Night!yeah...I would like to see that hahahahaha
Man, I'm going to pass out too.[quote="SICC";1945379]Jea im bout to pass out here in a few[/quote]good night kids...make sure you lock up when you leave.............
That is the biggest threat to tv.
You follow LOST.
After they re attached his trouser snake he went on to make porno's....No.That's the cop who found it and put it in the ziplock bag.
Speaking of that?Anyone know that man's name?Why didn't he get a medal?He violated the straight guy code that says you can never touch another man's dick, even if it IS lying in a puddle of blood and motor oil and the guy who owns it is on the way to the hospital.....
EDIT: And how big of a prick must you be if some quiet little mexican housewife decides to CUT OFF THE LITTLE ONE!
I turned it off... they were going on about what song they'll (Obama's) dance to... sometimes CNN is the worst on TV... they beat the silly no one gives a fuck shit to death...This Obama thing is almost over ,, I cant wait for this stuff to be off the T.V .
Not here ,, The ''West Wing "" is on till 6pm then the Real Housewives Of Orange CountyToday on Bravo at 10am..(not sure if everywhere) is the documentary "Grass" its about the history of the US war on marijuana.........
i've seen that.. i dont think the whole thing tho. wish it was on where im at...Oh no.... it just said you'll be a helpless addict in only a few weeks..... and to..."don't do it" Woody Harrelson is the narrator.... "If you smoke it you will kill people" they're showing a silent cowboy movie where they're smoking weed..."too much MJ smoking on this ranch".. LOLOLOL
Grass (1999)
Trivia:. Woody Harrelson narrated this documentary for free. more ... Discuss this title with other users on IMDb message board for Grass (1999) ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages