growing weed in prison new help


Well-Known Member
Ye its just a game

so where do you live and what are you wearing =D

Oh ye and thanks for the negative rep at least grow some fucking balls and say who you are next time. Tis great that someone gets neg rep for disagreeing with your views hmmm

Edit: Thanks to the 2nd person to who suddenly has no name...although i dunno wtf this is about (im guessing someone negged sum1 else and signed it with my name, ive seen someone do this with fdd name used.)



New Member
You really are like a pitbull....Do you have money riding on this?:-P

Yeah, some A-hole bad repped me because I was going to buy KC Brains seeds. You don't deserve a bad rep~don't think you were trying rip any new ones (I'm NOT rereading to make sure) peace bro



just kidding ;)


Well-Known Member
i could send pics to my mates or gf via mobile phone,then they can up date the fairly easy to get a moby in jail if you know the right people.