Anyone had a problem with deer?


Active Member
Ok this is my second grow outside, first one i raised em all the way until harvest day and they got stolen when i went to pull em up.that was 6 years ago and im gonna try again now.

the area im gonna grow in now has a large deer population(maybe 10 or so deer that ive counted) . anyone have an ideas on how i can keep deer away from my plants? i dont want them eatin up my weed. hunting season aint til september so i need a way to just keep em away besides using a bow&arrows lol. thanks in advance for replies
Human urine or sweat soaked rags, wolf or coyote urine i think those are all worth a shot, i've heard mixed replies, cuz if they're going to eat them it'll be at night, no noise no predator... so scents won't work for long... Best bet is to build some sort of cage with chicken wire or sumthing.
Human urine or sweat soaked rags, wolf or coyote urine i think those are all worth a shot, i've heard mixed replies, cuz if they're going to eat them it'll be at night, no noise no predator... so scents won't work for long... Best bet is to build some sort of cage with chicken wire or sumthing.
or fishingline 8 inches up then 14 then 24 inches up or something along those lines... around your grow area should work.
:fire: no killing the deer grrrr just take a bear costume with you and run after them when you see them they will start making a new path away from the bears area hahaha
ive heard human hair too
ya you kill them LOL
Canine urine such as wolf or fox is effective as they hunt at night, whoever the hell ever thought that predators don't hunt after dark must think they are going to McDonlads or something in the day. Wolves and Deer are often on the same track of lands but the range of a wolf often is ten miles or better. Point is they often pass through an area only every 11 or twelve days or so. If a deer smells the urine and it is fresh they often pay no mind. Why? Because they know the wolf has already passed and they are free to graze at will. However if you leave wolf bait, like the wolf has stashed some munchies, the deer will fully expect the wolf to return to the area and will leave your ladies unmolested. The wolf even if he eats the bait, you will be safe as the deer will then leave your area alone. You won't have to worry about the wolves eating your plants and you will never see them in the day. Trapper supply houses will have what you need. I think I might even have some old stinky predator bait that would do the trick. Why do I know all this useless shit? I trapped for many years.
beleive me pissing around them don't work i take the 30-06 to em but once they start to smell they won't touch them for some reason they don't like the smell them when they get bigger
beleive me pissing around them don't work i take the 30-06 to em but once they start to smell they won't touch them for some reason they don't like the smell them when they get bigger

I had deer beding right next to mine and they didn't touch them. Once the plant gets big enough to smell I think they leave it alone.
Piss over all the plants that surround the MJ.. You can even go to the extent of sitting out there with a buddy and BBQ"n and kill a 30 pack.. And piss on half a acre...hehe
well heres a idea i do around my cabin but the problem is that it draws deer .....Salt Licks..........just place them like 15 20 feet away and they should eat them and not your plants then you can get some repellent and put that closer to your plants give them somthing to eat and somthing to stay away