Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden


Well-Known Member
ah i see, they look like they got some green on them now haha. so youre going to take clones off of them? i should probably do that with my next ones. the next crop is about a month old now and startin to take off. choppin the skywalker this weekend then the purple wreck a week later, which are actually starting to turn purple now :bigjoint:
I am going to take clones off one and keep as a mom for a few cuts or just flower her and be done keeping a daughter for mom, if she is sexier of course!
I will keep a couple clones and trade or give away the others.

I will flower out the other two. Looking back at the K-train, it looks like about week 6 where I cut the male clones, that was 4 weeks ago, so they should be big enough in 2-4 weeks. This will give me close to a perpetual. I will be taking out and replacing the 3 red diesels, 2-3 weeks after that, then the k-train harvest and two more in...

I'm gonna click on over and see if you got pics!


Well-Known Member
Some leaf drop on lower branches(RD), not sure if cuz they are so crammed and no light or if I might have pushed the nutes a little too hard. They had 75% of the FF chart for the first week with Beastie Bloomz. The KT has had the first dose of open sesame with their nutes. Today all but RD in flower got worm poo tea with 4 teaspoons BMO's super plant tonic (This stuff is amazing by the way) This is a no NPK watering.

pics:first five are #4, the cat loves my garden, she has also recently taken up smoking.

6-8 are #1, 9-12 are #3

13 is the flower box (oops forgot to get KT flower pics) KT in front, Left to right in back are #3, #1, #4



Well-Known Member
The five RD clones I had in 3" rock wool cubes were adopted today! Met a fellow med grower and he kicked me 5.5g of his Romulan that he has nurtured for 5 years, originally from bay area clubs. His smoke is nice and he has a blueberry also. Will be trading the infamous headband for a romulan and BB cutting in a month or so! I just checked and I have 7 different varieties of smoke to choose from!

Also, this guy I met invited me to his house and we smoked. If he has been keeping this strain for 5 years he has at least that much experience! He did not offer to show me his grow and I did not ask. He did say that he likes 400 and 430w lights and that they make good supplemental lighting!!!! I think his knowledge is going to be a huge asset!

The Headband has come back nice and will be ready to take clones and put one into the flower rotation in a couple of weeks.

The KT mom could give more clones at any time. Still fighting the cal/mag/zinc/pH/under developed root system or whatever it is.

I have 3 RD clones that were cut 21 days ago. One from each of the phenotypes in flower. I also have two pots with clones of #4 that are 28 days old. One is for my seldom used street dealer dude who is kinda growing one plant that was given him. The other was a case of I only have 1 rockwool cube left and still have 3 really small cuttings...I wonder if they would kinda fuse together and boost the yield from "one plant". They have done very well together ad will probably just give clones.

The pics:
pic 1 is veg box

2 and 3 are the 21 day old clones from left to right: #3,#1,#4 (parent)

pic 4 is the 28 day RD clones; left give away, right 3 in one cube experiment

Pic 5: Zombies back from the dead

Pic 6 KT mom



Well-Known Member
K-train mom was needing to be cut, and I sure don't have room yet, so I cut 15 cuttings for my new grow buddy. He kicked down a fat 1/4 of his Romulan. He has a nice garden and I learned so much just casually talking shop. I have been blessed with this new friendship. One of the first things I noticed in his garden was ladybugs! I have used them on my tomatoes outside but never thought too much about them in the seldom seen garden. They are beautiful in the garden and are on patrol as a preventative measure. They will eat fungus gnats in their early winged stage when they walk around alot. Tried to get some today but the hydro shop was out.

Picked up some cal-mag plus for use at half strength, repotted the re-vegged headband (zombies!) and watered in with the free worm casting & hume oil tea (1/4 strength) with the cal-mag and half strength BMO SPT. The zombies will give cuttings in a week and one will be put (crammed) into flower! They are now in 6 liter pots. They were in barely 2 qts of soil, but the root system was very nice.

Red Diesel clones cut 12/6 are thriving and received the same refreshments today. They will continue to veg and be topped maybe in half a week or two before needed. They will have strong large stems and roots. Then more RD cuttings for the medical community.

Pics:Zombies, K-train mon (-) 15 cuttings, RD clones cut 12/6, RD 3-in-1 cube experiment cut 11/30, veg box.




Well-Known Member
Leaf drop continued this week but seems to have stopped. I believe it was mainly from lack of light on lower parts of plants. I had nutes up to 75% but will no longer ever exceed 1/2 strength. RD girls had their final dose of beastie bloomz, and will start cha-ching following a no nute watering next week. K-train is at day 14. started stretching and was bent over and tied down. One branch crimped but no ill effects.

The tree RD phenotypes continue to behave a little differently. #3, slowest to flower, shortest-now tallest, leaf shape and color different. #1 narrow sativa looking leaves, #4 explosive fast flowering, at least a week ahead of other two. Keeping clones of all three for now. I really wish I had a whole room.

Pics: first two flower box one with KT pulled out a little, Third K-Train day 14 flower, 4-8 RD #4, 9-11 RD #1, Last 5 are RD #3




Well-Known Member
Today is day 33 of flower for the red diesels and day 19 for the K-train. Veg box: RD clones are 12-18" and wishing I had more room to flower. KT mom, Headband re-veg all in 6 liter pots and 19". One or two headband will give some cuttings tomorrow to share and one will be squeezed in the flower box.

Red diesel in flower skipped a feeding to use up some stored nutes, and will get half strength off the FF chart with the first dose of Cha Ching which is supposed to increase production of essential oils for flavor and aroma. The three still have distinctly different characteristics, and #4 which has the accelerated flowering is showing a little purple.

Pics: flower box, 2 pics of veg box, KT day 19 flower, 5-7 RD#1, 8-12 RD#4,
last 5 RD#3



Well-Known Member
very nice!! i need to set my veg lights up like yours lol. i just have mine clamped to each pole inside the homebox and they slide down all the time and shit. ill open up the tent in the morning and there a bulb will be on top of a plant burning the shit out of it lol. maybe ive just gotten lazier now that i have all this harvested bud.. anywho, sweet lookin plants. thos k-train are going to be awesome, and that diesel in the third row is crazy looking!!


Well-Known Member
very nice!! i need to set my veg lights up like yours lol. i just have mine clamped to each pole inside the homebox and they slide down all the time and shit. ill open up the tent in the morning and there a bulb will be on top of a plant burning the shit out of it lol. maybe ive just gotten lazier now that i have all this harvested bud.. anywho, sweet lookin plants. thos k-train are going to be awesome, and that diesel in the third row is crazy looking!!
Thanks DK! nice to see you. It has been pretty lonely around here, lots of people peek in, but nobody says hi, tells me I am an idiot or offers advise...your presence is appreciated! Glad your are enjoy the fruits of your labor:weed:



Well-Known Member
lol no problem. ive been choppin a plant every other day for the past few weeks or so, manicuring, hanging, drying, weighing, jarring.. shits a lot of work lol. especially when you take breaks to smoke every 30 mins... but this purple wreck is some knockout shit! just smoked the first bowl of it, cant wait til its actually cured properly. but your grows lookin pretty damn good, maybe no one has anything to say becuase there is nothing to be said!! i mean nothing really flowering much yet, and nothing that needs any help with, just time to sit back and watch! :weed: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What up dood. My thai haze x skunk bit the dust. Debating what to do with that. Either butter or hash, one of the two. Not mature yet, nearl all the trichs are clear.

Your grow is lookin awesome!


Well-Known Member
What up dood. My thai haze x skunk bit the dust. Debating what to do with that. Either butter or hash, one of the two. Not mature yet, nearl all the trichs are clear.

Your grow is lookin awesome!
Thank you sir! Sorry to hear about the THS, I have heard that Haze strains are difficult. Maybe just needs more time? Would probably make good butter either way.


Well-Known Member
maybe thats why mine is so screwed up lol. my last one left is the g13 haze, like a foot tall and still not done flowering.. goin on 11 weeks now


Well-Known Member
haha nice!! where did you get them? been meaning to find some myself. do they eat all kinds of diferent bugs? i got a bit of a thripe problem..


Well-Known Member
haha nice!! where did you get them? been meaning to find some myself. do they eat all kinds of diferent bugs? i got a bit of a thripe problem..
My local hydro store carries them, 7 bucks for 1500, keep in fridge. The green thumb nursery carries them, but not sure if in winter.

They will eat small soft bodied pests like spider mites, and the juvenile stages of others. The larvae will eat the larvae of fungus gnats and the ladies will eat the young ones that crawl around. More of a preventative measure, and they look cool in the garden. They might eat thrips when they are young, but you probably need a praying mantis (not sure but that bastard would probably slaughter your ladies (bugs))

If your local shop does not carry them, http://www.familyhydroponics.com/penryn.php near Auburn probably does they are part of the same franchise as my local. Maybe on your way back from Tahoe...Also should call so if out they order more.



Well-Known Member
sweet thanks. i dont believe my grow store has them, although ive never asked. i never thought about a praying mantis haha that would be awesome. the thrips are super tiny whenever i see them, would a mantis take care of them? and you got 1500 lady bugs?? damn that sounds like a lot haha how many did you let out into the garden?


Well-Known Member
sweet thanks. i dont believe my grow store has them, although ive never asked. i never thought about a praying mantis haha that would be awesome. the thrips are super tiny whenever i see them, would a mantis take care of them? and you got 1500 lady bugs?? damn that sounds like a lot haha how many did you let out into the garden?
I am not sure, but I will ask my bro who has used them, but they are pretty much insect slayers. I will ask if ladybugs work also as they might.

Yeah 1500. They do not come in a smaller size that I have seen, although I have seen different packaging. I released 10 or so in each box. They are not real fond of 12,000 foot candles in the flower box and only a few hang out on the tops, but in the veg box under cfl's they will be on leaves touching the bulbs (the headband had a growth spurt after tea).

I have had to do a little pruning of the flower canopy. I know this is controversial on this site (to trim or not to trim) however I have so much crammed in so little space, I think some selective pruning will help improve yield and it sure looks better. I also tied up #3. She did not have anyone in front of her and was happy to be 2 feet wide (would easily be 4' wide if I let her). This made room to squeeze 1 headband re-veg (zombie) into the flower box last night.

My gro bro and I are placing an order for Barney farm "violator kush" and "night shade" which makes the strain list we both have access to include:

Skunk Kush
Red Diesel
LA Confidential
Power Skunk
Coming soon:Violator kush, night shade (both 22% THC and over 1%CBN)

I have also started using Botanicare Power Plant or Power Flower
with liquid karma, blast off, sweet, cal-mag plus, BMO SPT, Dr. Hornby's Piranha (only a sample it is real expensive) mixed with RO water and or worm casting tea (diluted 3:1) The botanicare stuff seems to be gentle enough they say you cant over do it (I bet I could) My buddy uses this mix every watering, soaks rockwool for clones in it and dips them in it. All his shit looks perfect. He has tried many products over the years and likes these. He kicked me water bottle samples. I am also going to try coco coir, as it seems to work excellent. Soil is great when it is new... the coir hold lots of water and lots of air. His shit has tiny roots coveing the top layer of coco. Seeing is believing for me. Thanks global dude if you are lurking!

So much for the yard work I was going to do...it's now dark, and I think I'll go get high!



Well-Known Member
sweet list you got there. i think i only have 3 of those haha, actually only the power skunk left in seed form! whatcha think about these? http://www.planetnatural.com/site/thrips-predator.html
What did you do open a seed bank and sell out? I though you had more seeds. We have 2 power skunks and 2 AK-48 as sprouts.

I really don't know about the thrips-predator, but I will ask my buddy if he has any experience with them tonight or tomorrow.
