New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47


Well-Known Member
hey kratos! love the pics! they look great! i just posted day 20 of flower..check them out! i wanna know if you all think i am where i should b for day 20


Well-Known Member
Can you share what the PPM,your potion is for flowering?

Sure. Good thing you brought this up. This can be used at all stages, but make sure you mix it so the PPM is at the proper number for the growth stage. You would need to know NPK values to PPM, and do the math.

Right now, I have the mix at about 1,100PPM. Its where I want it for the starting phase of flowering.

You really need to be knowing what your doing when making it up. So its not for people who know nothing about nutrients. For more experienced growers.

I wouldnt want it over 2,000PPM in the peak of flowering.


Well-Known Member
hey kratos! love the pics! they look great! i just posted day 20 of flower..check them out! i wanna know if you all think i am where i should b for day 20
Looking good man, I checked them out. Doing great for there age. Cant wait to see the finished product!


Well-Known Member
Picture updates wont come as often now. I want to wait until there is some good noticeable bud growth before I put up pics. I might put some up around day 13 of flowering. So until then, I will just do written updates.

Of course, I am sure There will be the occasional Holey shit this plant grew so much today, and I will put up pics. So you never know.

Gotta leave my grow followers in suspense sometimes. They never know when a bomb ass pic will drop. haha

Grow on, smoke on :weed:


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, I checked them out. Doing great for there age. Cant wait to see the finished product!
thanks my friend...i cant wait to smoke the final product....i think its so funny how the 2 plants that were bagseed from some nug are kinda my favorites...the hairs are an inch long!..i almost chucked them cuz i didnt like them touching my, i think some day 13 flower pics would b kool, then do a set 4 days later then wait a while:weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so your working in your grow room, and as your doing your daily maintenance, For instance, moving the lights up, and during that process, the light falls and breaks your flowering plants stem, Or vegging plant. Or, you bump into a fan it falls and boom, a stem breaks.

Since this just happened to me again, I will post what I did for a good quick fix. My situation was a fan. I was doing my daily maintenance when I bumped into what the fan was on, and it fell off injuring my afgani plant. That plant is unlucky. 3nd time something happened to it, but it still budded, and still kept going strong. The first was the transplantation, didn't go as smooth as I would like. 2nd was a light gave away and chopped it in half, that was the worse. Now a fan split on of the tops. Since this top has nice white hairs everywhere, I dont want to Top it. I am going to save it, let it heal.

So, say this just happened to you. What do I do? Dont panic, keep your head cool. Check out the situation, Inspect the plants injuries. How bad is it? Was it just bent? Was cracked? Was it bent cracked and torn? Mine was Bent, Cracked, and torn. So I will go with that. After you inspected the plant, I determined I wanted to save it and not top it. So my next step is. How can I save it? What household supplies do I have that I can use. Everything I used to save mine, Just about everyone has in there house. I can provide alternative things you could use.

So, I figured I would need, A tooth pic as a splint, Some long trash ties to twist together (this will be explained later). A straw, And some Scissors.

Now to the fix. Pull your plant out of the grow room to make sure no more accidents happen. Do it carefully. Take your plant to a well light area with good space.

This is what I did, Pictures provided.

Picture 1-3 The supplies. Those trash ties I mentioned, I took 4 of the long trash ties. I twistes 2 together of each, then I connected to two to make one long one. This will be used to support the stem bye twisting it around the plant. You can also used insulated copperwire if you had any. That would work better.

Picture 5-6, The damaged stem

Picture 7, The first step of the fix. I take the trash ties I twisted together and wrap them around the stem. Not too tightly. At the break, I use the tooth pic as a brace, the twist tie will wrap around that so its held in place. The picture shows how its twisted around the plant, but the tooth pic brace is on the other side.

Picture 8. The straw. I took the straw and cut it down the middle with the scissors. I cut one piece to go over the inter node where the break in the stem is. I cut another piece to go on the inter node above the break, for extra support. Now that you have done this, Let the plant do its job and heal itself. You will be surprised how bad of a break can heal. I am not sure if this one will, but if it does not, I will top it.

Picture 9 This shows how it looks after the fix. Not too bad huh? Has some support, and should be able to heal itself. Also the buds are getting the light instead of hanging over all broken, or loosing the top completely.

Picture 10. Picture ten is a group shot of some of my plants. Can barely tell what plant is injured. Not to shabby Sadly though, the Afgan use to be a good looking plant. Sorry somebeech, I know you liked this one! The others are still going strong tough!

This was actually done yesterday, and the last pic was today. Still looks good. Nothing dieing, or turning yellow. I am sure there will be some delays or problems on that top because of this, but I hope it can overcome this break. I figure I would post this, I am sure it will be helpful to many people in the future. It happens to everyone!

Edit. You can also use Duct Tape, and Electric tape as a fix. I rather not use anything that is going to stick to my plant though, thats why I did not use duct tape. But it works well.

If the plant does not happen to heal itself, and you do loose the top. simply cut it just about the node under the damaged area. This will be your new top. But hopefully it will make it!

Thanks for any rep anyone gives me for this in advance. I don't do it for the rep, I do it to help you, but thanks for takin the time to show you appreciate the posting of my fix.

Thanks for following my grow, and I hope while watching my grow you learn something new.

Remember, if this happens to you, keep your cool and your might be able to save your plant!

Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
thanks my friend...i cant wait to smoke the final product....i think its so funny how the 2 plants that were bagseed from some nug are kinda my favorites...the hairs are an inch long!..i almost chucked them cuz i didnt like them touching my, i think some day 13 flower pics would b kool, then do a set 4 days later then wait a while:weed:
Yeah man. But see what I meant the occasional pics will go up. Did not expect a accident, and figure I would show the fix. But yeah, other then that or when I see some major growth spurts pics wont come as often. I was so pisst that happened again to my plant. Its really not having the proper grow area. I am getting a grow tent though, that will solve that problem

Glad the bagseed shit is good. Sometimes bagweed is good. Just compressed and looks like shit, but sometimes its actually not bad, and you get decent seeds, and when you grow it, and dont compress it for transportation you can see how it really looks. How the bud coulda really been.

Was it from Mids? Commercial? Or High Grade bud that you found a seed in?


Well-Known Member
Sure. Good thing you brought this up. This can be used at all stages, but make sure you mix it so the PPM is at the proper number for the growth stage. You would need to know NPK values to PPM, and do the math.

Right now, I have the mix at about 1,100PPM. Its where I want it for the starting phase of flowering.

You really need to be knowing what your doing when making it up. So its not for people who know nothing about nutrients. For more experienced growers.

I wouldnt want it over 2,000PPM in the peak of flowering.
Alrighty then!


Well-Known Member
kratose, kratose , kratose... what are we gonna do with you?? go out today and get some zip ties and zip everything tight .. no more accidents your gonna give me a heart-attack be gentle with the babbies they will make you happy, we spend all this time taking care of our plants and ignore the enviorment a clean, safe grow room is a happy bountiful grow room . everything is lookin good keep up the good work!





Well-Known Member
Cool fix tutorial though!
Yeah man, I figure make the best out of the situation ya know? Thanks man. Hearing that helps me not feel so bad about the break.

I think I might make it into its own thread, in the correct forum so people who are looking can find it easier. Ill just copy it all, and put the pics back up. And it will be left up in my journal too


Well-Known Member
kratose, kratose , kratose... what are we gonna do with you?? go out today and get some zip ties and zip everything tight .. no more accidents your gonna give me a heart-attack be gentle with the babbies they will make you happy, we spend all this time taking care of our plants and ignore the enviorment a clean, safe grow room is a happy bountiful grow room . everything is lookin good keep up the good work!



Definatly man. Unforutnatly I am working with what I got atm. But I am getting a tent. Basically as big as my closet. Grow tent is basically set to grow. Thats 90.00 Just got some zip ties today that you mention it. So thats set. And when I get my grow tent, everything will be neat, well intact and good to go. For now I am working with what I got.

I wish I still had all my equitment from before. But its kinda good, because I will get the same problems new growers get who dont have the right stuff, and in the process I can help them. Again, making the best out of the situation. Bye my 3rd toration I should have EVERYTHING needed.

Every grow rotation/journal will get better and better. You will see. I am here for good! Use to grow years ago, its cool to have a thread this time around, to share my experience and my grow.

But when I am on my 5th journal post here, it will be cool to go and look back at this one. know what I mean? Ill be around for awhile! So you will see much more grow journals from me


Well-Known Member
well, as long as it works and gets the job done, right?
Yeah man. Perfect guide for a beginner that needs a simple fix with limited supplies. There are other ways to fix a bent stem, but I kinda went with the safest and easiest to do with the plant.


Well-Known Member

The afgan plant has been through alot. So much abuse on that plant due to not having the proper grow room. Can't wait to get my tent. Its a big one. looks as though the afgan is starting to hermie. I am not 100% sure yet. Its still budding like a MOFO, the recent broken stem seems to not of had any effect as in growth, but I think that was the last thing it could take stress wise, and is going hermie.

This really sucks because its my only Afgan plant in flowering. I have another one but its just a seedling.

Thats alright, I am saving the rest of my good seeds to use once all my equitment arrives. And I am going to order more Afgan, and I want to get some Blueberry, wanna grow it with jerry berry and compare, just to see if there is there is any similarities.

But, all the other plants are going strong, the little runt is still growing, it just started the pick up on the growth 2 days ago. Ill take a pic of that and post it later. The big AK that is not topped still has not shown sex, And the other Jerry Berry is going to preflower anyday now. You can see the calayx forming nicely, looks female, but its not 100% til you see the preflowers.

So, if the Afgan does hermie, that will leave the Jerry Berry that is in flowering. That is going very nicely, Bud spots are everywhere. Hairs are popping out everywhere, the growth is pretty fast for its day in flowering. Its coming along great, plant is very healthy, the first set of leafs, are starting to fall off, all the others are healthy. It does still have a burn spot from when the light touched it, but that never effected it. And it STINKS SO GOOD!

The afgan Stinks so good too, I hope it does not hermie. If it does.....she was a tough gal...and woulda made some great buds if it wasn't for grower error.

I will put up a few pics later when I take them. Probably take a pic of the runt, and the AK. The AK's stem is SO FAT. Ill have to compare it to a pen again so you can see.


Well-Known Member
hope she doesnt hermie on you!..cant wait to see pics!..when are u getting your tent?

But I spent alot of money on the holidays, so probably will not be until a month or so. Also getting another HPS light, and eventually a MH. So I got alot I need to buy. But I am getting the HPS light first, witch will be soon, and then the Tent. Then I will go from there.


Well-Known Member
Stoppin bye to have a look and see how ya doing.Hope it doesnt hermie i loved that plant!!!:weed:
Yeah, you did pick a good one. That was one neat looking plant. And strong as a motherfucker too. Took all that abuse without no growth stunt. Didn't stop growing no matter what happened to the plant. Thats some good genetics.

I really hope its not gonna hermie. There are so many budspots. Counted well over 20 the other day.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, Just broke my knee again outside. No one would stop to help, I was laying on the ground for a half hour before I had to get up and walk on my broken knee, witch I had surgerys on before because of them being broke. Thank god I have a high pain tolerance.

I am trying to keep my mind off it till ambulance gets here. Cant belive this shit. Nobody would stop to help me. as I am sitting on my knee in the snow/ice. I slipped on a sheet of ice...

Trying to keep my mind off it.