CAT, Spider Mites, Ruined & Stolen Crops WARNING


Elite Rolling Society
I was trying to help newbies by this warning:
Just this week, I saw two new posts or threads about the dang cat ruining someone's crop. I see one to three posts a week, everyweek, about the cat eating, pissing on, and crapping on their plants. You can not allow a cat in your grow room.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

AND every week, I see where a new grower got the Spider Mites in his buds, because he never did anything to prevent them. It is so easy to spray a little pesticide around the perimeter of your grow room, and up the walls just a little. (I use HOMEGUARD FROM LOWES) You can not bring anything from outdoors into your growroom. You'll get bugs!
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And every week here, we see someone have their plants taken or stolen.
It is usually a neighbor, X-Wife or X-Girlfriend or good trusted buddy. Sometimes it is a parent. DO NOT TELL ANYONE, DO NOT TRUST A X. ALL NEIGHBORS ARE NOSEY AND WATCH YOU.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And there is the BROKEN LIGHT, or the FALLEN LIGHT that killed or ruined a plant. Everyone sometimes drops a light, but we could all be a little bit more careful. So be careful!
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And there is the every week post of "too much". I used too much so and so, and killed my plants. Nutrients are like words, or sort of like toothpaste, once it's out there, it is out there, and it can not be taken back.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And the old "my buddy (that never grew a tomato) told me to try______________" in my water, soil, or tank. Or "I tried______________ and my plants are turning yellow, what should I do?"
Creek and River Water, Cat Urine, Any Urine, Bananas, (yes, there is a new post today asking about bananas) Peanut Shells, Bat Poop, Cat Poop, Poop Poop, are a few you might hear. AND be careful with mollassas in your Hydro Tank too.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

Did I forget any?

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Im sure most of us joined this forum as newbies - due to all the good input from everybody and all my stupid questions I know alot about growing now. Special thanks to my man GardenKnowm who gave me a free DVD which had alot of useful information. Thanks for answereing all my stupid newby questions guys...

-Anybody know if the knowm has shown his face around here?


Well-Known Member
Stupidest one i have seen was "will this seed work?" and he had a blured pic of a seed, think i said something like "how the fek should we know, go plant it you plonka!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i still have stupid questions but most get answered by the million threads by search or the grow FAQ i still go to because the info still works


Elite Rolling Society
The prupose of this thread was not to poke fun at newbies. I swear.

It wa to help the newbies that always make the same mistakes.

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Hi Roseman,

I'm a newbie and I thought your initial post was funny and informative. If that was the is a success. Thanks.

RUI is kind of like high school with upper classmen and, of course, Freshmen. Sometimes it's hard to resist running someone up the flagpole by the underwear.

Given the fact that this is website for marijuana cultivation, the unwashed and stoned will post. From time to time that's just just about everyone. And for the record, I had no idea that cats did that. I have been warned!



Elite Rolling Society
Hi Roseman,

I'm a newbie and I thought your initial post was funny and informative. If that was the is a success. Thanks.

RUI is kind of like high school with upper classmen and, of course, Freshmen. Sometimes it's hard to resist running someone up the flagpole by the underwear.

Given the fact that this is website for marijuana cultivation, the unwashed and stoned will post. From time to time that's just just about everyone. And for the record, I had no idea that cats did that. I have been warned!

+REP 4 u, Roseman


Well-Known Member
Yea its a trusted site, delivers to us in like 2-3 days, it will take you to new heights!!!!!!I am sooooobaked right now I love this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Roseman!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I help people as much as I can-I do alot of research-I like what I grow-isnt that what matters, just like the thread, if you had the balls to start it I would have complimented you.