A quality $5 Opiate Buzz


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever get sick from doing this? I had a bad experience with a suboxone once a while back. Buzz was nice but I puked my motherfucking brains out. Is the buzz like this? If so, I just lost interest...


Well-Known Member
Okay so myself, my girlfriend, and her friend are trying this right now. We used a little less than a pound of organic poppy seeds. I put it all in a 32oz drinking bottle, added 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice from organic lemons, filled it with ice cold spring water until it was 1.5 inches above the seeds, then I shook like hell for an hour. We split it three ways, I drank a little less because I have zero tolerance for opiates, the girls have a better tolerance than me. I'll stop back in in about an hour to list the effects. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys I lost track of time. I'm sorry everyone, it didn't do shit for me. What I ended up with was a nice light colored milky white lemony tea. We each drank our share, waited and waited, and nothing happened. The only possible effect may have been that it made us get more stoned when we smoked a while ago. The stoned feeling is pretty much gone, and nothing remains. I can officially say it didn't work for me or for the two girls that tried it with me. I can however say that we split one pound 3 ways. I believe the original recipe called for a pound a person, but that dude said he got "high as hell" from a 1/4 pound to himself. He must be a bit of a lightweight...:sad:

I don't think I'll try it again, I mean I didn't waste much money, but that was a lot of work for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Yea you can make tea out of seeds but it takes certain seeds due to the fact that not all poppies produce morphine,codeine,etc. Just grow some poppies or buy the pods off ebay


Well-Known Member
can do the same thing with boiling water and poppy pods, xcept the tea is actual opium and not just "like" opium. if you evaporate the mixture, you're left with sticky opium.


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for yall to get a good recipe put up here because ive got a knee injury and Vicodin just went up to $5 on the street!!!!!Help me out fellas,Getting to the store and back is a bitch considering sitting in my car is agony.I want to one stop shop and cook some brew.I will rep ya every time i see ya if it works:hug::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
If ur knee injury is legit then go to a doctor(DUH) and get a script for some pain killers. It will cost you a lot less then buying from a guy on the street and you wont run the risk of getting arrested :clap:


Well-Known Member
Im supposed to see the VA monday.Just the intial Bone doc,Could be weeks or months to get me fixed.They are so slow.Did you know that 80 vets commit suicide every day?The system is too slow!!!No im not suicidal,Homocidal occasionally but not suicidal!!!!!