Hey asshole, was it you that turned me in for name calling? seems that you can call names just fine, eh? I was in the US army and we didn't protect one damn thing except our own asses. All the US army does is the dirty work for the corporations. They do the dying so pricks like you can make a fortune. The ones that should be killed are the ones running the show. You are so fucking stupid you actually believe all this terrorist shit. We, the US government are the fucking terrorists. Just ask any country we have invaded in the last 50 years, Viet Nam, Cambodia, S. Korea,, Panama, although Panama is now a CIA state run by a puppet government, Iraq, afghanistan. The Jews are on a killing spree in Gaza and no-one will stand up to them. For being the supposed chosen people, they act like fucking brutal assholes, sort of like their big brother, the US Government. They are killing hundreds, and many women and children, may they rot in hell along with the people in this country that are responsible for war, BTW fuck you you stinking fascist asshole.