omg dud u ok wow that sucks
and thats fucked up how no one would help
i cant believe that
thats dirty
dude i feel ba for u man and hope u get better
and alright
wow dude that gets me upset alot
i could only imagen the pain u went through walking on it
wow that sucks
where did u fall at ?ur propertiy?
if someone elses i would sew the shit out of them cuase they are sapposed to clean that up.
Damn....Well guys, Just broke my knee again outside. No one would stop to help, I was laying on the ground for a half hour before I had to get up and walk on my broken knee, witch I had surgerys on before because of them being broke. Thank god I have a high pain tolerance.
I am trying to keep my mind off it till ambulance gets here. Cant belive this shit. Nobody would stop to help me. as I am sitting on my knee in the snow/ice. I slipped on a sheet of ice...
Trying to keep my mind off it.
whos side wlk did it belong too?
thats who i would be sewing for this shit
they are supposed to be cleaned up by that person
i hope and wish u well buddy
damn dude
dont worry i have no prob being there for anyone
just pissed that no one helped
+rep for walking threw the pain when no one would help
just know u want the lord to be by ur side and walk with u to help u get threw the pain and when u look down and u only see one set of foot prints just know that dont think hes not with u just know hes carrying u.
i hope u get better soon guy
no prob i would want some one there for me when i need it
ive been threw pain before alot
trust i feel ya in many diff ways.
so u like my little words i put up there huh?
i had to think of them for a sec.
i hope that shit gets better
plus i know those meds will help some
it sucks though cuase pills and alot of shit dont work for me at all
sleeping pill/perks/vikes/everything dont work for me at all i tried trust.
i even tried to overdose on purpose with a bunch of perks/vicodens/and some other typs of perks/all the same time had to be like 14 or more pills alltogether.
and it didnt work i went to sleep woke up all fucked up sick and i had to jump out the window cuz my mom called the ambalance on me so i jumped out and ran fucked up
i had no ive been through alot.and still going threw it
Dude when i blew my neck out it was the worst pain i have ever had,nothing compares to a pinched nerve!!I have broken many bones when i used to race MX.I even broke the femur the largest bone we have, and no comparison to the nerve i wanted to fin dye!!But a knee hurts like hell and can only imagine what your dealing with,how did ya hurt it this time??
sup man, that sucks ... drugs are good tho !
as long as your well enough to tend the garden