Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

you would have to be lacking brain cells to even think about fucking with this shit........:wall:

You'll definitely lack brain cells if you get it wrong and pick a poisonous mushroom... But seriously, I've never ever ever met someone or heard of anyone to even suggest or think about eating wild mushrooms, as good, tasty and right they may appear to look.

born2killspam, I grow or produce all the substances I use, pot, fruits and vegetables, shrooms, DMT, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Kratom and sometimes poppy for the occasional opium needed for thai sticks. I wouldn't trust anyone to produce the nice nice stuff I use.
Good way to go about it.. What do you cultivate for DMT? Psychotria Veridis?
Seriously though.. Never underestimate how stupid ppl can be.. Ppl huff gas don't forget..:) When I was in highschool, a bunch of ppl got sick from ergot mold because word got out that lsd was growing in the fields that year..

(Ergot is a mold that sometimes grows in certain grains, and contains 'lsa', and is uber toxic if you aren't familiar with it..)
Good way to go about it.. What do you cultivate for DMT? Psychotria Veridis?
Seriously though.. Never underestimate how stupid ppl can be.. Ppl huff gas don't forget..:) When I was in highschool, a bunch of ppl got sick from ergot mold because word got out that lsd was growing in the fields that year..

(Ergot is a mold that sometimes grows in certain grains, and contains 'lsa', and is uber toxic if you aren't familiar with it..)

I don't grow anything for DMT, I order UNpowdered mimosa hostilis root bark, but I produce it myself. And I don't make the powder version, I make real goddamn crystals... ia have a huge crystal collection (quartz, amethyst, etc) and I keep the DMT crystals hidden between them, looking very unincriminating...

I knew ergot was the mold Hoffman first made LSD from. I also knew that some people actually infest their crop with it in order to produce LSD. But I never ever thought people are retarded enough to actually eat the mold...:dunce::wall:
I don't grow anything for DMT, I order UNpowdered mimosa hostilis root bark, but I produce it myself. And I don't make the powder version, I make real goddamn crystals... ia have a huge crystal collection (quartz, amethyst, etc) and I keep the DMT crystals hidden between them, looking very unincriminating...

I knew ergot was the mold Hoffman first made LSD from. I also knew that some people actually infest their crop with it in order to produce LSD. But I never ever thought people are retarded enough to actually eat the mold...:dunce::wall:

Sorry buddy but I am going to have to call shenanigans.
I do not think you extract DMT crystals that you can hide in with your quartz crystal collection. Prove it with a photo.

My reason for calling shenanigans is because all extract comes out to be small shards. The only way to get large crystals is to synthesize the DMT in a lab. Even then they dont make big shiny crystals its white and fluffy.

So yeah, go on wit yer bad self.

*there are many types of ergot mold some toxic and some not. There are some secrets in nature, try reading more about 'mixing the kykeon' and the many theories that revolve around it.
I'm also skeptical of the crystals, but I'd like to be convinced..
Personally I've come across two forms of ergot that I know of.. One was a giant chunk they brought into my grade 10 science class for a taxonomy lab, and the other I talked about grew on the grain and mimicked the shape of a single grain, but was black/purple, so it must have infected the germ very early and overtook it I figure because they were consistently ergot throughout the interior..
(and no, I never ingested them or leaked the info)
I'm not gonna post a pic because I still hanv't figured out how to erase the metadata, but here's how to make crystals from your powder:

In a glass add 50-60ml of Sheelite per gram of DMT powder. Put the glas in a bowl of freshly boiled, still hot water, in order to dissolve the DMT. Replace with hot water if it cools down. In a few min all the DMT is idssolved. You'll know you've done it all right if an oily yellow-green impuiry appears. This is DMT-N-oxide, still a pretty strong compound with which you could smear your rolling papers. Pour the Shellite-DMT solution in a perfect, cratchless jar/glass, covering it. Leave it in a dark area a few days (3 or 4 is usually enough) and discover the beauty of crystalized DMT...
It looks exactly like a small impure calcite crystal (, not like one of those super duper ultra pure DMT crystals that I still can't figure out how to make ( probably by eliminating all the DMT-N-oxide, but I still don't know how...

Dude thats dumb. Your DMT cluster will degrade while chilling in your rock collection.

To get xtals like the second picture on must know how to synthesis DMT and grow them in a lab. Not do a freeze extraction and getting the shards to clump together.

And thats a lame excuse for not taking a picture.

Shenanigans on your claim son.
Shenanigans!! Everyone go home and grab your broomstick :mrgreen:

As for Daktari (:lol:) why not just huff gasoline instead? You want to get through life without caregivers? Stick with weed and be satisfied.

out. :blsmoke:
Didn't know that they degrade and never noticed it...

Still, I'm not takin any chances, which is something any cautious grower would. Man, I don't live in the US. Over here laws are way tighter, if you test positive on your urine test for ANYTHING, you loose your job, no matter if where you consumed the substance was legal or if you consumed it unknowingly (hash brownies - a once popular excuse around here). I use every resource available to stay hidden...

Drop the attitude man, you know it's easy to make crystals, plus you'd hesitate to post any pictures too if you were in my shoes. Don't pass judgment without any facts.
You've essentially got a sugar cube, except its DMT.. I believe you can use evaporative xtalization like with iodine, but it would be very tedious.. I've never read about seed xtalization of DMT with any solvent..
Good crystals are often near impossible to make.. DMT is in that category.. Makes Breaking Bad look like grade 5 science..
Best way to stay hidden, is to stay hidden.. Only reason I'm participating in these forums is because I'm on hiatus from growing for the forseeable future.. If I had anything incriminating I wouldn't even be chatting here.. (It may be overly paranoid, but no harm-no foul)..
Here's an idea, if you're a big xtal collector, why not post a pic of an impure calcite xtal.. You probably have atleast one sitting amongst your quartz/amethyst, and I don't see how it could be legally troublesome to post a picture of that..
What are you, from the police?! I'm never going to send a pic to this forum EVER. Do you actually think they care what's in the pic. I may hide my IP, but sending a pic with no matter what to a forum like this is going to get me busted. Here entering a site "that approves and encourages substance abuse" (perfect translation) will definitely land you with a search warrant.

Just to end the silly feud, I own and sometimes sell crystals and safely hide my home made DMT crystals among them, since the police becomes extremely suspicious with any white powder and will even check your flower container... if you don't believe me, tuff luck, might as well not believe me that I'm a grower, that still wouldn't make any difference for me. Essentially what I'm saying is, if I do enter this forum and discuss stuff on it that could land me in jail, I really wouldn't ham it up just cause I have a personality problem and start saying I'm the best dealer in my country. I'm tryin to help people around with useful ideas.

Now, getting back on track... jamson weed... don't... try DMT...:blsmoke: don't take my word for it, google the stuff and see for yourself how amazing it is...
No No.. They'd care whats in the pic.. You've already posted on a public forum where you hide your DMT, that there is everything they need if they choose to go after you..
I have nothing incriminating besides paraphenalia and personal stash at my home, and I'm from Canada so I definately have no worries there..
If I was a neurologist from a police state, with quantities of illegal substances, I'd be much more tight-lipped.. I wouldn't spout off about being a clandestine chemist, then balk at posting a picture of a legal pseudo-xtal..
What I write is no prob here, I hide my IP. But if I send a pic, a send all the metadata accompanied... they can check pics, metadata and start askin questions why a pic like that is heading to a forum like this one.

Again, let's knock it off. This is like you questioning that I have dank buds stashed somewhere in my house... goat me into it, I'm still not gonna shoot one red hair of it and send it here...

Now let's all release some endorphins with a blunt of peace...:bigjoint:
Take the pic, view the pic, take a screen-shot, and nothing from your camera remains..
Just out of curiousity, which endorphins do you suggest? Which are the most potent/pleasurable?
Datura? LOL. Datura is not a trip. Datura is like drinking about 5 handles of tequila back to back.

You want a TRIP? Try any of the 2C- research chemicals. Now THAT is a fucking trip. 20mg pill = 22 hours of WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOWDY!
What I write is no prob here, I hide my IP. But if I send a pic, a send all the metadata accompanied... they can check pics, metadata and start askin questions why a pic like that is heading to a forum like this one.

Again, let's knock it off. This is like you questioning that I have dank buds stashed somewhere in my house... goat me into it, I'm still not gonna shoot one red hair of it and send it here...

Now let's all release some endorphins with a blunt of peace...:bigjoint:

Every single bit of that data can be sanitized and there are free programs that do exactly that. The rule of thumb which has yet to be proven false: If man cam make it, man can break it or sufficiently fuck it up enough to make it useless.

But props on not busting out pics when being goaded into doing so.