Heat probs. Closet Grow Box.Need help plz


New Member
I have 4-120mm fans for intake on the lower side and 2-120mm fans plus 1-200mm( Antec "big boy" ) fan making it 3 total fans for exhaust in the ceiling of my cab and im still getting temps above 90 after my 400w MH stays on for awhile.. Im going to get 1-2 table or w/e fans for setting inside the cab in the next few days. I see now im gonna have to vent the heat into the attic somehow probably. I really didnt anticipate a single 400w MH getting this hot.. I will be changing over to the HPS bulb permenantly in a few weeks and this is going to be strictly a flowering cab from now on.I will be vegging in a diff spot under cfls.. Will the HPS be somewhat cooler? I dont have to cash for a cooltube plus inline fans and all right now as ive pretty much blew my wad on everything else as this is just a personal/not for profit grow.And my budget is overextended as it is.Can anyone suggest some cheap ways to bring these temps down?



New Member
Anyone ever used dry ice to help regulate temps? I know, its far fetched lol.. Just kinda desperate for a cheap fix right now...

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
my 4x4x3 vegging area runs 80 to 85. That is with 4'' inline pulling air out and dumping it in my cmputer room, an oscillting fan in the area blowing on the light and a fan attatched to the door over a vent blowing air in. I'm going to be getting a 6'' inline fan soon. I also did not expect a 400w MH to get that hot. The demo of it at HTG didn't seem to hot, but it wasn't in a closet.

Good luck.


New Member
Yea, after all this damn money ivre already spent, this is pretty depressing.. I really dont want to/cant put another 100.00-200.00 into this damn closet grow.. Im hoping the 1-2 fans im getting for the inside and maybe some ducting to vent to the hot air into the attic ( have to put another damn hole in the ceiling I guess.. this time a huge one for a duct line .I already put one to run the extension cord from the attic so I wouldnt have cords running into my closet for anyone to see ) out of the closet lowers temps enough.. I just checked my temps after the light being off for 4 hrs and it was fucking 62 degres in the box. But it hit 100 today after the light had been on for about 18 hrs.. this was with massice airflow into and out of the box..Most of the heat seems to gather around the damn light and not even at the top of the box where you would expect..Honestly, these are supposed to be grow lights, not fucking heat lamps..


Well-Known Member
have fun with it and spend some damn money. you only live once.

Yea, after all this damn money ivre already spent, this is pretty depressing.. I really dont want to/cant put another 100.00-200.00 into this damn closet grow.. Im hoping the 1-2 fans im getting for the inside and maybe some ducting to vent to the hot air into the attic ( have to put another damn hole in the ceiling I guess.. this time a huge one for a duct line .I already put one to run the extension cord from the attic so I wouldnt have cords running into my closet for anyone to see ) out of the closet lowers temps enough.. I just checked my temps after the light being off for 4 hrs and it was fucking 62 degres in the box. But it hit 100 today after the light had been on for about 18 hrs.. this was with massice airflow into and out of the box..Most of the heat seems to gather around the damn light and not even at the top of the box where you would expect..Honestly, these are supposed to be grow lights, not fucking heat lamps..


New Member
my 4x4x3 vegging area runs 80 to 85. That is with 4'' inline pulling air out and dumping it in my cmputer room, an oscillting fan in the area blowing on the light and a fan attatched to the door over a vent blowing air in. I'm going to be getting a 6'' inline fan soon. I also did not expect a 400w MH to get that hot. The demo of it at HTG didn't seem to hot, but it wasn't in a closet.

Good luck.
Im just gonna leave the box door open a little and the closet door open a little during the fucking 20 hours of light time that the 2 gay ass auto ak's need till I can fig out a solution.. So much for stealth.


Well-Known Member
try taking out hte intake fans. I know exhaust fans work better if they are pulling in fresh air from outside. Passive intake. Leave the holes and replace the fans with vents. It may help alot.

I have a small desk fan pointed up at the bulb and that helps alot.


Well-Known Member
If any air is blowing around the light it can make your room even hotter by mixing the hot air with the cool air as soon as it comes in. I found withought a cooltube blowing a fan on or around the bulb could raise temps.


New Member
yea I cant wait to get a desk fan or two and see what effect they have. but Im pretty sure im still gonna have to vent the exhaust into the attic.the wierd part is the air coming in through the vents feels fucking cold even after the doors are shut all day and the light on.. the exhause is going up into the top of the closet ( above the shelf ) and the intakes are low, about 2ft off the floor.. the damn light is just causing hot spots like hell.


New Member
If any air is blowing around the light it can make your room even hotter by mixing the hot air with the cool air as soon as it comes in. I found withought a cooltube blowing a fan on or around the bulb could raise temps.
Im still going to get a fan or two to point up and try and push the hot air that is congregating around the light in the middle of the box up to the top of the box so the exhaust fans can catch it and pull it out.If nothing else maybe it will at least cool the damn light off some. Iunno.


New Member
yea.. you gonna buy it for me? I just said I wasnt spending another 100-200 more dollars on this shit..Like I said, I have PLENTY of airflow for exhaust using the fans im using. the light is just creating hot spots. more exhaust fans wont do any better im almost positive.


Well-Known Member
Sorry didnt read all your posts.

Its because you have active intake fans. I had nothing but a few holes and 1 PC fan for exhaust in my veg box and that kept the tempts down to 78degrees.

Try taking some of the intake fans out adn see what happens


New Member
I will try that.. But at the moment they are blowing COLD AIR onto my reflector.. SO much so that it is SWINGING .. the temp issue could be because the box is 3 1/2ft wide by 2ft deep by 5 1/2 tall.. But I dont even think thats it really as its not that small. Maybe its because the closet door stays shut and the heat is building up.. But I dont really think thats it totally.. I really do think that the damn light is just creating hot spots around the bulb/reflector and the exhaust fans arent catching it because its just staying in the middle.. Im going to try to get a cpl desk fans tomorrow to aim upward and see if I can move the hot air upweard or at least attempt to cool the bulb/reflector.If that doesnt help im going to run a duct from my exhaust through the closet ceiling into the attic. If that doesnt help im gonna just say fuck it.. But the prob could very well be a shitty thermometer.. Im gonna get a digi one.. Im using one of those old schol crappy ones w/ red liquid like similiar to this but much bigger .. normal size >



New Member
BTW thx for all the replies.. Sry if i sound like a jerk.. dont mean to be.. just getting frustrated as I have noticed some discoloration on the biggest of my only 2 seedlings that managed to germ and sprout..Its like a light brown/mostly orangish patch , not spots, but like a patch,on 2 of the top leaves.. It doesnt go through to the bottom of the leaf so im thinking the MH was too close last night and burned it or something? It was fine last night but it just apeared out of no where today. I transplanted them last night and moved them from cfls into the box w/ the MH.. I had the MH about 1 1/2 feet away..Or maybe the roots got fucked up while transplanting? It hasnt gotten anything except distilled water .. NO nutes at all yet.. I swear.. Sit never ends.. And im just realy getting started.>>>FUCK ME<<<<


Well-Known Member
I feel ya brother. My cab is 2ft wide 1 1/2ft deep and 3ft tall. Im running a 150wHPS with no exhaust or intake (i have two desk fans blowing inside).

With no fans and the door shut it reaches beyond 95*. If i have both fans running and i crack the cab door AND my closet door it goes down to about 79-80*.

Try leaving your closet door open, i bet that will make a WORLD of difference. Because if your exhausting out the hot air in your closet the intakes are just sucking it back through. So open your closet a bit and see if that helps. Heat stress can be killer for our little girls.


New Member
yea I have both the cab and closet door open right now and the temps are hoveriong around 80... Still too fucking high IMHO.

How much ya think the temps will drop next week when I switch over to the HPS bulb? Not much I bet.