New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Exciting news for me.......

2 plants showed sex.

This is a recap, This rotation I had 6 plants. 1 male was previously found and destroyed. (1 of the 3 jerry berry) So this left 5 potential females.

As I woke my babies up, I inspected them as I always do. Well, 2 showed sex last night

Do I have boy (s) or Girl (s)???

Well Its a...............


Both of them are girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That just made my day. I am off to roll a fatty, and celebrate. Who wants to celebrate with me?

God this brings back memories of my growing days. Its good to be back. Good to be able to help people too. So nice to see hairs.

Ok, 1 jerry Berry was a female, and that monster of a plant the Afgani was a Female. I am physicked. I think this girl is going to yield a good amount of bud. And that was my only afgan from this rotation, so I am very excited its a girl. I love afgan.

Who wants to celebrate and smoke a fatty?
I'm so happy for you man, there's nothing better than seeing those white pistils for the first time!! :hump: I'll definitely be sparking one up this afternoon in celebration :) Is Jerry Berry a sativa?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, Its a sativa.

So everyone knows, this site is messing up for me. I cant get my PM's, Or use the quote. So I am not sure if this will even go through.

When they fix it I will reply to everyone who PMd me.


Well-Known Member
From what I heard its sativa....I perfer a cough like High though. But I have some indicia's growing, so its all good


Well-Known Member
From what I heard its sativa....I perfer a cough like High though. But I have some indicia's growing, so its all good
Whats a caugh like high like?Happy your Afgans a girl if had a cuban id send ya 1.Dude i am getting very worried now about my business.Gotta do something, this damn economy is killing me!!!!My sales are down over 50 percent and nobodys having anything fixed anymore,unless the damn thing is not working at all. I have sent you a few pms.


Well-Known Member
From what I heard its sativa....I perfer a cough like High though. But I have some indicia's growing, so its all good
Yea me too.. but no more sativas for me, my first grow took 14 weeks of flowering, and this second one is on its 13th week today and still looks to have about 2 weeks left:wall: :wall:

Anyone know what ratio ak47 is?


Well-Known Member
Whats a caugh like high like?Happy your Afgans a girl if had a cuban id send ya 1.Dude i am getting very worried now about my business.Gotta do something, this damn economy is killing me!!!!My sales are down over 50 percent and nobodys having anything fixed anymore,unless the damn thing is not working at all. I have sent you a few pms.
Yup the world wide economy is a pain in the ass at the moment, hope things pick up for ya


Well-Known Member
Whats a caugh like high like?Happy your Afgans a girl if had a cuban id send ya 1.Dude i am getting very worried now about my business.Gotta do something, this damn economy is killing me!!!!My sales are down over 50 percent and nobodys having anything fixed anymore,unless the damn thing is not working at all. I have sent you a few pms.
Feel ya' beech, haven't worked in three works!!! But i spend more time at the garden that way.


Well-Known Member
Im a contractor in south jersey i have never been so slow im streching out lil jobs so i look busy or else i will go crazy . My work is usually just cosmetic hard scaping so not to many people putting in ponds when they cant put food on the table. I am now doing small business maintenance as well to try to suppliment i will pretty much do anything i can to make a buck!!!

whats a caugh like high like?happy your afgans a girl if had a cuban id send ya 1.dude i am getting very worried now about my business.gotta do something, this damn economy is killing me!!!!my sales are down over 50 percent and nobodys having anything fixed anymore,unless the damn thing is not working at all. I have sent you a few pms.


Well-Known Member
Whats a caugh like high like?Happy your Afgans a girl if had a cuban id send ya 1.Dude i am getting very worried now about my business.Gotta do something, this damn economy is killing me!!!!My sales are down over 50 percent and nobodys having anything fixed anymore,unless the damn thing is not working at all. I have sent you a few pms.
Lol...Wiseass. Haha, Typo as you know. couch lock high I meant to say. I was stoned out of my mind. Come on!

Yeah man, I wasn't able to reply to the PMs The website was all whacky. Yeah man, I am so excited the Afgan's a girl. So out of 6 plants, I have 2 girls, 1 boy. So I still am waiting to see what the other 3 will be, 2 of them should show anyday now, but the skunk is the runt, and is far from flowering. The plant has been growing, its really short and getting bushy now. But it didn't grow crazy fast like the others. It stayed in the slow growth stage and still has not came out of it. The AK47 is growing like crazy. Starting to get worried about how big its getting. Its not even preflowering yet and last time I measured it was a 1 1/2feet tall. Gonna measure it today. It grew alot yesterday and last night, things getting to be a mostner. I will take pics today.

That sucks man, the small guys get hurt when the economy is this bad. Things need to get better quick.


Well-Known Member
Yea me too.. but no more sativas for me, my first grow took 14 weeks of flowering, and this second one is on its 13th week today and still looks to have about 2 weeks left:wall: :wall:

Anyone know what ratio ak47 is?
Yeah, I hear ya with that. Flowering time takes forever. Kinda why I put the first plant in 12/12 early. But I have Indicias too. I just want a harvest asap. I am stuck with buying street weed. Some good mids, but nothing compared to what we grow. And I am down to one big nug, and a few small ones. So I have only a little over a dime left!!!


Well-Known Member

I got a picture update. If you look hard enough in a few of the pictures, you can see the hairs! I also put the shoplight on the side so you can see what I am using for side lighting. Any extra lumens help! Ok, what you all been waiting for...PICS!

Pics 1-3 AK47 This one has not preflowered yet, and is the YOUNGEST of all my plants in this rotation. Big for the youngest huh?

Pic 4 is the jerry berry that is in flowering. If you look hard enough you can see the hairs!

Pic 5 was suppose to be a side shot of the afgani, but other plants got in the pic. Your not able to see any hairs on the afgani from this angle I dont think. But look at all those budsites!!!! And ofcourse, check out the other plants that made it into that shot...Damn camera hogs!

Pic 6 my runt, Skunk#1. I got it at the angle so you can see the new tops growing in. yeah, I topped it. Gonna veg this sucker as long as possible. Get it nice and bushy. Cant really see the side shoots, its growing so slowly that the side shoots are getting as big as the main shoots. Gonna top it multiple times. My experiment plant!

The rest are group shots. Let me know what you all think!


Edit...On the 3rd pic, that is not another plant in the same pot. Its a starter plastic square on top of that pot, and the plant is growing out of the starter container. I thought people be giving me the old, Not good to have 2 plants in one pot talk. so I figure I let ya know whats up



Well-Known Member
Dude what did you? They look alot bigger from the other day!
Nice pics!!!
Haha, I started giving them my potion. All will be told when I make the nute thing. Thats nothing, you should see how much they grew today, they are breaking 2feet now.

The hairs are all over the tops, and starting on the other branches. They are growing fast