Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

The only way this thread is "cool" will be if it can inform people someone on how dangerous jimson weed is.

As far as kids doin' anything to get fucked up...They have and will always exist. I think the kids that do jimson weed, sniff fermented poop, or huff freon deserve what they have comin'.

I will admit that I have a hard time relating to stupid people. Once a friend told me he did CCCs (cold pills etc). I had taken CCCs a couple times (wow that was yrs ago), and I asked him how many he took because I was curious. Myself and various other people had agreed that 8 was the right number to take (there is no right number, just don't do it). This idiot took 16 pills because his idiot friends told him thats how many ya take to "trip". The idiot then said "did your trip suck, too? I just got dizzy and threw up"

I know for sure that idiot has at least 1 kid, and I'm pretty sure that kid will grow up to be a 16-CCC-eatin' idiot, too. I don't know how people don't have the sense to realize things like 16 pills, poisonous plants, and most chemicals aren't good for gettin' high.
The only way this thread is "cool" will be if it can inform people someone on how dangerous jimson weed is.

As far as kids doin' anything to get fucked up...They have and will always exist. I think the kids that do jimson weed, sniff fermented poop, or huff freon deserve what they have comin'.

I will admit that I have a hard time relating to stupid people. Once a friend told me he did CCCs (cold pills etc). I had taken CCCs a couple times (wow that was yrs ago), and I asked him how many he took because I was curious. Myself and various other people had agreed that 8 was the right number to take (there is no right number, just don't do it). This idiot took 16 pills because his idiot friends told him thats how many ya take to "trip". The idiot then said "did your trip suck, too? I just got dizzy and threw up"

I know for sure that idiot has at least 1 kid, and I'm pretty sure that kid will grow up to be a 16-CCC-eatin' idiot, too. I don't know how people don't have the sense to realize things like 16 pills, poisonous plants, and most chemicals aren't good for gettin' high.

Your post was excellent & exactly why these threads have zero value,kids do not want to hear negative stories,10 people could post how dangerous something is,they can include links,videos & first hand stories about somebody they know who's died from the shit,none of that matters,the stupid kid will listen to the one yahoo who posts that everybody else is full of shit or took the shit wrong,the foolish kid will think it only happens to other people,it cant happen to him beacause he knows what he's doing,the common bond between all youth is that the hear what they want to hear & think bad shit only happens to other people,this is not speculation its truth.

Children are inherently stupid & nieve just by the nature of being inexperienced in life,they will allways follow other stupid children who make claims boasting of a successfull high instead of the posts pointing out the deadly dangers.

These threads are a discrace to this site & to marijuana growers on this site.
Don't know if anyone said this before in the thread but this is my advice:

I'm a neurologist and because I care about your well being and the health of your mind and brain, I recommend to you the worlds strongest hallucinogenic: n,n-DMT. It has absolutely no side effects, it produces no negative physical, mental or psychological effects, except that you may become ALOT wiser... Algel's trumpets, also known as Hells Bells (yes, yes, AC/DC, that what's it about) are extremely damaging to nerve cells, even worse than strong anasthetics. The only downside to DMT is that it's illegal... and it may be challanging to produce. Still, everybody uses DMT every night. Research it and you'll find out more. Here's a vid and a free library with all the books on DMT:

You can even buy it online for "research". Some laboratories produce it and sell it. It's just like buying cannabis seeds.
Don't know if anyone said this before in the thread but this is my advice:

I'm a neurologist and because I care about your well being and the health of your mind and brain, I recommend to you the worlds strongest hallucinogenic: n,n-DMT. It has absolutely no side effects, it produces no negative physical, mental or psychological effects, except that you may become ALOT wiser... Algel's trumpets, also known as Hells Bells (yes, yes, AC/DC, that what's it about) are extremely damaging to nerve cells, even worse than strong anasthetics. The only downside to DMT is that it's illegal... and it may be challanging to produce. Still, everybody uses DMT every night. Research it and you'll find out more. Here's a vid and a free library with all the books on DMT:

You can even buy it online for "research". Some laboratories produce it and sell it. It's just like buying cannabis seeds.

Great post.

I didn't read the thread either, it would be too sad.

I mentioned dmt as a non lethal alternative a page back. Not sure if telling these kids they can make it is a good idea though. I don't think it would be safe for them to even handle lye, ammonia, etc, let alone smoke something they cooked up with it.
Great post.

I didn't read the thread either, it would be too sad.

I mentioned dmt as a non lethal alternative a page back. Not sure if telling these kids they can make it is a good idea though. I don't think it would be safe for them to even handle lye, ammonia, etc, let alone smoke something they cooked up with it.

If they're not stupid or clumsy and care about what they're doing It'll be ok for them. Or they can just buy 99% pure DMT from labs. Most of them operate from Canada and ship discreetly.

Read your post and panhead's. +rep for telling them to it knock off with this fad and try some real enlightening stuff.
If they're not stupid or clumsy and care about what they're doing It'll be ok for them. Or they can just buy 99% pure DMT from labs. Most of them operate from Canada and ship discreetly.

Read your post and panhead's. +rep for telling them to it knock off with this fad and try some real enlightening stuff.


I would +rep you if I knew how. I need to look into it.

Space spice.

I would +rep you if I knew how. I need to look into it.

Space spice.

Lots of people have this problem because of the new skin. To change the skin go to my rollitup, to edit options and way down is the forum skin chooser. Choose blzin-07. Now you'll be able to see on the right of every post the silver scale over the infobox.
Lots of people have this problem because of the new skin. To change the skin go to my rollitup, to edit options and way down is the forum skin chooser. Choose blzin-07. Now you'll be able to see on the right of every post the silver scale over the infobox.

That explains it.

Thanks, +rep
Lots of people have this problem because of the new skin. To change the skin go to my rollitup, to edit options and way down is the forum skin chooser. Choose blzin-07. Now you'll be able to see on the right of every post the silver scale over the infobox.

I hate the new skin,just looking at it makes my eyes go all silly like bubbles eyes in trailer park boys,gives me a headache if i look at it too long.

Does anybody even like the new skin ?
I hate the new skin,just looking at it makes my eyes go all silly like bubbles eyes in trailer park boys,gives me a headache if i look at it too long.

Does anybody even like the new skin ?

Changed it back to normal (blzin-07) in under a minute after the new skin was introduced... The new skin is crappy, waaay to bright and you can't leave rep.
Dmt Sounds Sweet but ifor my own sake i cant gt hold of it

Here's a hint: search for companies that produce "research chemicals". Some of them produce 5-meo-DMT, the weaker cousin of n,n-DMT, but still stronger than any shrooms or LSD, but it runs at a steep price of some 100$/g (still ok, since 1 trip = 40-50mg).

Or, if you feel you're up for a challange, on a 4-day weekend you can make your own DMT. All you really need is: mimosa hostilis root bark (found on entheogen or plant sites), lye (found in all household shops), vinegar, naphta (lighter fluid), ammonium (also a household product, optional). The utensils are all already in your home. Just search for recipes for DMT and you'll find more than you need.
Be sure to research the brand of lye you find locally. Some brands have additives.

Don't buy pre-powdered roots.
Don't buy pre-powdered roots.

Why and how come? It's just that alot of people say buy powdered roots and you say don't. I'd like to know why you say this. I personally use the bark and grind it in the coffee grinder, but hey, if there's room for improvement... so why not prepowdered?
Why and how come? It's just that alot of people say buy powdered roots and you say don't. I'd like to know why you say this. I personally use the bark and grind it in the coffee grinder, but hey, if there's room for improvement... so why not prepowdered?

Some sellers use it as a means to cut low quality outer bark into more potent inner bark. Thus adding weight.
*Don't believe me? Try me, I got nothing to loose if I wasn't telling the truth.*
**Sorry about the caps but come on people, stick to whut you know. If you have no herb and want to feel good go find a $2 xanax or something. Even Saliva sucks, I smoked a whole bowl and felt fucking retarded. Couldn't stand, hear or even speak right. Stick to the basics unless you're a daredevil then have fun my friend.**
Smiley D, thanks for the info!
D. Hydro, you's absolutely right!

I'm amazed that (except for the one who started the thread) no one is interested or will recommend or even stand for the use of Jimson Weed. I'm very proud to be part of this community, where people think and weigh consequences. You guys are great!
I jus know a close buddy of my brother's who popped 2 triple stacked beans 'bout 5-10 years ago and he's still beanin'.
He won't even answer the door he's so out of it. He'll jus sit on the couch and wave through the lil windows in the door until his mom opens the door.
I jus stick to herb and the pills I know. I'll shroom every now and then when I can get my hands on a few grams.
I've took 2 beans once but I prolly won't bean again, felt too good. I got whut they call an "addictived personally" if you believe in that shit and how I felt on those 2 X pills was excasty. But blah blah blah, I seem to keep going on and stealing threads.
Can a Admin or Mod jus delete this thread?
& not to sound like a dickhead/asshole but whoever started this thread should be warned or something. My personal opinon.
$100/gram for DMT is really cheap. Pure DMT is very hard to find. Most places online that make it will not sell to just anyone seeing that DMT is just as illegal as LSD. You must find a reseller. When the people that make it sell it at $200/gram then the reseller must get 100grams to get any great price break and thats $80/gram. so to get the rates you speak of are not likely at all. Also %90 of the resellers are scams/selective scams.

BUY THE POWDER BARK. it will yield Waaaay more DMT. (know your source well)

If you really need to you can make lye.

And D.Hydr0.DGAF's last post is filled with FAIL & AIDS. except for the very last sentence about the Jimson weed.