the idea of free market capitalism is a joke


New Member
The free market door should swing both ways. You don't reap the benefits and then go crying for a handout when times are tough. That's more of a corporate welfare state.


New Member
LOL! I disagree with you so, to you, I am argumentative. I press you for specifics in the wake of your nebulous responses, yet it is I who seeks an argument. LOL!

My asking for clarification is just that. It is part of the discussion.

If I am provoking an argument, it is only in your perception, Med. Disagreement is not provocation. Your evasiveness does give me pause regarding exactly who would be described as seeking an 'argument.'

So, you know he's a decent rich person. How nice.

It's refreshing to see that you feel not all rich people are evil and greedy.

Hilarious! You ask me to do for some anonymous '"conservative" CEO' what you are unable to do for Sean Penn.

You are the one who is so sure the CEOs are Conservatives. As I said previously, it has not been established what political affiliations are attached to any of the unnamed CEOs you brought up in the first place.

It is simply your opinion based on your tired, old, assumptions about Conservatives.

Why don't you come up with some names of these evil, Conservative, boogeyman CEOs? I was good enough to provide you an extensive list of rich Progressives. Just to be clear, I'm looking for examples of people who conform to the following statement:

You can be very concise when you wish to be. And with such a vivid description, surely you can provide one name.
Bernie Evers


Well-Known Member
Bernie Evers
I asked for an example of a boogeyman and you complied. However, I was hoping for an example a tad more timely than a seven year old story.

Regardless, we'll go with Bernie anyway.

Bernie Evers is an example of what should be happening now instead of bailouts. Worldcom filed for bankruptcy in 2002 and is now known as Verizon Business, a viable company.

Back then our government let the chips fall, and look at what was exposed!

Evers is in prison for fraud and conspiracy as I write these words. He's not eligible for release until 2028.

A civil action was brought against him by Worldcom investors and they cleaned his plow. They took everything he owned. He's broke.

No bailout. No island with a castle. No looting of the planet. No golden shower fire-suppression techniques withheld from the impoverished.

By the way, Med, did you know that as Chief Executive of Worldcom, he preached frugality to his executives? He encouraged them to fly coach and order cabs, not hire limos.


Well-Known Member
I asked for an example of a boogeyman and you complied. However, I was hoping for an example a tad more timely than a seven year old story.

Regardless, we'll go with Bernie anyway.

Bernie Evers is an example of what should be happening now instead of bailouts. Worldcom filed for bankruptcy in 2002 and is now known as Verizon Business, a viable company.

Back then our government let the chips fall, and look at what was exposed!

Evers is in prison for fraud and conspiracy as I write these words. He's not eligible for release until 2028.

A civil action was brought against him by Worldcom investors and they cleaned his plow. They took everything he owned. He's broke.

No bailout. No island with a castle. No looting of the planet. No golden shower fire-suppression techniques withheld from the impoverished.

By the way, Med, did you know that as Chief Executive of Worldcom, he preached frugality to his executives? He encouraged them to fly coach and order cabs, not hire limos.
More money for him, lol, but still, to have an honest executive preaching those principles and following them would be an improvement for many of the fortune 500s.

Of course, it's the fortune 500s that Med is focused on, not the thirty million private enterprises that actually make this economy what it is.


Well-Known Member
More money for him, lol, but still, to have an honest executive preaching those principles and following them would be an improvement for many of the fortune 500s.

Of course, it's the fortune 500s that Med is focused on, not the thirty million private enterprises that actually make this economy what it is.

thats becasue the big 500 make the money for the pollys


New Member
I asked for an example of a boogeyman and you complied. However, I was hoping for an example a tad more timely than a seven year old story.

Regardless, we'll go with Bernie anyway.

Bernie Evers is an example of what should be happening now instead of bailouts. Worldcom filed for bankruptcy in 2002 and is now known as Verizon Business, a viable company.

Back then our government let the chips fall, and look at what was exposed!

Evers is in prison for fraud and conspiracy as I write these words. He's not eligible for release until 2028.

A civil action was brought against him by Worldcom investors and they cleaned his plow. They took everything he owned. He's broke.

No bailout. No island with a castle. No looting of the planet. No golden shower fire-suppression techniques withheld from the impoverished.

By the way, Med, did you know that as Chief Executive of Worldcom, he preached frugality to his executives? He encouraged them to fly coach and order cabs, not hire limos.
Yeah, he was of the do as I say, not as I do philosophy. There are many more of his ilk. I'd imagine if you shake most any Ceo tree, a few like old Bernie will come tumbling out. By the time you reach this vaunted status, CEO, CFO etc, you have stabbed so many people in the back that it is a natural way of life, eat or be eaten I believe you've put it, or someone has. The real assholes of the world.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he was of the do as I say, not as I do philosophy. There are many more of his ilk. I'd imagine if you shake most any Ceo tree, a few like old Bernie will come tumbling out. By the time you reach this vaunted status, CEO, CFO etc, you have stabbed so many people in the back that it is a natural way of life, eat or be eaten I believe you've put it, or someone has. The real assholes of the world.
Does the preceding statement apply to Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEOs?
There are many more of his ilk.
That is a statement of fact. Examples please.


New Member
Does the preceding statement apply to Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEOs?
I suppose if you could find one, like say Sean Puffy Colmes, for example. I'd say he is a liberal and a Ceo of sorts, not of a fortune 500 company though. I'll bet those liberal/progressive/democratic CEOs are scarcer than hens teeth. By definition, A liberal/progressive/democratic anything is not going to be like those fortune 500 CEOs, the heads of worldcom, Global crossing or Enron type companies are the true assholes. You ask for specifics, I'm pretty sure you get the gist of what I'm saying without naming names.


Well-Known Member
Does the preceding statement apply to Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEOs?
I suppose if you could find one, like say Sean Puffy Colmes, for example. I'd say he is a liberal and a Ceo of sorts, not of a fortune 500 company though. I'll bet those liberal/progressive/democratic CEOs are scarcer than hens teeth. By definition, A liberal/progressive/democratic anything is not going to be like those fortune 500 CEOs, the heads of worldcom, Global crossing or Enron type companies are the true assholes. You ask for specifics, I'm pretty sure you get the gist of what I'm saying without naming names.
That was a yes or no question. LOL!

The Fortune 500 never entered into my calculus as far as this discussion was concerned. All of my statements have been in reference to CEOs of all corporations. Let's not pretend that we've been discussing the Fortune 500 all this time. Based on the above statement, a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation does not exist. But they do exist, as I have shown previously. Berkshire Hathaway is listed as number 11. Warren Buffett is the CEO.

As far as naming names, that's exactly what I ask. You stated unambiguously that there are many others of Bernie Ever's ilk out there: Who are they?


Well-Known Member
That was a yes or no question. LOL!

The Fortune 500 never entered into my calculus as far as this discussion was concerned. All of my statements have been in reference to CEOs of all corporations. Let's not pretend that we've been discussing the Fortune 500 all this time. Based on the above statement, a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation does not exist. But they do exist, as I have shown previously. Berkshire Hathaway is listed as number 11. Warren Buffett is the CEO.

As far as naming names, that's exactly what I ask. You stated unambiguously that there are many others of Bernie Ever's ilk out there: Who are they?
Isn't the market manipulating Oracle of Omaha the 2nd richest person in the United States?


New Member
That was a yes or no question. LOL!

The Fortune 500 never entered into my calculus as far as this discussion was concerned. All of my statements have been in reference to CEOs of all corporations. Let's not pretend that we've been discussing the Fortune 500 all this time. Based on the above statement, a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation does not exist. But they do exist, as I have shown previously. Berkshire Hathaway is listed as number 11. Warren Buffett is the CEO.

As far as naming names, that's exactly what I ask. You stated unambiguously that there are many others of Bernie Ever's ilk out there: Who are they?
Well Johnny, I'm not going on a CEO search for you. If you are too , How can I say this without offending, OK, Dimwitted, to realize what I've been saying. Then so be it. Sorry, no offense intended. But anyway here are 4 just for you johnny:
Raytheon chief William Swanson, $19 million last year.
EMC CEO Joseph Tucci, $17 million.
Biogen's James Mullen, $12 million.
Staples CEO Ronald Sargent, $11 million.
There are hundreds, no make that thousands that are overcompensated for their failures.


New Member
That was a yes or no question. LOL!

The Fortune 500 never entered into my calculus as far as this discussion was concerned. All of my statements have been in reference to CEOs of all corporations. Let's not pretend that we've been discussing the Fortune 500 all this time. Based on the above statement, a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation does not exist. But they do exist, as I have shown previously. Berkshire Hathaway is listed as number 11. Warren Buffett is the CEO.

As far as naming names, that's exactly what I ask. You stated unambiguously that there are many others of Bernie Ever's ilk out there: Who are they?
Well Johnny, I'm not going on a CEO search for you. If you are too , How can I say this without offending, OK, Dimwitted, to realize what I've been saying. Then so be it. Sorry, no offense intended. But anyway here are 4 just for you johnny:
Raytheon chief William Swanson, $19 million last year.
EMC CEO Joseph Tucci, $17 million.
Biogen's James Mullen, $12 million.
Staples CEO Ronald Sargent, $11 million.
There are hundreds, no make that thousands that are overcompensated for their failures.


Well-Known Member
Well Johnny, I'm not going on a CEO search for you. If you are too , How can I say this without offending, OK, Dimwitted, to realize what I've been saying. Then so be it. Sorry, no offense intended. But anyway here are 4 just for you johnny:
Raytheon chief William Swanson, $19 million last year.
EMC CEO Joseph Tucci, $17 million.
Biogen's James Mullen, $12 million.
Staples CEO Ronald Sargent, $11 million.
There are hundreds, no make that thousands that are overcompensated for their failures.
Well Johnny, I'm not going on a CEO search for you. If you are too , How can I say this without offending, OK, Dimwitted, to realize what I've been saying. Then so be it. Sorry, no offense intended. But anyway here are 4 just for you johnny:
Raytheon chief William Swanson, $19 million last year.
EMC CEO Joseph Tucci, $17 million.
Biogen's James Mullen, $12 million.
Staples CEO Ronald Sargent, $11 million.
Thank you and thank you again!

Only a dimwit would to expect you to actually back up your outlandish statements without prodding.

William Swanson.

In 2006, Swanson admitted to plagiarizing from a book written in 1944. Raytheon docked his pay 1 million dollars because the unatributted work was used in an official booklet and caused some embarrassment to the corporation. Heavens to Murgatroid! Plagiarism! What would Joe Biden think?

Are you so sure he's a Conservative? His political contributions say otherwise. His personal contributions to Democrats ($16,8450) dwarf those made to Republicans ($500).

Raytheon employs 72,000 people and is not on the bailout list. All things considered, the company is pretty damn robust. Sales in the Third Quarter of 2008 up 12%. Exactly which failure is being compensated here?

Exactly how is he of Bernie Evers' ilk?

Joe Tucci.

What's the problem? No scandals. The company is making money, $13.2 Billion in 2007. No bailout. EMC employs 37,000 people. In June of 2008, EMC acquired Iomega Corporation, Inc.

You might want to check his Conservative credentials, too, Med. $1,750 to three Democrats versus $500 to one Republican. LOL!

Again I ask: What failure is being compensated? How is Mr. Tucci like Bernard Evers?

Jim Mullen.

A corporation seeking the cure to cancer must be the most despicable company on the planet. LOL! You would prefer this company disappear and take its cancer treatment with it into the abyss?

A company which employs 4,300 people and made over 3 Billion dollars for its stockholders. No bailout.

Mr. Mullens politics are a tad murkier based on his political contributions because every single political one has been to the Biogen IDEC PAC.

But wait, there's more! In 2008, the Biogen Political Action Committee contributed to candidates from both parties, but it appears that Congressional Democrats in the House accepted $26,000 while their Republican collegues accepted $12,000. On the other hand Senate Democrats accepted a measley $3,500 to the Senate Republican's $5,000.

Exactly how is Mr. Mullens akin to Bernie Evers? What failure is being compensated here?

Ron Sargent.

Finally! A Conservative. $12,800 contributed to Republicans versus $6,800 to Democrats.

But alas, no scandals. Staples is not seeking a bailout. Revenue of $19,372,700 in 2008, which is up 6.70% from the previous year. In 2008, Staples, Inc., employed 75,588 people and has seen a 2.60% increase in the number of employees from 2007.

Once again I ask, what has Mr. Sargent done which would put him in the same category as Bernard Evers? Precisely what failure is being rewarded?

I find it hilarious that each example you gave hailed from the Peoples State of Massachusetts. Demographically speaking, one could deduce that these four corporations employ a shitload of East Coast Liberals within the Commonwealth. LOL!
There are hundreds, no make that thousands that are overcompensated for their failures.
An audacious statement considering your miserable failure to prove your point thus far.

The sole purpose of a business, any business, is to make a profit for its owners. In service of that purpose, the leaders of that business must find a need and fill it. Furthermore, they must do it better and more efficiently than their competitors.

Is that your objection, Med? The profit motive? If so, one must disallow all investment, including pension funds. Without a profit incentive luring investment capital, industry cannot function. No industry no economy. Economics is a fact of life when humans interact.


New Member
Thank you and thank you again!

Only a dimwit would to expect you to actually back up your outlandish statements without prodding.

William Swanson.

In 2006, Swanson admitted to plagiarizing from a book written in 1944. Raytheon docked his pay 1 million dollars because the unatributted work was used in an official booklet and caused some embarrassment to the corporation. Heavens to Murgatroid! Plagiarism! What would Joe Biden think?

Are you so sure he's a Conservative? His political contributions say otherwise. His personal contributions to Democrats ($16,8450) dwarf those made to Republicans ($500).

Raytheon employs 72,000 people and is not on the bailout list. All things considered, the company is pretty damn robust. Sales in the Third Quarter of 2008 up 12%. Exactly which failure is being compensated here?

Exactly how is he of Bernie Evers' ilk?

Joe Tucci.

What's the problem? No scandals. The company is making money, $13.2 Billion in 2007. No bailout. EMC employs 37,000 people. In June of 2008, EMC acquired Iomega Corporation, Inc.

You might want to check his Conservative credentials, too, Med. $1,750 to three Democrats versus $500 to one Republican. LOL!

Again I ask: What failure is being compensated? How is Mr. Tucci like Bernard Evers?

Jim Mullen.

A corporation seeking the cure to cancer must be the most despicable company on the planet. LOL! You would prefer this company disappear and take its cancer treatment with it into the abyss?

A company which employs 4,300 people and made over 3 Billion dollars for its stockholders. No bailout.

Mr. Mullens politics are a tad murkier based on his political contributions because every single political one has been to the Biogen IDEC PAC.

But wait, there's more! In 2008, the Biogen Political Action Committee contributed to candidates from both parties, but it appears that Congressional Democrats in the House accepted $26,000 while their Republican collegues accepted $12,000. On the other hand Senate Democrats accepted a measley $3,500 to the Senate Republican's $5,000.

Exactly how is Mr. Mullens akin to Bernie Evers? What failure is being compensated here?

Ron Sargent.

Finally! A Conservative. $12,800 contributed to Republicans versus $6,800 to Democrats.

But alas, no scandals. Staples is not seeking a bailout. Revenue of $19,372,700 in 2008, which is up 6.70% from the previous year. In 2008, Staples, Inc., employed 75,588 people and has seen a 2.60% increase in the number of employees from 2007.

Once again I ask, what has Mr. Sargent done which would put him in the same category as Bernard Evers? Precisely what failure is being rewarded?

I find it hilarious that each example you gave hailed from the Peoples State of Massachusetts. Demographically speaking, one could deduce that these four corporations employ a shitload of East Coast Liberals within the Commonwealth. LOL!

An audacious statement considering your miserable failure to prove your point thus far.

The sole purpose of a business, any business, is to make a profit for its owners. In service of that purpose, the leaders of that business must find a need and fill it. Furthermore, they must do it better and more efficiently than their competitors.

Is that your objection, Med? The profit motive? If so, one must disallow all investment, including pension funds. Without a profit incentive luring investment capital, industry cannot function. No industry no economy. Economics is a fact of life when humans interact.
Well Johnny I tried. I guess you are just too superior to me to contend with. I give up, you win, Now that you've won, do you feel superior? I mean Heck, If I am so lowly, what are you superior to? I guess I'm just playing way over my head, You're the man johnny, you're the man,,,Baaarrrfffff. Sorry, I couldn't help it, I made myself sick.


Well-Known Member
Well Johnny I tried. I guess you are just too superior to me to contend with. I give up, you win, Now that you've won, do you feel superior? I mean Heck, If I am so lowly, what are you superior to? I guess I'm just playing way over my head, You're the man johnny, you're the man,,,Baaarrrfffff. Sorry, I couldn't help it, I made myself sick.
Sour grapes seem to be a badge of honor for you.

I never claimed superiority on my part or lowliness on your part, Med. That's your interpretation only.

Your usual tactics don't work against me, that's all.


Well-Known Member
'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years

By Stephen Moore

Some years ago when I worked at the libertarian Cato Institute, we used to label any new hire who had not yet read "Atlas Shrugged" a "virgin." Being conversant in Ayn Rand's classic novel about the economic carnage caused by big government run amok was practically a job requirement. If only "Atlas" were required reading for every member of Congress and political appointee in the Obama administration. I'm confident that we'd get out of the current financial mess a lot faster.

Many of us who know Rand's work have noticed that with each passing week, and with each successive bailout plan and economic-stimulus scheme out of Washington, our current politicians are committing the very acts of economic lunacy that "Atlas Shrugged" parodied in 1957, when this 1,000-page novel was first published and became an instant hit.

Rand, who had come to America from Soviet Russia with striking insights into totalitarianism and the destructiveness of socialism, was already a celebrity. The left, naturally, hated her. But as recently as 1991, a survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club found that readers rated "Atlas" as the second-most influential book in their lives, behind only the Bible.

For the uninitiated, the moral of the story is simply this: Politicians invariably respond to crises -- that in most cases they themselves created -- by spawning new government programs, laws and regulations. These, in turn, generate more havoc and poverty, which inspires the politicians to create more programs . . . and the downward spiral repeats itself until the productive sectors of the economy collapse under the collective weight of taxes and other burdens imposed in the name of fairness, equality and do-goodism.

In the book, these relentless wealth redistributionists and their programs are disparaged as "the looters and their laws." Every new act of government futility and stupidity carries with it a benevolent-sounding title. These include the "Anti-Greed Act" to redistribute income (sounds like Charlie Rangel's promises soak-the-rich tax bill) and the "Equalization of Opportunity Act" to prevent people from starting more than one business (to give other people a chance). My personal favorite, the "Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Act," aims to restrict cut-throat competition between firms and thus slow the wave of business bankruptcies. Why didn't Hank Paulson think of that?

These acts and edicts sound farcical, yes, but no more so than the actual events in Washington, circa 2008. We already have been served up the $700 billion "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act" and the "Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act." Now that Barack Obama is in town, he will soon sign into law with great urgency the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan." This latest Hail Mary pass will increase the federal budget (which has already expanded by $1.5 trillion in eight years under George Bush) by an additional $1 trillion -- in roughly his first 100 days in office.

The current economic strategy is right out of "Atlas Shrugged": The more incompetent you are in business, the more handouts the politicians will bestow on you. That's the justification for the $2 trillion of subsidies doled out already to keep afloat distressed insurance companies, banks, Wall Street investment houses, and auto companies -- while standing next in line for their share of the booty are real-estate developers, the steel industry, chemical companies, airlines, ethanol producers, construction firms and even catfish farmers. With each successive bailout to "calm the markets," another trillion of national wealth is subsequently lost. Yet, as "Atlas" grimly foretold, we now treat the incompetent who wreck their companies as victims, while those resourceful business owners who manage to make a profit are portrayed as recipients of illegitimate "windfalls."

When Rand was writing in the 1950s, one of the pillars of American industrial might was the railroads. In her novel the railroad owner, Dagny Taggart, an enterprising industrialist, has a FedEx-like vision for expansion and first-rate service by rail. But she is continuously badgered, cajoled, taxed, ruled and regulated -- always in the public interest -- into bankruptcy. Sound far-fetched? On the day I sat down to write this ode to "Atlas," a Wall Street Journal headline blared: "Rail Shippers Ask Congress to Regulate Freight Prices."

In one chapter of the book, an entrepreneur invents a new miracle metal -- stronger but lighter than steel. The government immediately appropriates the invention in "the public good." The politicians demand that the metal inventor come to Washington and sign over ownership of his invention or lose everything.

The scene is eerily similar to an event late last year when six bank presidents were summoned by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to Washington, and then shuttled into a conference room and told, in effect, that they could not leave until they collectively signed a document handing over percentages of their future profits to the government. The Treasury folks insisted that this shakedown, too, was all in "the public interest."

Ultimately, "Atlas Shrugged" is a celebration of the entrepreneur, the risk taker and the cultivator of wealth through human intellect. Critics dismissed the novel as simple-minded, and even some of Rand's political admirers complained that she lacked compassion. Yet one pertinent warning resounds throughout the book: When profits and wealth and creativity are denigrated in society, they start to disappear -- leaving everyone the poorer.

One memorable moment in "Atlas" occurs near the very end, when the economy has been rendered comatose by all the great economic minds in Washington. Finally, and out of desperation, the politicians come to the heroic businessman John Galt (who has resisted their assault on capitalism) and beg him to help them get the economy back on track. The discussion sounds much like what would happen today:

Galt: "You want me to be Economic Dictator?"

Mr. Thompson: "Yes!"

"And you'll obey any order I give?"


"Then start by abolishing all income taxes."

"Oh no!" screamed Mr. Thompson, leaping to his feet. "We couldn't do that . . . How would we pay government employees?"

"Fire your government employees."

"Oh, no!"

Abolishing the income tax. Now that really would be a genuine economic stimulus. But Mr. Obama and the Democrats in Washington want to do the opposite: to raise the income tax "for purposes of fairness" as Barack Obama puts it.

David Kelley, the president of the Atlas Society, which is dedicated to promoting Rand's ideas, explains that "the older the book gets, the more timely its message." He tells me that there are plans to make "Atlas Shrugged" into a major motion picture -- it is the only classic novel of recent decades that was never made into a movie. "We don't need to make a movie out of the book," Mr. Kelley jokes. "We are living it right now."


New Member
Looks like free market capitolism is working out fine. They're forming a bailout line in DC now.

"Don't like your status in the 'hood? Just skim all the profits off the top and then run to DC with your hand out. Be a man with a plan."


New Member
Looks like free market capitolism is working out fine. They're forming a bailout line in DC now.

"Don't like your status in the 'hood? Just skim all the profits off the top and then run to DC with your hand out. Be a man with a plan."

Exactly. Free market capitalism is only good for the capitalist when times are good, when times are bad or they have screwed the pooch, they come running for a "socialist" handout. Any of you free market capitalist care to refute this?


New Member
Exactly. Free market capitalism is only good for the capitalist when times are good, when times are bad or they have screwed the pooch, they come running for a "socialist" handout. Any of you free market capitalist care to refute this?
Did you read the article that Johnnyorganic posted, Med? I suspect that you did not.

Please read the article in it's entirety, after which, your complete stupidity won't be hanging out so far for all to see.


PS: Johnny ... excellent find, bro. That article was right on!