So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


Well-Known Member
weed is only a "gateway drug" because it is on the black market with the rest of the "hard drugs".... alcohol is alot harder for a minor to get than pot, and pot is the natural choice for a first drug... i mean, how many people do you know that started straight out with shooting heroin??....

you start getting weed from a guy who, unknown to you, sells coke also; cause thats where the money is at... but he sells weed cause he likes to smoke for free... after awhile of you buying smoke from him, he's grown to trust you, and then asks, "hey, you do coke bro?".... and so the story goes...

very true man thats pretty much what happened to me when i was a kid.

and puffpuffPASSEDOUT are you some kind of religious freak or whacko or what? every post i see is a bunch of random crazy bulshit followed by "im sorry if i offended everyone i always seem to do that"
just shut the fuck up bro everyone gets offended because you say offensive things then try to lie and talk yourself in circles and avoid the point completely


Well-Known Member
weed is only a "gateway drug" because it is on the black market with the rest of the "hard drugs".... alcohol is alot harder for a minor to get than pot, and pot is the natural choice for a first drug... i mean, how many people do you know that started straight out with shooting heroin??....

you start getting weed from a guy who, unknown to you, sells coke also; cause thats where the money is at... but he sells weed cause he likes to smoke for free... after awhile of you buying smoke from him, he's grown to trust you, and then asks, "hey, you do coke bro?".... and so the story goes...
True..very true.

But what really defines a gateway drug?

The gateway drug theory (also called gateway theory, gateway hypothesis and gateway effect) is the hypothesis that the habitual use of less deleterious drugs may lead to a a future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs and crime.[1]
The gateway drug theory is often attributed to
Its only a theory but the theory really depicts young users. Hell i was afraid to use MJ when i was around it. Was it as bad as i thought? No...But im begining to wonder if im just lieing to myself to protect my own ignorance.

IMO weed was a gateway drug for me. Not only did i become addicted to weed but it lead to alcohol abuse also. But then again addiction is in your own head, in your subconcious. I am the one who lead myself to alcohol addiction, but whos to say weed didnt contribute anything. I know it did.

The theory really only holds up against those who dont know any better. IMO adolescent minds.


True..very true.

But what really defines a gateway drug?

The gateway drug theory (also called gateway theory, gateway hypothesis and gateway effect) is the hypothesis that the habitual use of less deleterious drugs may lead to a a future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs and crime.[1]
The gateway drug theory is often attributed to
Its only a theory but the theory really depicts young users. Hell i was afraid to use MJ when i was around it. Was it as bad as i thought? No...But im begining to wonder if im just lieing to myself to protect my own ignorance.

IMO weed was a gateway drug for me. Not only did i become addicted to weed but it lead to alcohol abuse also. But then again addiction is in your own head, in your subconcious. I am the one who lead myself to alcohol addiction, but whos to say weed didnt contribute anything. I know it did.

The theory really only holds up against those who dont know any better. IMO adolescent minds.

so if you would have never smoked pot, you wouldnt have had an alcohol problem??:roll:


New Member
True..very true.

But what really defines a gateway drug?

The gateway drug theory (also called gateway theory, gateway hypothesis and gateway effect) is the hypothesis that the habitual use of less deleterious drugs may lead to a a future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs and crime.[1]

The gateway drug theory is often attributed to
Its only a theory but the theory really depicts young users. Hell i was afraid to use MJ when i was around it. Was it as bad as i thought? No...But im begining to wonder if im just lieing to myself to protect my own ignorance.

IMO weed was a gateway drug for me. Not only did i become addicted to weed but it lead to alcohol abuse also. But then again addiction is in your own head, in your subconcious. I am the one who lead myself to alcohol addiction, but whos to say weed didnt contribute anything. I know it did.

The theory really only holds up against those who dont know any better. IMO adolescent minds.

copy/paste from wilk? lol

how does weed "lead"to alcohol? Or really how does weed "lead" to anything? weed doesnt take you by your hand and walk you to the liquor store.. Or drive you to the crackhouse. We as individuals chose our own paths.. Wed was the forst drug I did.. And I did other drugs after weed. But weed didnt cause me to do other drugs... It was merely a stepping stone on my way through MY life.. Just because someone does weed first and then does other drugs doesent mean weed caused them to do it.. It just means they did weed first...period..


Well-Known Member
so if you would have never smoked pot, you wouldnt have had an alcohol problem??:roll:
Dude come on im just being real. Im not trying to convince anyone on my beliefs, its just how i feel...Its what ive learned from my life experience.

I understand im going to get bias replys to my posts but really isnt that a good thing? Look at RT, he had alot of useful information, that was well put. Without my post his would not exsist.

im dont blame weed for what IVE done to my life. I make all the choices. I control my own fate.


Dude come on im just being real. Im not trying to convince anyone on my beliefs, its just how i feel...Its what ive learned from my life experience.

I understand im going to get bias replys to my posts but really isnt that a good thing? Look at RT, he had alot of useful information, that was well put. Without my post his would not exsist.

im dont blame weed for what IVE done to my life. I make all the choices. I control my own fate.

thats my point... weed isnt to blame for people using other drugs....
'gateway drug' is BS unless it is changed to mean a person's first drug they encountered...

humans love manipulating their mind and body, and the first time they encounter ANY drug, they realize that they can change the way they think/feel/etc just by injesting a substance.... possibly starting with something as innocuous as chocolate.... just my opinion:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
copy/paste from wilk? lol

how does weed "lead"to alcohol? Or really how does weed "lead" to anything? weed doesnt take you by your hand and walk you to the liquor store.. Or drive you to the crackhouse. We as individuals chose our own paths.. Wed was the forst drug I did.. And I did other drugs after weed. But weed didnt cause me to do other drugs... It was merely a stepping stone on my way through MY life.. Just because someone does weed first and then does other drugs doesent mean weed caused them to do it.. It just means they did weed first...period..
But see you dont really understand the gateway theory.

You try'd weed first...then went onto harder drugs. Hmm isnt that evidence right there?

I can place myself back to before i ever took a hit. I thought of potheads as losers without a future, because honestly they had no immediate future. All they/I cared about was getting high.

Has everyone forgot about peer pressure? Yes peer pressure is the #1 reason for first time users. Hell i was peer pressured into using. Its not like someone put a blunt to my lips and was like "smoke this or we arent going to be friends anymore" but honestly thats what it relates to. I started partying with everyone at 16. we would play beer pong..asshole..we would see who was a "two beer queer". we all became alcoholics. at 17 we started smoking weed. (So really alcohol was a gateway to Marijuana.)

Who here can say they smoked weed for themself? Who wasnt smoking with freinds? It became part of our social group.

Ive never really been into drugs. I dont like pills becuase honestly i feel like a different person while on narcotics. Ive try'd X once and it was amazing, and honestly that feeling is reason enough for me to never try it again. I know what the future holds if i use it again. It would be no different than MJ.

...Also MJ sets a bar for your future drug use. If your smoking everyday and then choose to use a harder drug, chances are your going to use it the same as you did MJ.

Honestly am I the only one who perceives weed as a threat to ones self? Is there not a single ounce of you that thinks weed can be harmful in the wrong hands?

If its so safe than maybe we should start getting our kids high. Hell why should they miss out on something so magical. :rolleyes:


New Member
You try'd weed first...then went onto harder drugs. Hmm isnt that evidence right there?
yea its evidence that the only drug I could get someone to give me first was weed.

LMAO.. dude ur a trip.. u sound like either a cop,a christian or a social worker.. u sure dont sound like a marijuana user.


Well-Known Member
yea its evidence that the only drug I could get someone to give me first was weed.

LMAO.. dude ur a trip.. u sound like either a cop,a christian or a social worker.. u sure dont sound like a marijuana user.
Dude ive smoked a QP in a weekend with my 2 budds camping before. I think i know about weed.

...Weed is by far the easiest drug to get ahold of. Right next to alcohol (playing hey mister is easy as pie). Being it is so available makes it a problem. Not for the old head who tokes with his wife, or the older gent/lady who just wants to relax...But for kids man. Im thinking about the kids. I never want my kids to do drugs. The easier they can get them the harder it is for me to govern them.

Think about the kids man. The youth of the nation should not subject themselves to drugs. Not even caffine. The more i have to teach my future children about why drug use is bad means less time i have to teach them about the important things in life, like love :-P.


Dude ive smoked a QP in a weekend with my 2 budds camping before. I think i know about weed.

...Weed is by far the easiest drug to get ahold of. Right next to alcohol (playing hey mister is easy as pie). Being it is so available makes it a problem. Not for the old head who tokes with his wife, or the older gent/lady who just wants to relax...But for kids man. Im thinking about the kids. I never want my kids to do drugs. The easier they can get them the harder it is for me to govern them.

Think about the kids man. The youth of the nation should not subject themselves to drugs. Not even caffine. The more i have to teach my future children about why drug use is bad means less time i have to teach them about the important things in life, like love :-P.
so you are teaching your kids that marijuana is one of those horrible drugs, yet you are a smoker?? they arent gonna be taught that fact are they? thats seems like the makings of one hell of an argument between yall at some point down the road:?


New Member
wow this guy is a waking contradiction lol

but I agree about not wanting my kids to do drugs.. It just makes life harder than someone who doesnt use drugs. thast just a fact. It just adds more complications.


Well-Known Member
so you are teaching your kids that marijuana is one of those horrible drugs, yet you are a smoker?? they arent gonna be taught that fact are they? thats seems like the makings of one hell of an argument between yall at some point down the road:?
Honestly im not ready for kids. Im turning 24 in a couple months, i need much more in my life before i feel i am able.

Honestly i will probably be one of those hypocrtical parents that tell their children not to do drugs.

#1 thing to teach my children is Temptation and peer pressure.

Sure there is a solution to the pain of life and thats to learn from it. There is no easy solution to pain. Its there for a let you know something is wrong. If you numb life then you will never solve anything. You'll only find new ways to numb it.

Honestly i will never really bring up drugs til high school (or if i suspect something) younger minds have no clue whats good for them and if you tell them to not do something chances are they will do it anyway. You can only teach your children to make the best decisions. I hope to be my sons best freind. Trust is everything in relationships.

Also i know weed isnt any good for me. It numbs reality. but honestly at this point in my life it keeps me sane. Its hard to explain certain things to anyone but yourself, so chances are my drug use will never be brought up to my children.


Honestly im not ready for kids. Im turning 24 in a couple months, i need much more in my life before i feel i am able.

Honestly i will probably be one of those hypocrtical parents that tell their children not to do drugs.

#1 thing to teach my children is Temptation and peer pressure.

Sure there is a solution to the pain of life and thats to learn from it. There is no easy solution to pain. Its there for a let you know something is wrong. If you numb life then you will never solve anything. You'll only find new ways to numb it.

Honestly i will never really bring up drugs til high school (or if i suspect something) younger minds have no clue whats good for them and if you tell them to not do something chances are they will do it anyway. You can only teach your children to make the best decisions. I hope to be my sons best freind. Trust is everything in relationships.

Also i know weed isnt any good for me. It numbs reality. but honestly at this point in my life it keeps me sane. Its hard to explain certain things to anyone but yourself, so chances are my drug use will never be brought up to my children.

ok... i thought you already have kids... prepare yourself bro; they watch EVERYTHING you do... you wont hide too much from them; best to figure out how you're gonna handle some of the issues that may arise...


Well-Known Member
Honestly am I the only one who perceives weed as a threat to ones self? Is there not a single ounce of you that thinks weed can be harmful in the wrong hands?<br />
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If its so safe than maybe we should start getting our kids high. Hell why should they miss out on something so magical. <img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Roll Eyes" smilieid="7" class="inlineimg" />
<br />
<br />

Kind of short on time, want to read more of my book before bed, so I'm I'm not going to address anything you've said, except for the above two things.

Weed, harmful in the wrong hands? Lord have mercy. Do you realize what you just asked? :) I could rattle off a huge list of the things that are currently legal, and will NEVER become illegal that are a lot more harmful than weed in the wrong hands, but it would exceed the character limit.

Most of us here can agree (I hope) that certain things should be illegal for minors. That would include marijuana use. But when it comes to adults, tell me. Who is fit, both morally and intellectually, to determine which hands are the wrong hands? As a grown and educated Christian woman, I can tell you with certainty that I have never met nor do I know of any living human being that should have that authority.

It is just downright arrogant to presume that you, or Bob, or Jill, or even Uncle Sam should have the right to decide whether or not an adult should be allowed to grow or use marijuana. Should I have the right to say that you can't drink vodka, or watch Oprah Winfrey? (Both infinitely more harmful than marijuana, I assure you.)

Alcohol is definitely worse on the body than marijuana. But what makes you think that any of us would want to encourage children to use any mood altering substance for fun? There is a such thing as psychological addiction, and while most of the folks I know who use marijuana aren't psychologically addicted, I would not deny that 1 or 2 are. Heavy [marijuana] smokers experience decreased lung capacity, as I've said. The high can be distracting when you're trying to do algebra homework. The stuff being illegal means that you may have to deal with bad people sometimes to get it. Posessing it means that you can be arrested in many states. Using it means that you won't pass a drug test, making it hard to get even $7.00 hour jobs in some places. Do you think that the proponents of legalization don't know this stuff?

I mean, honestly, do you really think that we want to give joints to our kids, just because we support legalization? C'mon.

I would no more encourage kids to smoke pot than I would encourage them to play football. The weed would definitely be safer, though. Considering that, when is football going to be banned already? LOL (just kidding, fellas)

I wish you peace. But we's grown folks. Aight?



New Member
I need to weigh in on this kids and weed thing. First thing is, my oldest kid is 23 and my youngest kid is 20.

We always hid the weed from them, they had no clue about what mom and dad were smoking in secret. Yet they both became weed smokers anyway. How can that be you ask? Well they had friends, they went to school and they learned about it all on their own.

With both of them when they got to driving age, things came out into the open and I actually felt better about it. I felt that when it was a secret I couldn't really talk to them about real drugs (I.E. crack, meth, coke etc) . Now that the secret was out, we could talk with no restraints. We could compare weed with these other drugs in an open and honest discussion.

Once I found out they smoked weed, I let them smoke it at home. I figured, if they're at home smoking, they aren't out riding around in cars with drivers who may have been drinking learning about meth.

I smoked with them too, when smoking, the discussions of not riding with a person who had been drinking and even just one beer counts, flowed more smoothly. Talking to them about everything was easier for both of us. It's never been hard for me to talk to my kids, but sometimes it's hard for teens to relax and truely join in on the discussion.

It even made the sex discussions and constant condom lectures easier for them to take. My daughter and I always had open dialogue about sex, but my son, it was hard for him to talk to his mother about sex. If we were smoking a few bongs, it was easier for him to ask a question.

When kids hit teenagers, there are so many things that need discussed. Things such as, "why does my friend sleep around like she does" or "I think my friends step father is molesting her" or "my friend always has all these bruises, I think his father is beating him up". Sometimes discussions are a lot deeper that you would think, about subjects that you thought your kids were protected from. These 3 examples are actual questions brought to me by my teens.

I would much rather my kids smoke weed than drink alcohol, I would rather they use weed than cigarettes, I'd much rather they use weed than have unprotected sex (and I'm talking condoms, anything that isn't a barrier isn't protection).


Well-Known Member
"These 3 examples are actual questions brought to me by my teens. "--misshestermoffitt

Hi there. :)

It's great that such good communication existed between you and your kids during that time. My Mother had a similar attitude to your own. She didn't want me to drink, or smoke marijuana, but her attitude was 'if she's going to do it, I'd rather she be doing it here than in the street.' It was certainly a responsible decision on her part, looking back. And you know, since I knew that that was the way she felt on the matter, it actually took the fun out of drink and the idea of grass. Result? Smoked pot as a teen maybe 2 times, and drank on maybe 2 occasions. Didn't smoke weed again until my 30s, and didn't even look at a beer again until I hit 24. Of course, I did become a drunk that year (24), but did also get myself straight a few years later, LOL. Becoming a drunk wasn't due in any way to her parenting. But getting myself sober and staying that way definitely was.

It's a delicate matter, but still, while some parents are willing to allow their kids to smoke pot at home, it doesn't mean that they want them to smoke pot.


Well-Known Member
in response to the gateway theory: there is nothing in marijuana that actually drives someone to try another drug.

anything that made you try alcohol after weed or anything harder, was purely your own psychology at work, nothing in the weed made you do that. that's truly the definition of gateway, not just because 'oo I like feeling good so I should try other shit that makes me feel good' that's a psychological thing, NOT a marijuana thing.


Well-Known Member
justatoker - LOL!

anyways it isnt cool sitting in jail for a joint or little plant. so my answer to this threat starter is NO!


Well-Known Member
in response to the gateway theory: there is nothing in marijuana that actually drives someone to try another drug.

anything that made you try alcohol after weed or anything harder, was purely your own psychology at work, nothing in the weed made you do that. that's truly the definition of gateway, not just because 'oo I like feeling good so I should try other shit that makes me feel good' that's a psychological thing, NOT a marijuana thing.
I agree, poplars. The gateway theory is BS.

pic posted by justatoker:

Justatoker....honestly. That looks like something from the mind of Dante. <shivers>