Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

i find that actually using an old lay down type freezer can make the perfect grow area, of course if u have one laying about in the garage like i did, the seal on the freezer keeps any odours and noise to a complete minimum. ive only just started to grow myself but i believe as they get bigger the odour will be kept inside until the time comes when i can inhale it all when i open to water/feed lmfao. anyway other than i hear a towel wrapped to just under the fan keeps it far quietier............anon
...the seal on the freezer keeps any odours and noise to a complete minimum. ive only just started to grow myself but i believe as they get bigger the odour will be kept inside until the time comes when i can inhale it all when i open to water/feed lmfao.

Um, how do they get air? I can't imagine a closed up freezer is a good environment.

hit up your local fruit and vegtable store. all the tomatoes come in boxes and have egg craton style layers between them,, they throw all this shit out. ask them or dumpster dive, i met a guy who worked in on and had them all over his house thats how i found out. staple them inside fan boxes, along growroom walls, where ever you need to cut sound,, air and cardboard are great insulators, and its free.....

nothing beats free. hope this helps someone,, i lined all the walls in my growroom with it and even in the middle of the quiet night i dont hear a thing,..
and didnt cost me shit,. i was planning on soundboard but the tomoato hoders did the job. and its cheaper than buying 1 million eggs for the cartons,, lol:weed:
I have a 6" inline that moves 435 cfm. It was pretty loud until I hooked it up to my carbon filter and all all the ducting. That did wonders for the sound on its own. Probably not much help, but you should remember that in an apartment, there is no insulation on the inner walls separating rooms. However, there is insulation in the walls that separate the different apartments in order to cut down on noise, so it's probably not as loud as you think it is next door.


put it together before you go into making boxes and such. Great idea but once its hooked up to a 6 inch carbon filter and some (nice) ducts your good. Unless your hiding it from your mom or roomates your good i think. I got a 450 cfm 6 inch inline hooked up a a carbon filter and sound absorbing ducts and i don't hear much besides a light air flow. Without the ducts and carbon filter you definately need something.
im looking at getting a 400w metal hallide and noise is a very big concern for me, i was wondering if they make any noise if so, do i need to be concerned? Any quiet models? and i was thinking of sound proffing my 4' deep 4' wide and 5.5' tall grow space any suggestions or methods? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
im looking at getting a 400w metal hallide and noise is a very big concern for me, i was wondering if they make any noise if so, do i need to be concerned? Any quiet models? and i was thinking of sound proffing my 4' deep 4' wide and 5.5' tall grow space any suggestions or methods? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The light itself isnt noisy. The ballast is - but not even noticeable. We're talking about vents and a/c and other loud noises.
I been using large styrofoam shipping containers they are 4" thick used for shipping animal/reptiles and really quiet down the fans just use a knife and cut a hole for your intake/exaust and they square and they stack nice in a corner or whatever I'm sure you can get them free at the pet store....:) free nice clean
I been using large styrofoam shipping containers they are 4" thick used for shipping animal/reptiles and really quiet down the fans just use a knife and cut a hole for your intake/exaust and they square and they stack nice in a corner or whatever I'm sure you can get them free at the pet store....:) free nice clean

Great solution!! :clap:
I was considering lining the walls of my room with insulation board. Like they made walls out of in the seemorebuds video. Any tried this yet?
The best thing that i have come across for sound is the lagging that is put around pipes its like a spongey kind a thing great stuff i put a piece on each sides of my fan and hung fan wit a bungy clip with a rubber o ring no noise at all comeing from my fans.I even put the lagging in strips about 1ft sections under my hydrophonics it's cut the noise of the pump down bt 90%.Anything that you have to hang use rubber o ring like the ones from time ago what used to run in a hoover old timers will know what i mean.
Yo guys i had a really long room, about 14 feet long and 10 feet wide. I built a wall and made a 5 foot wide closet, cutting the room down to 9x10. I put sound board up against the walls (each sheet is 4'x8' and $11 at home depot)and a sheet of drywall over that. Did the whole inside of the closet for less than $100. The most expensive part was the door which was $120 and soundproof. But you can't hear shit!
Yo guys i had a really long room, about 14 feet long and 10 feet wide. I built a wall and made a 5 foot wide closet, cutting the room down to 9x10. I put sound board up against the walls and a sheet of drywall over that. Did the whole inside of the closet for less than $100. The most expensive part was the door which was $120 and soundproof. But you can't hear shit!

Damn! That sounds (I mean doesn't sound) nice.

I tried putting up some flat insulation board. It sucks at retarding sound. I should have done what you have done. Oh well back to Lowes. ;)
hey hedgehunter try the box it will work rather well.. you can also add insulation to the inside of the box to help reduce noise. i also live in an apartment and sleep right next to my room>>>>>>>>>

thnx for the response Kenbud.

JohnnyPotSeed\... as i said i think it is an issue overlooked by some growers and it could be resolved as easy as this housing..

if anyone has any other ideas too reduce sound feel free too post...

Nice setup..

And to the OP, thanks for that information. That will help me with my future grow and keeping the noise down.
Forgive me if someone has already said this (its a long thread, gimme a break) but I plan on insulating my entire box, because it's small enough. This, if it works, since right now its just an idea, will hopefully make the HPS, fans, and air pump undetectable. It makes sense to me, because the sounds/vibrations would have to go through another layer, insulated, to get to outside the box, then add my closet doors, and if all goes to plan, there won't be any detectable hum or noise. Just a thought.
A good way to keep noise down is to build an air baffle, Especially if your exhausting/in taking from a window this will pretty much kill any motor, or duct tubing sound. basically, build a wooden box from 5/8" Plywood using the same dimensions as the window sil, then cut at least one piece small enough to fit inside the box, with a 2 inch opening opposite od where your fan enters.

Something like this.

One Baffle (See through Top down view)

| ________|


Double Baffle (See through Top down view)

________ _
| ________|
|_______ _|


So you would build this then tape around the outside to seal it, also make sure u have a sheet or curtain between to baffle and the window, and whenever possible never attach a fan directly to the baffle, this transfer motor harmonics to the outside and you'll hear sound outside, always try to use a duct in between the blower and a baffle. These are great for basement windows.
My system is not silent but you'd have a hell of a time figuring out what it is and finding it. Oh the fans are the Home depot duct boosters, the 8" fan is actually a good bit quieter than the 6" and less than $5 more, just as a heads up.

Cool that is very good info man!

how much did u pay for ur fans? they hydro shop was sayin they were like 100 bux. like wtf

I bought my 6" duct booster fan at Menards for $30 It was pretty noisy, so I bought a dimmer switch for lights and turned the speed down to a resonable level that can barly be heard! But you do lose CFM's slowing down the fan!

Rope smoker