestinians do. While i heartily agree that I's response is way over the top. they do have the right to respond. What with the tech they've got a lot more precision is doable.
And those "hobby" rockets will still kill anything around when they hit.
If the people of Gaza want the attacks to stop, then don't you think they can?
The extremists claim that all Americans ands Israelis are fair targets because we/they support the actions of the gov't's through taxes, then bitch when their"supposed " innocent civilians are injured or killed. Now I want to know how we are guilty of supporting the war efforts because we pay taxes, but their civilians, who provide food, hiding places, and security, aren't guilty of supporting their war effort? Now that's a double standard. And as to the Jews have undue influence over western gov't please..that is simply *imo* a fallacy put forth by antisemites and those looking to blame "someone else for their own don't have a high paying job because of them Jews" when quite frequently it's because the complainer doesn't want to put themselves out to better their lt in life.
Talk about extreme Biase and predjudice. This post takes the cake. How one can equate the palestinian conflict with any fairness is beyond comprehension. It's like taking a thousand pound hammer to swat a fly. In essence, the israelis are holding the palestinians in controlled concentration camps, and then bombing them, like penning up a bunch of cattle and lighting fire to the corral, then being amazed when the cattle stampede. It is wrong wrong wrong.
As usual you didn't read the post, but what else can be expected from a cop. Only seeing what they want to see. Tell me medi..doesn't it get cold with no pants on?
If you read it, which based on your dribble, you did not. I said, once again, that the Israeli's response was way over the top.. But hey medi..don't let the facts of my post stop you from inventing it. It's a well established fact that LEO has no use for facts, once they've decide what their truth is.
The solution: Stay the fuck out of other peoples business. At some point they will handle it themselves.
As usual you didn't read the post, but what else can be expected from a cop. Only seeing what they want to see. Tell me medi..doesn't it get cold with no pants on?
If you read it, which based on your dribble, you did not. I said, once again, that the Israeli's response was way over the top.. But hey medi..don't let the facts of my post stop you from inventing it. It's a well established fact that LEO has no use for facts, once they've decide what their truth is.
You think I'm a cop, how funny. That just goes to show what a total dumbass you really are. Uhhh BTW you tried to justify Israels position when there is no justification. BTW tell me more about your grow and, uhh, where was it you said you lived,~LOL~. I'd really like to see pictures of your grow and your house,~LOL~.
Not a chance cop where's your grow..oh yeah you don't even smoke. Tell us, what then are you doing here.under cover work well you suck at it.You wouldn't know a fact if you saw it.Again you accuse ,your favorite sport with no truths..a cop attribute. How did I justify it? You justified Hamas then you must be terrorist too then . Have you so limited a vocabulary that you repeat your insults..again a cop attribute. Don't like the facts..change them..cop..

Hey folks..don't disagree with medi..if you do, he stomps his lil feet and starts calling you names..Because he's always right, and those who don't know it are dumbasses..Nazis..fuckwads..etc.. A real mature response huh. What a laugh you are..It's odd you know..I post in a show up spewing disrespect...
Come on now guys, be nice.

i try to be, but if you were to read his posts in other forums then you might understand my vitriol, It doesn't matter what the topic is, he's got to be the only enlightened one, and those who don't agree with him he spews at. Now everyone has a right to their opinion, and to disagree with those of others, that does not mean that they should disrespect the other. While i enjoy a civil debate on the issues with facts, I don't believe that the opinion should hinge on"because I said so" as medi does. He doesn't debate, at least with me, he attempts to belittle, denigrate, and disrespect, oh yeah, he threatens to shoot me in the back. Quite mature don't you think?
I apologize to you if I've caused any offense..
Nothing offends me anymore... We should all just play nice and not start our own gaza battle over here ;)
Nothing offends me anymore... We should all just play nice and not start our own gaza battle over here ;)

i agree, I don't think that Israel's response is equal to the H's attacks,period. I also believe that Israel has the right to defend it self..but damn what they're doing is a bit much.But what the solution is is another problem.
i agree, I don't think that Israel's response is equal to the H's attacks,period. I also believe that Israel has the right to defend it self..but damn what they're doing is a bit much.But what the solution is is another problem.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves ... or don't they?
... and the solution is obvious ... but it would mean the lost of far too many MIC profits ... :fire: