Dwc Grow Club


New Member
Wow! I must say, you guys really know how to smoke! Around here it's hard to find hydro much less awesome strains. I have been lucky this past year and found some hook ups. Its all usually brick though. Look, this pic is what I smoke usually. Its the most readily available and cheapest. I can't wait to smoke real home grown! I'm tired of buying high priced dro from some prick. Any way this is the normal shit around here. Enjoy the laugh!



Well-Known Member
HA net... think we got the same dealer. Naw, but normally there's always good stuff around. around 35$ an 1/8. The stuff i have now,like in the pic, i'm paying 35$ a 1/4


Well-Known Member
or like a 100$ a oz. but I'm holding off for some better stuff. There's always sour diesel, jack herror, and haze around.


Well-Known Member
No, No headstring is good! makes me so high I can't even get out of the chair

Sorry Net, compress sucks! I hate people that trash pot. Compressing it to ship it.
I get prim bud in glass jars. That is the smoke! I thought Caly had the primo medical shit all the time?



New Member
Cali does! and it was great, but i'm in Austin TX and if you run across some dro somewhere, chances are that its some college kids little project or some fancy rich kids home grown. And they do price that shit like its gold! In San Antonio though if you know ppl, you can get the hook up. It's usually just really good reggies.


Well-Known Member
That is way high, we pay 100 an OZ for good pot and 45 a 1/4 for DAM good shit. Remember I live on a farm with nothing but farmers around me. All my friends grow but it's all from dirt. I'm the only one to try Hydro so I can grow it bigger and faster.

HA net... think we got the same dealer. Naw, but normally there's always good stuff around. around 35$ an 1/8. The stuff i have now,like in the pic, i'm paying 35$ a 1/4


Well-Known Member
I see, I have a few friends that take their weed to town to sale it. They are raping the kids @ 30 a gram but they have money and will pay the price as they get the money from mom & dad so they don't care.
I stay safe and never sell, just smoke and love life.

And my plant looks nice this morning! Thanks for your help Net! You're number 1 in my book!

Plus reps to you my friend.


New Member
I see, I have a few friends that take their weed to town to sale it. They are raping the kids @ 30 a gram but they have money and will pay the price as they get the money from mom & dad so they don't care.
I stay safe and never sell, just smoke and love life.

And my plant looks nice this morning! Thanks for your help Net! You're number 1 in my book!

Plus reps to you my friend.

Thank you Toker!! I always enjoy chatting it up with you!


Well-Known Member
You are one of the only women I like chatting with.
Maybe it's your green thumb that makes you a delight to chat with.



Well-Known Member
Nice site but very wrong on my state:

Smoking tolerance level: 4.5

Legislation: Possession, delivery or sale of one-half ounce or less is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine up to $2,500.

In FarmLand weed is highly illegal and if you fit the stoner description beware the cops are looking for it. Posession of any marijuna or pariphenalia will land you at least the night in jail and a hefty fine.

However, when you are old like me and my friends we walk down the street smoking and no one even looks at use. If you are 30 or below watch your ass!
I have seen them pull over kids for no reason and just take their pot and send them down the road. Very biased to age, the brother, few as their are have no chance here. People are very, what is the word I'm looking for, raciest, yep that one tell the story. We have had to stand in front of our black friends and pull knifes and guns to keep the RedNecks from hurting them. I hate this place as far as the people but I live in the middle of NO WHERE, then turn left. Well, thiis is killing my buzz so BONGHIT!
I'm done complaining about stupid people for the day!

Peace to all my! Wish it would become a virus and everyone get it.

We need Peace in the world!


Well-Known Member
BC, the weather is not to bad and the people that aren't pro french are nice.
I'm going there this summer for a visit to check out the place.
Plus the goverment is a lot of strange here so leaving is no big deal.
As a man, there is a big influince of Polish people in Canada & I really like Polish women! They are HOT!! Just my type.
Sorry Net, no offence!


Well-Known Member
I'm going for a week and I'm taking 500.
room and board are on CC
Watch out for "Rate Rape" people in stories will not give you the correct exchange rate nor do dealers. Get 1/2 converted at the airport or bank.
They like their money not ours as the exchange is a pain.