Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes


New Member
So it doesn't bother you that terrorists are being recycled through the Gitmo closing.... okay fair enuf. It bothers me. It bothers the children.

Check the story urself...u won't find it on moveon.orgy

Bush was in office less than 9 months be4 9/11. It lies squarely with Clinton and the very same foreign policy u now defend. get ready, ur defending has only begun.

out. :blsmoke:
Oh yeah, blame it on Clinton, typical!


New Member
I think we would have been attacked no matter who was in office.

We must remember that we funded these same people back during the 80's when Russia was invading them. We trained them, gave them weapons, everything they needed. We helped to run Russia right out of their country.

and then they got bored, with all that training and wepaons they had to find something to occupy their time, and why not bite the hand that feeds you?

I remember seeing pics of I think Pakistan from 9/11, they had run into the streets and were cheering that America had been attacked and what struck me the most is seeing them wearing clothes that had been donated to them by people here. One child was wearing a Chicago Bears shirt, I dare say they didn't buy that over there.


New Member
I think we would have been attacked no matter who was in office.

We must remember that we funded these same people back during the 80's when Russia was invading them. We trained them, gave them weapons, everything they needed. We helped to run Russia right out of their country.

and then they got bored, with all that training and wepaons they had to find something to occupy their time, and why not bite the hand that feeds you?

I remember seeing pics of I think Pakistan from 9/11, they had run into the streets and were cheering that America had been attacked and what struck me the most is seeing them wearing clothes that had been donated to them by people here. One child was wearing a Chicago Bears shirt, I dare say they didn't buy that over there.
It's pretty much a fact we (The USA) are hated in most muslim lands. If Obama can make inroads without giving too much away, we may fare better in the future. I think many of the muslim dictators derive some of their power from pushing hatred of America. This will definently take time.


New Member
Hey Med man, check your history.... who was president for eight years be4 bush.... who was president for 8 months..... they don't pull off the plane terror on the spur of the moment you know.....it takes years of planning...... so who's watch failed us. get a calendar.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So it doesn't bother you that terrorists are being recycled through the Gitmo closing.... okay fair enuf.
Nope ... doesn't bother me at all ... I know most of it is government propaganda ... especially the bullshit about the recycling ...

It bothers me. It bothers the children.
Yes ... well ... it's obvious that you operate through fear ... what children? ... and how do you know it bothers them?

Check the story urself...u won't find it on moveon.orgy
I never go to move on so you can stop obsessing over them ...

Bush was in office less than 9 months be4 9/11. It lies squarely with Clinton and the very same foreign policy u now defend. get ready, ur defending has only begun.out. :blsmoke:
That right ... the bush crime family was illegally in office for nearly 9 months ... long enough to plan their false flag operation with their friends at PNAC ... Clinton had little to do with it ... you bushwhack really get off on blaming shit on Clinton for things that happen during the bush crime family's illegal term...


New Member
Hey Med man, check your history.... who was president for eight years be4 bush.... who was president for 8 months..... they don't pull off the plane terror on the spur of the moment you know.....it takes years of planning...... so who's watch failed us. get a calendar.

out. :blsmoke:
Hey Jax, Who was POTUS when the attack happened??? You are the one always saying Don't blame Bush for this economy, Uhhh, he was POTUS when the shit hit the windmill, and now I suppose you want to blame Obama for the economy. If a terror attack happens on Obamas watch, then I'll blame Obama. You can't justifiably say the 911 attack was Clintons fault, it's all bullshit jax, typical right wing bullshit.


New Member
No, check my posts... there is a thing called political lag. One admin bleeds into another. Clinton actually produced real blood......American blood. I won't even go into those who perished before 9/11 with muted to no response. Those are the kinds of signals you want to send to enemies. Kind of what is being enacted right now. Oh my.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
No, check my posts... there is a thing called political lag. One admin bleeds into another. Clinton actually produced real blood......American blood. I won't even go into those who perished before 9/11 with muted to no response. Those are the kinds of signals you want to send to enemies. Kind of what is being enacted right now. Oh my.

out. :blsmoke:
Jax, I'm pretty sure real enemies will be dealt with. Looking behind every bush for an enemy can produce a lot more enemies than actually exist. I think extending a friendly hand can be a very positive message to many countries on this planet. The Bush policies were more likely to label countries (Axis of evil) than to openly engage them. I, and many others, believe the Obama policiies will create many new and old friends alike.


New Member
I'm just saying that releasing terrorists out of Gitmo is a BAD idea. There is no rehabilitation.

Want to hear the other shoe drop..... Obama may very well grant terrorists Geneva status. On the same level as our kids in uniform. It's quite clear that Obama means to treat terrorists as run of the mill criminals.......incredibly dangerous and naive.....just like Bill was on terrorism.

Goodbye real foreign intelligence..... poof.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'm just saying that releasing terrorists out of Gitmo is a BAD idea. There is no rehabilitation.

Want to hear the other shoe drop..... Obama may very well grant terrorists Geneva status. On the same level as our kids in uniform. It's quite clear that Obama means to treat terrorists as run of the mill criminals.......incredibly dangerous and naive.....just like Bill was on terrorism.

Goodbye real foreign intelligence..... poof.

out. :blsmoke:
So, the old tried and true saying: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" has no creedence with you?


New Member
The best place to keep enemies is under ur thumb.

Dismantling a very effective terrorism program to "catch and release" is not keeping ur enemies closer.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The best place to keep enemies is under ur thumb.

Dismantling a very effective terrorism program to "catch and release" is not keeping ur enemies closer.

out. :blsmoke:
You are totally bushwhacked in the head ... what will you do when your fear mongering doesn't pan out ....


New Member
My proof is already accumulating...it's your naive world view which isn't going to pan out.

Of course I'd rather be happy then right, but as an adult I must accept the truth no matter how it makes me feel.

Perhaps we differ in that area.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
My proof is already accumulating...it's your naive world view which isn't going to pan out.

Of course I'd rather be happy then right, but as an adult I must accept the truth no matter how it makes me feel.

Perhaps we differ in that area.

out. :blsmoke:
Truth, you speak of truth. You wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you in the ass. Your truth is just that, yours. Truth needs careful studying of the facts, from an objective point of view. You are far from objective.

Correspondence theories state that true beliefs and true statements correspond to the actual state of affairs.[8] This type of theory posits a relationship between thoughts or statements on the one hand, and things or objects on the other. It is a traditional model which goes back at least to some of the classical Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.[9] This class of theories holds that the truth or the falsity of a representation is determined in principle solely by how it relates to "things", by whether it accurately describes those "things". An example of correspondence theory is the statement by the Thirteenth Century philosopher/theologian Thomas Aquinas: Veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus ("Truth is the equation [or adequation] of thing and intellect"), a statement which Aquinas attributed to the Ninth Century neoplatonist Isaac Israeli.[10][11] Aquinas also restated the theory as: “A judgment is said to be true when it conforms to the external reality” [12]

And so on and so forth.


New Member
Since i only follow money trails coupled with actual action as opposed to words like change and hope (lawdy) I am far more objective about politics than you are but not that you can't improve yourself in that area.

Saudis DO have a shady rehab program. We ARE releasing terrorists from Gitmo to have them show up recycled in the war against us and our way of life. You may want to ask yourself how you can be on the other side of the aisle on this one. is it political myopia, or just wanting to argue..... no matter how ridiculous or callous your image becomes? wow... :lol:

I did not vote for Bush in 2000. Let's be clear. I did vote for him in 04, but for two very good reasons.... Kerry was and is a dolt, and it's not a good signal to change commanders while the outcome on a battlefield is still in question. My PROUD vote helped achieve both objectives.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Since i only follow money trails coupled with actual action as opposed to words
Then you'll know that the Bush regime deemed the Financing of 9/11 as (and I quote) "of little significant consequence"......

Very odd, when anyone can plainly see that it is of GREAT CONSEQUENCE.

And how about The ACTIONS of the Bush regime......two illegal wars, a false flag terror attack (depends what you believe), taking away a number of your rights (and ours by proxy), detaining people without charge, torture?

You talk about accepting the hard to stomach truth as an adult, but as a lot of us on here don't accept the 'Disaffected Muslim Conspiricy' as truth ...... so in our eyes it's YOU who is Naive and doesn't want to face to horrible truth.


New Member
You mistake your passion for logic.

Depends on what you believe eh? That's a pretty astute statement.

illegal wars... :lol I won't even bother with that drivel. I would go back to one of my earlier posts and just say, why broadcast your enslavement to spin? You are in a very very small percentage of the population who believes that non-sense. :lol:

Look, Obama has already said NO. Figure it out, it isn't going to happen. Dead issue.... your base was used to get him elected as well as Congress and they are now done with you. What part don't you understand? Psst...they never intended to prosecute. a bit slow

But keep swinging..... it always entertaining. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Does MJ smoking make you stupid? Must be the vapor trails... huh medicineman?

The real question is "why do you think what you think?" Oregonmeds? Are you smart enough to debate these issues? You should be able to articulate both sides of an arguement.

The interesting thing about democracy is that dumb people are allowed to vote same as the educated ones.

Oberman is one of the biggest idiots I have ever listened to.

Sorry just venting. Gotta puff before work. You guys got me worked up.


Well-Known Member
Does MJ smoking make you stupid? Must be the vapor trails... huh medicineman?

The real question is "why do you think what you think?" Oregonmeds? Are you smart enough to debate these issues? You should be able to articulate both sides of an arguement.

The interesting thing about democracy is that dumb people are allowed to vote same as the educated ones.

Oberman is one of the biggest idiots I have ever listened to.

Sorry just venting. Gotta puff before work. You guys got me worked up.

You called? What is there to even debate? I just see my name mentioned here but I've been out of this crazy thread for a while and don't believe half of the crap in this thread so stopped following it. I don't believe in the conspiracy theory false flag crap and I also think Bush etc should be prosecuted but never will.

Debating anything in this thread any more seems like it would just be about arguing with nutcases for no reason. Some people have their tinfoil hats on too tight or something.


New Member
I did not vote for Bush in 2000. Let's be clear. I did vote for him in 04, but for two very good reasons.... Kerry was and is a dolt, and it's not a good signal to change commanders while the outcome on a battlefield is still in question. My PROUD vote helped achieve both objectives.

out. :blsmoke:
And you claim to be intelligent???