Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

I think Med Man proves CaptaJack's point quite well. Like you are in a war zone eh Med? :lol:

By the way the US army does protect you :roll: Just be thankful they are not in your street unlike Captajack's situation 24/7. You insensitive soft headed prick..... wow.

out. :blsmoke:
Did He just mess with the US army:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::wall:
Hey asshole, was it you that turned me in for name calling? seems that you can call names just fine, eh? I was in the US army and we didn't protect one damn thing except our own asses. All the US army does is the dirty work for the corporations. They do the dying so pricks like you can make a fortune. The ones that should be killed are the ones running the show. You are so fucking stupid you actually believe all this terrorist shit. We, the US government are the fucking terrorists. Just ask any country we have invaded in the last 50 years, Viet Nam, Cambodia, S. Korea,, Panama, although Panama is now a CIA state run by a puppet government, Iraq, afghanistan. The Jews are on a killing spree in Gaza and no-one will stand up to them. For being the supposed chosen people, they act like fucking brutal assholes, sort of like their big brother, the US Government. They are killing hundreds, and many women and children, may they rot in hell along with the people in this country that are responsible for war, BTW fuck you you stinking fascist asshole.

Holy $hit dude I have ........First hand saw some of those places and the us army hates $hit like this. Next thing you will go to the airport and spit in the faces of our dismembered soldiers. This is all pretty petty and full of hypothetical. Can you not have a conversation without berating, humiliating, and abusing someone?

Holy $hit dude I have ........First hand saw some of those places and the us army hates $hit like this. Next thing you will go to the airport and spit in the faces of our dismembered soldiers. This is all pretty petty and full of hypothetical. Can you not have a conversation without berating, humiliating, and abusing someone?

I was answering this comment: By the way the US army does protect you :roll: Just be thankful they are not in your street unlike Captajack's situation 24/7. You insensitive soft headed prick..... wow.
Now, I never dissed the soldiers, you see I was one. I dissed the "army" meaning the guys in charge. The soldiers have to do what their superiors tell them or be courts martialed. If you were a military man, you should know this. So accusing me of wanting to spit in a soldiers face is way out of line. Remember, I came back from Nam when the spitting was in vogue. And BTW both of the posters that I entertained in my post had given me mega shit before, so chill out. I gives what I takes. My views on war are and have been consistent since I arrived at this place nigh on to 2.5 years ago. War sucks.
wow med it sounds like you live in a real gheto men u probabley got milk mans shooting each other on the streets
teachers hasseling crack in the parks ,gardeners raping house maids in the day spa's , not to mention the evil monkey in brians closet....

come on man you live in fucking la la land and the rest of the world pays your bills

you are right about the way you think off war ill give you that one, war is always bad, but you are confusing betwwen an american style war
and whats going on in israel now.
and just as you are ready to protect yourself and your family we expect our government to protect us!!!

and as ive said before i think the only thing that can help things come down a little over herem is a 500k charas bomb
followed with some good goa vibe trance and i guarantee that youll even get these israeli soldier girls dancing topless on the tanks....
Don't mind med Man..... no one takes him seriously in these forums....except himself of course....

HOT TOPLESS WOMEN ON TANKS??? Dude!! Stop it!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
I find it pretty interesting that Ahmadinejad is pretty much universally considered to have talked of 'wiping Israel off the map'. There are some pretty erudite voices suggesting he was mistranslated. On.......wait for it diem..Wikipedia, (something i value deeply as a prelimenary portal into a subject).There are suggestions that the very concept of wiping a country off the map doesn't really translate to Persian chat. If you can get over your encyclopedia cooties, diem, i suggest you check out the 'wiped off the map' or 'vanish from the pages of time' translation, on the link i'll post below, it makes for interesting reading. Sorry i didn't suggest it to you CrackerJax, but i figured that despite your shortcomings at the synapse, that you would naturally want to have a nosey, making it pointless mentioning it.

Don't hear much of substance coming from you regarding Israeli action in Gaza? I do however detect a steam of pish, namely talk of the virtues of when de Arab go kaboom, and the propensity to turn suffering people into pawns. It is easy to play the game and wrap one's identity around one's ability to play it. To dance with this illusion is much of adult human bullshit life.

Tonight in Gaza there will be life! Life like most of us have never known. There will be the horrible things we find it so convenient to ignore, but there will be unfathomable love. There will be self knowledge, children will be given the most imaginative and gentle explanations conceived by people rendered selfless by concern for them. And you know what there will be... death, big and little chunks of it all over the place. Sweet death for a lot of Gazans.

The thing i find most amusing is the complete lack of identification with the Palestinian people who are being mutilated to the slap tune of IDF high fives. There is profound military disparity here. It's still not enough, they have to use(let me say it again) depleted uranium(eh?) phosphorous(an another eh?) to do their work? They're doing it with such heavy hearts of course, that's how they say their hearts are, so it must be true. Look at the proportion of women and children in the body count. They need phosphorous sprinkled on them like they need a hole in the head; this is actually one context where a hole in the head would be the preferred option.. 'up to 100% of 2009's Gazan women and children preferred a hole in the head to "just chillen" with their dead relatives and horrific terminal chemical burns, in this, our relevant survey'. . Israel is not off of any kind of hook: despite their denial of access to the press to Gaza, this is a conflict with fresh media updates, has been for a while. Israeli abuses have been heavily documented.

I am not in any way suggesting Hamas is a useful gang at all. Or that what Ahmadinejad said wasn't fired through with hate for Israel, but we owe it to ourselves to at least know what he said. I don't trust any of these motherfuckers, doesnae mean i should bomb them
You must be the only one who is UNCLEAR about Mahmoud's intentions.

the rest of your post is babble..... the reason why Palestinians civilians get hurt disproportionately is because:
A.) Hamas hides with women and children (nice & loving)
B.) Hamas doesn't provide any shelter for its population.

On the contrary, Hamas is DEPENDING on a high body count......... to influence folks like you..... the duped.

out. :blsmoke:
How many times has Hamas repeated the words 'no peace'?

Nobody who 'cares' for the population would trade 50 or more deaths for the chance of killing 5. Not good trade. That is what happens when Hamas chucks some rockets into Israel. They know if they do it enough Israel will respond just like they always have, just like they are doing now.

Hamas and their puppet masters in Tehran are willing to trade the lives of civilians for the sake of the media and 'world opinion'.

So, the people and the media, and Govts. who raise hell about Israel are in fact complicate in those deaths.

And since their doesn't appear to be this kind of problem on the West Bank, Political problems yes, but not death must give some kind of clue.

Maybe Hamas should try that peace thing. Its problable to late now, no one in their right mind would trust Hamas. Fatah has minimal trust, but as long as violence is not a constant and hate reoteric is minimal then trust will grow. And life for the Palastinians will improve. Of course Jerulsalem will be problem.

Its interesting how many Jew haters are here, lets face it, Israel is not giving up, they will have to wiped from the face of the earth.
Its also interesting how many people claim to be supporters of diplomacy yet give Hamas a pass when they are in fact the ones who always break the truces and ceasefires.

I have empathy for the Palastinian people, I also have empathy for the Israelis who live under constant threat of rockets.
But Hamas brings death and Israel brings bad press. Not a good trade in my humble opinion.
maybe if that cat fell from your head youd get some oxygen and start using it again
u know ive been traveling and sailing in the world for almost ten years now non stop and ive heard people cmparing us to the aparthide more than once,

and i think its bulshit cos when you come down to it not every body realy hate arabs here, we are sort of arabs ourselves...

there will always be people in israel and in palestine who will hate the other side based on etnicity usualy these people just have a serious lack of free thinking
you can see that with blacks and whites in the states(and dont tell me its all roses there ive seen it my self) you can see this kind
of situations with the turks and greeks as well
wow med it sounds like you live in a real gheto men u probabley got milk mans shooting each other on the streets
teachers hasseling crack in the parks ,gardeners raping house maids in the day spa's , not to mention the evil monkey in brians closet....

come on man you live in fucking la la land and the rest of the world pays your bills

you are right about the way you think off war ill give you that one, war is always bad, but you are confusing betwwen an american style war
and whats going on in israel now.
and just as you are ready to protect yourself and your family we expect our government to protect us!!!

and as ive said before i think the only thing that can help things come down a little over herem is a 500k charas bomb
followed with some good goa vibe trance and i guarantee that youll even get these israeli soldier girls dancing topless on the tanks....
I hate the monkey in the closet do you think the UN should intervene?
Nobody but nobody can INTERVENE like the U.N. ... on paper. :mrgreen:

One need only go to a small island to see ethnicity and racism in play within what any outsider would consider to be a homogeneous population....but not to the inhabitants. They don't see it that way at all. Ireland, Puerto Rico, etc. always a way to split hairs.....

Israel brings up certain jealousies in its neighbors. The Arabs were humiliated and they cannot get over it. Compound that they have watched Israel become THE shining star in the entire region.... WITHOUT OIL no less. They have improved their homeland into an oasis in 50 years..... under great duress. A remarkable people...... remarkable. I tip my hat.

out. :blsmoke:
Nobody but nobody can INTERVENE like the U.N. ... on paper. :mrgreen:

One need only go to a small island to see ethnicity and racism in play within what any outsider would consider to be a homogeneous population....but not to the inhabitants. They don't see it that way at all. Ireland, Puerto Rico, etc. always a way to split hairs.....

Israel brings up certain jealousies in its neighbors. The Arabs were humiliated and they cannot get over it. Compound that they have watched Israel become THE shining star in the entire region.... WITHOUT OIL no less. They have improved their homeland into an oasis in 50 years..... under great duress. A remarkable people...... remarkable. I tip my hat.

out. :blsmoke:
Uhhhh, they have improved their homeland at our expense. See previous statement of monies paid to Israel: $84,854,827,200 from 1949-2007. That cost us the taxpayers, (With the bankers interest)$134,791,507,200.
Now, I wonder what the palestinians could have done with that much help??
We float many many democracies, even a completely socialist Europe, who will never get their act together. In the end the US stands by its allies. Israel is a TESTAMENT to the US's commitments to a democratic principle. Does the U.S. make mistakes, sure.... which country doesn't? But we also make some calls correctly.... and backing Israel is one of them. Unless you wouldn't mind keeping 250,000 troops in the Middle East on a permanent another Korea..... gosh how much would that cost us? I won't even get into the intelligence prizes Israel provides us in a region from which we are basically blind without them....... no? Yes....

out. :blsmoke:
We float many many democracies, even a completely socialist Europe, who will never get their act together. In the end the US stands by its allies. Israel is a TESTAMENT to the US's commitments to a democratic principle. Does the U.S. make mistakes, sure.... which country doesn't? But we also make some calls correctly.... and backing Israel is one of them. Unless you wouldn't mind keeping 250,000 troops in the Middle East on a permanent another Korea..... gosh how much would that cost us? I won't even get into the intelligence prizes Israel provides us in a region from which we are basically blind without them....... no? Yes....

out. :blsmoke:
No, we have our own intelligence operators and Satellites that can read a newspaper hovering over that region. We don't need anything from Israel. It is the jewish influence in this country that continues to funnel money to them, money wasted on war and killing. BTW, the average Israeli lives a much better life (Money wise) than the average US citizen, I wonder why. Could it be that we give them billions yearly while poor people over here, pay their taxes to fund them.
and backing Israel is one of them. Unless you wouldn't mind keeping 250,000 troops in the Middle East on a permanent basis.....

What does Israel do in the middle east for the United states (besides providing a little Intell) that helps america so much?
What does Israel do in the middle east for the United states (besides providing a little Intell) that helps america so much?
They are a "democracy", a foothold for the impossible democratization of the middle east, A neo-con dream. We'd be much better off to leave the middle east and just make sure they have no delivery system of nukes to the US. Put the Israelis on their own and watch them change or perish.