My first trip was off some 10x, I took 3 rips out of a bong. I'll try and explain it but it's pretty hard.
The scenario was my friend and I were on his back deck at night, and the story below us (he has a two story house and rents out the basement) his tennants were watching a speech on tv (it's important to the trip).
So I pack the bowl, and take 3 rips. I sit back in the chair and wait for the trip. I remember at first everything was black, I thought my eyes were closed but they were really open. Then I "awoke" after a few seconds (the best way I can describe it) and was laughing my ass off. I almost became a part of his deck, or I thought I was under the deck, because the perspective of my trip was from the deck floor. I saw a guy walk towards me, and he said something I forget, but for some reason I thought he was my uncle. Then I went back to the perspective of sitting in my chair, (my back was to the woods) and I hear a voice coming from the woods (the speech from the tv). I then thought to myself that it was the Head of the Woods People, giving a speech to the rest of the Woods People, but I wasn't scared because it was a motivational speech. There was a little more tripping after, but I forget it.
Whenever I trip on salvia, the best way I can describe it is that my body feels mechanical, and my trips always put me in a "familiar" place, where it's almost like a flashback, but I'm living a different life.