New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47

thats whats up
trust trees is the only thing i do
and its not even in my system right now cuase of court and a case im hopeing i dont go to jail :0(
this suxs i have another court date on the 29 of this month again
i hope i just get probation this is my first ofence
but who knows
thats how poor i am i had to do what i had to do to survive
this sucks
people go to jail longer for selling then murder
thats whats up
trust trees is the only thing i do
and its not even in my system right now cuase of court and a case im hopeing i dont go to jail :0(
this suxs i have another court date on the 29 of this month again
i hope i just get probation this is my first ofence
but who knows
thats how poor i am i had to do what i had to do to survive
this sucks
people go to jail longer for selling then murder

First offense? How old are you? Where you from. Most likely you will get a CWAF Continue without a finding. As long as you remain drug free, and do everything probation requests it will be closed at the date of the CWAF. When your probation ends.

That sucks man, I am done with that shit. I been there. Did my time, I am done with it. Doing everything by the book.

Ya, my friend got only 8yrs for murder, was out in 4. People who have sold have gotten 20 and up.

I smoke trees for medical reasons, and for that only ;)
ya i hear ya im 28
in ma
i got possesion with intent to sell in a school zone
but where in this town is there not a school
i already been to court for this i dont know how many times :0(
i already tryed to get that motion to dipress but they denied that the FUCKIN cops done lied like little FUCKIN COCK SUCKERS FUCKING BITCHES exuse my language riu/people
they lied about everything i aint going to get into it anymore but they denied that motion and now my crap as lawyer is trying to get the d a to drop the school zone so i could get probation.if they dont i could have 2 years :0(
it sucks cuase im talking to some hot beutiful girl in ghana in africa shes hot to
im trying to get down there with her :0(
and i have 4 kids i have to worry about too :0(
then this grow is important too lol :0)~
i hope i do get that probation
ya i hear ya im 28
in ma
i got possesion with intent to sell in a school zone
but where in this town is there not a school
i already been to court for this i dont know how many times :0(
i already tryed to get that motion to dipress but they denied that the FUCKIN cops done lied like little FUCKIN COCK SUCKERS FUCKING BITCHES exuse my language riu/people
they lied about everything i aint going to get into it anymore but they denied that motion and now my crap as lawyer is trying to get the d a to drop the school zone so i could get probation.if they dont i could have 2 years :0(
it sucks cuase im talking to some hot beutiful girl in ghana in africa shes hot to
im trying to get down there with her :0(
and i have 4 kids i have to worry about too :0(
then this grow is important too lol :0)~
i hope i do get that probation

Dude you got kids and you sell weed, in a school zone, and wanna go to africa to live with some african godess?
How did you get that many post already? When you hijacked my thread you only had like 20 posts.....last month!!!
I'd say don't have kids if you don't want "WORRY" about them, bro grow up you are 28!!!!
Sorry Kratose for bullshitting in your thread, my apologies, but grow journals are for growing post, not whining about not being able to grow up and face responsibilities, and can't stand when people do this, even in others threads!!!
lol lmao
funny shit
my mom has custodey of 2 of them long storey
i aint really worried anymore
if i go in then i do
trust i have painted the right avatar up here
i aint all up there all the time
i kinda want a new life
ive been threw alot its not funny
3 diff baby mamas lol
bullshit i know
bu anyways whens the update
Sorry Kratose for bullshitting in your thread, my apologies, but grow journals are for growing post, not whining about not being able to grow up and face responsibilities, and can't stand when people do this, even in others threads!!!

Dont worry about it man, Im sure I bullshitted in your thread too. I am kinda stoned and really dont want to get into it. Kinda in a good mood and dont wanna ruin it, and I can see getting into it would. U all know what I mean. When your stoned you just wanna chill?

I will give some advice. I was in the position that clowdy is in not too long ago, except the kids. I am 25. I realized I have to get my priorites straight, and do something with my life. Now, just about a year later, I have done just that. So, make sure you have your priorites straight man, or your life will not get any better, just worse. More jail time ect. Thats all I gonna say about that situation

Well, My 2 plants in flowering are growing great. The jerry Berry was the first female to show sex, then the Afgan. But the Afgan seems to be out growing the jerryberry in the hair formation.

I will try to get some pics up tonight. Usually do it on waterings, but there all good atm. I make sure to let the top of the soil dry out.
well, I took pics earlier than I thought I would. I was curious to see the difference myself. Kinda went nuts with the pics. Took alot.

I will get them up sooner or later. They will be up by tonight.
ya i hear ya im 28
in ma
i got possesion with intent to sell in a school zone
but where in this town is there not a school
i already been to court for this i dont know how many times :0(
i already tryed to get that motion to dipress but they denied that the FUCKIN cops done lied like little FUCKIN COCK SUCKERS FUCKING BITCHES exuse my language riu/people
they lied about everything i aint going to get into it anymore but they denied that motion and now my crap as lawyer is trying to get the d a to drop the school zone so i could get probation.if they dont i could have 2 years :0(
it sucks cuase im talking to some hot beutiful girl in ghana in africa shes hot to
im trying to get down there with her :0(
and i have 4 kids i have to worry about too :0(
then this grow is important too lol :0)~
i hope i do get that probation

subscribed ! , and ... WoWzerS /\ :joint::o:shock:
subscribed ! , and ... WoWzerS /\ :joint::o:shock:

Thanks man! Pleasure to have you watching. I notice my thread gets tons of views, but only the regulars post. Not too many new people post. I notice usually during the flowering stage is when everyone starts to say, I been following your grow for awhile..ect. Anyone is welcome to check out my grow.
lol so whats up kratose i aint good enough to watch ur thread and post all the time?
u dont want me here buddy :0(
i see how u are
thats not right man not t all lol
check out my page please see if u could help
i put a bunch of pics up i think somethings wrong
lol so whats up kratose i aint good enough to watch ur thread and post all the time?
u dont want me here buddy :0(
i see how u are
thats not right man not t all lol
check out my page please see if u could help
i put a bunch of pics up i think somethings wrong


Anyone is welcome to watch my thread and post, never said that. I was high before and didnt wanna deal with drama is all
Here are some update pics. I went nuts and took alot of pics. I love how it looks like its two plants in one. Thats why I love to top.

Anyways, in no particular order. Some pics



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oh mann i want big plants lol

Hehe. well, veg for 6 or more weeks and you will have big plants. All of mine were vegged for at least 5 weeks, 2 of them went just about 7 weeks veg. They woulda been alot bigger if I started with the HPS light. But I didnt get the HPS right away. so the first 2 plants didnt have HPS light for the first week 1/2 of its life. The others had a HPS from the getgo.

Oh, I measured the AK last night, its about to break 2feet. And that sucker is not even preflowering yet. Its my biggest plant. But you gotta remember, my others are topped and are about just as tall! If you want huge plants, top them, LST them, and veg them for 6 weeks or more.

I actually will have to put the AK into 12/12 tonight, its getting way to big. So for this rotation I only have the Skunk left vegging. Its my runt, is about 6 weeks old, and is still really small, but is bushing out. I still have high hopes for her! For some reason she just never grew much!

thak god you have plenty of room huh :) looks great...

No shit huh? I wanted to just keep the grow in my cab, but I can tell its going to outgrow it. So I will remove it from the cab. So it can go up to the cieling. I really hope it doesnt get that big, but if it does, oh well, I will a have huge harvest! I already have it set up so the HPS light can be brought up right to the cieling if needed.

Looking really good man! I can't wait till i have some more space to work with...

Thanks. I have the space but I dont. Meaning I really dont wanna be growing 6ft plants right in my room, but if I need to, it can be done. I have a nice spot set up. Gonna buy a grow tent actually. Anyone know a cheap place to get one? I seen a good size one, was already lined with mylar and everything for only 90.00. Has everything a good grow tent should have. So, that will solve my issue. I just really dont wanna have that light on all the time in my room, when the light is not in something, like a cab or something its so bright, not sure how I would sleep. So for now, my cab is good, once it outgrows that it will move out and when I get the tent they are gonig in there. That will slove my sleeping issue. Right now its not bad, because the light is contained in the cab, so I can sleep fine. Yeah...everyones dream, sleeping in there grow room. Think of all that CO2 that the plants are getting when I am snoreing like a SOB...haha

God damn I am writing alot today!
Haha, I started giving them my potion. All will be told when I make the nute thing. Thats nothing, you should see how much they grew today, they are breaking 2feet now.

The hairs are all over the tops, and starting on the other branches. They are growing fast
Can you share what the PPM,your potion is for flowering?