Why I do not do LSD


Active Member
I would have to admit i smoked a sherm stick and it was my best high ever but i knew it was something just not to get into so i stick with weed


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything you say, however I still think you are an asshole. At least on the internet. I guess it can be fun at times
That's cool. That is my character. Smartass wise guy. Not meant to piss anyone off but it does sometimes. Some people get me and don't think I'm funny, some people don't get me and don't think I'm funny, and a few people get me and think I'm funny. Those are usually the people I call friend.


Well-Known Member
The idea of christ saving you is about as farfetched as the shit you saw and heard when you were on the lsd, if you really want to know what saved you it was your self bro, prayer just translates into cognitive therapy in your subconscious mind so pat yourself on the back and dont give all the credit to "christ". CChrist was a buddha of his day, a walking living breathing man, he didnt get resurected and all this wacked out shit the bible talks about, the people who wrote the bible were on aminita muscaras ( another form of magic mushroooms)
Perhaps you and others are jumping all over me because you think I implied that my experience somehow "proves" the Christian faith as being real. I did not mean to imply that. My post was about my experience with LSD, not an attempt to "prove" Christ. In fact, nowhere in my post did I even advise that others follow Him. That wasn't the point.

My experience with Christ does not prove His reality in any sense, nor would I ever claim to be able to "prove" Him. I am a Christian for an entire host of reasons, the LSD experience being a small one, and others being the historical evidence surrounding his resurrection, the powerful wisdom contained in the New Testament, and a few other major experiences I have had encountering Christ and having His power work in my life.

I have spent years and years studying the faith I have chosen to live by. It is pretty ridiculous for you to think that I'm going to toss it because you think all the authors over the thousands of years the Bible was written were on shrooms.

But again, my experience does not prove Christ, nor was it meant to. I will say this much, though: If you were plagued by voices in your head for days, months, and then years, or similarly plagued by anxiety so severe that you would shake and stutter whenever you were around people, and, after trying everything you could (including psychological experts) you were instantaneously delivered after saying a simple prayer to Christ... you would at least re-think your position. Then if you continued to experience similar things throughout your life, each time as a result of prayer... you might re-think it some more and begin the read history and Scripture a little more carefully, or a little differently, at the very least.


New Member
So u were having all these voices and really bad anxiety and mental problems and then u just prayed one time and in an instant u were all better??? That mustve been weird. Im not gonna lie, if that happened to me I would definitely believe in jesus and have no doubt, but u gotta realize a lot of ppl here have not experienced anything like that and are still confused if god is real or not, u cant blame them becuz u have to experience something like that for urself even though I havent yet.

I believe u though, its good that ur better now.


Well-Known Member
So u were having all these voices and really bad anxiety and mental problems and then u just prayed one time and in an instant u were all better??? That mustve been weird. Im not gonna lie, if that happened to me I would definitely believe in jesus and have no doubt, but u gotta realize a lot of ppl here have not experienced anything like that and are still confused if god is real or not, u cant blame them becuz u have to experience something like that for urself even though I havent yet.

I believe u though, its good that ur better now.
Yes, it was instant. It wasn't only that the voices were gone (or that the anxiety was gone, in that later case). They were gone, but there was also this incredible peace... like I was with God. That is what bible-thumpers mean when they say "I don't need drugs, I have Jesus" I guess. (I happen to enjoy both! :bigjoint:)

The first time it happened (with the voices going away) I didn't really think of it as being weird. I was too happy to think that. I was just so overjoyed that I was weeping uncontrollably. I was just so fucking glad the voices were gone words cannot describe it. I had not been free from them for so long I had forgotten how enjoyable life was with out them. Now, in hindsight, it does seem wierd. But things like that have happened to me multiple times now, so I no longer think of it as wierd.... I just think of it as God. I have very little doubt He is with me. I don't mean to be bragging or anything, that is just a fact... it is who I am. I don't always understand why He does what He does (in fact, I usually don't understand why), but I have very little doubt that He is with me.

I do realize a lot of people have not experienced anything like that, so I definitely don't blame them for questioning it and even for not believing. In fact, I recommend that everyone question anything like this. I would not expect anyone to believe me, to be honest. However, I *do* expect people to respect my beliefs and at least respect my experiences. I respect everyone elses', so I expect the same in return. I didn't write this original thread attempting to "sell" my faith and bash other faiths. I just wrote about my experience with LSD. So I don't expect people to sell me their atheism and bash my faith.

I guess the fact that I mentioned Christ "bashes" the "faith" (or "world view") of atheists. I did not mean to do that. He is just a part of my experience with LSD, so I talk about Him. I respect anyone who doesn't believe in Him, and I don't think they are stupid or anything like that. Some of the most brilliant people are atheists (then again, some are also believers).

The Bible is full of instances where God reveals himself to some people in some ways and to other people in different ways. In fact, that is pretty much all the Bible is about... God interacting with different men and women in various ways. If anyone doesn't believe in God I challenge him or her to pray for God to show himself to him in a more apparent way (or to open his eyes to the ways God already is showing Himself). Pray that prayer ever fucking day for a year (not in a mocking way, but as sincerely as you can) and you can bet your ass you'll experience Him in one way or another. That's all I have to say.


Active Member
However, I *do* expect people to respect my beliefs and at least respect my experiences. I respect everyone elses', so I expect the same in return.

I guess the fact that I mentioned Christ "bashes" the "faith" (or "world view") of atheists. I did not mean to do that.
This is the only part I don't agree with. I think debate is important, and trying to wall off some set of beliefs to criticism is just a ploy.

Consider this, the UN passed a resolution to make defamation of Islam illegal. So it is against international law to criticize Islam. Throwing acid in women's faces? Don't criticize, respect their beliefs!

Washington Times - U.S. fights Islamic anti-defamation push

This is nonsense. Tom Cruise says the exact same thing about Scientology, "I would never criticize somebody's religion." Of course he says this to shield his own 'religion' from any criticism, or else the critic is some kind of asshole or something.

Nonsense. If something happens you believe to be wrong, you have every right to criticize it, no matter if it's Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, Atheism, and yes, even Christianity.


Well-Known Member
This is the only part I don't agree with. I think debate is important, and trying to wall off some set of beliefs to criticism is just a ploy.

Consider this, the UN passed a resolution to make defamation of Islam illegal. So it is against international law to criticize Islam. Throwing acid in women's faces? Don't criticize, respect their beliefs!

Washington Times - U.S. fights Islamic anti-defamation push

This is nonsense. Tom Cruise says the exact same thing about Scientology, "I would never criticize somebody's religion." Of course he says this to shield his own 'religion' from any criticism, or else the critic is some kind of asshole or something.

Nonsense. If something happens you believe to be wrong, you have every right to criticize it, no matter if it's Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, Atheism, and yes, even Christianity.
I have no problem with criticism. The problem is disrespect. If you say you don't believe in God or Christ or the resurrection or whatever, then fine. I do believe. Fine. All that is fine. If you tell me why you don't believe, even that is fine. The problem is that people here have called my faith "shit" and "fairy-tales" simply because I said I believed. That is fucking disrespectful.

If I don't like your wife, maybe I'll say, "We don't get along well," or even, "I don't like her very much." But if I called her a shithead and called you a immature dumbass for marrying the bitch... that crosses a line.

I respect people and their religion, and I expect the same.

Love, Peace, and Respect. :eyesmoke:,


I would never support any law that makes it a crime to criticize religion. I love criticism, it makes me stronger and/or wiser. I just think it can be done in a respectful way.


New Member
LSD is actually a synthetic form of ergot which is a fungus that infects grasses and grains especially rye.

The guy who invented it noticed that when people made bread out of rye with ergot they act strange and did really crazy stuff. That led him to study it and snynthisize it.


Well-Known Member
LSD is actually a synthetic form of ergot which is a fungus that infects grasses and grains especially rye.

The guy who invented it noticed that when people made bread out of rye with ergot they act strange and did really crazy stuff. That led him to study it and snynthisize it.
"synthetic" is the key word. That is why I stay away from it. I don't think it is particularly dangerous, nor do I judge people who take it. Given my history, I just choose to stay away from it or any other synthetic drugs for recreational use. I would do shrooms before LSD... actually, I would ingest ergot itself (if that were possible for a trip) before doing LSD. I know that is a bit illogical, but hey... that's just how I choose to live. In reality, I'll probably never do any pure psychedelic again... but shrooms are a possibility I guess.

By they way, the guy who invented it also, upon his first large dose, became terrified that his body had been possessed by a demon, that his next door neighbor was a witch, and that his furniture was threatening him. By the next day he was fine, but LSD has induced psychological problems in the longer term for a limted number of people. I guess I am one of them.

"It is difficult to determine if LSD itself induces these reactions or if it triggers latent conditions that would have manifested themselves otherwise." - Lysergic acid diethylamide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think another trip would fuck me up like the first one did. I think the problem was a combination of going through puberty and the general confusion that can go along with that, the setting of the trip (having had run away from home for the first time to see the Dead), and the extremely large dose. But again, my "natural only" drugs rule is just something that, I think, keeps me away from the extremely potent and addictive man-made synthetic drugs. Any drug can be abused... but I think it is easier to fall into a cycle of abuse with synthetic drugs.


New Member
I haven't done any LSD since the mid 90's. I would do it now either. Hard telling who is making it and where it's been.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone either.

I never could do shrooms. I have these crazy texture issues with foods and can't eat a lot of stuff.

Stick with the weed, it's the best.


Active Member
Kludge, if it is possible for a user to have flashbacks of their trip whilst on acid( which FYI is common knowledge that this occurs) then why is it not possible for him to have heard voices? As far as religion goes I really can not be bothered getting involved in another religious argument. Each to their own for fucks sake why is it up to others to criticise what does and does not exist? Grow the fuck up.


Active Member
"Each to their own." At the level of conversation that's just unacceptable. We should debate, we should test our ideas and beliefs through argument, it's healthy.

The problem with sectioning off a particular set of beliefs as sacred or untouchable in any debate is the range of beliefs that try and take this shelter. There are people out there who believe God wants them to hurt woman, and at the very least those beliefs should be challenged. Those beliefs have real consequences. So no, nobody's belief is off-limits or sacred, or simply a matter of subjective whim, such as what their favorite ice-cream is. If these beliefs had no real impact in the world that would be the case, but a lot of religious beliefs have a very real impact, and should be subject to criticism and debate.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that this discussion is touching on some of the deeper issues with hallucinogenics. The premise that what we experience truth when we are not on drugs needs to be challenged. My point is this: Truth as WE see it is always based on the 'judgment' of the ego. Kind a like the tree doesn't become a tree until our mind accepts it as such. It uses the ego (because in the ego we trust) to create a frame of reference so we can judge it in order to make sense of it. Remember this one: 'Knowledge will set you free' Knowledge will only set us free within a mental prison cell, if we do not challenge the underlying premises of the mental references we use in order to come to this knowledge. In other words, what we accept as knowledge is not knowledge at all but merely commonly accepted judgments, and to make things worse, most of the time we do not even make our own judgments but we accept the insane ramblings of others as our truth.
Some of you may remember what JC said a long time ago: "Do not judge" He wants us to not judge anything so that the truth of everything may reveal itself to us. In other words, the truth is underneath our judgments.
We are looking at these things far to 'physical' Thought precedes mater, by the time we see something, we see only what we want to see and truth has left the building.
Back to hallucinogenics, what we come up with is this: It seems that a temporary displacement of the ego is taking place i.e. our mind looses its frame of reference for judging to a large extend by disconnecting the ego from the mind (your true nature). That is a very traumatic experience and results in the mind scrambling for reference. The result is what we see on trips.
If we wanted to experience truth we would have to let go of ALL our judgments for just one instance, and we would be in the light/truth for ever.
True yogis will work toward that in their meditations, as well as all others that have embarked on their spiritual journey home.
I'm thankful for hallucinogenics, through them (not just them) I saw for the first time that maybe what I'm accepting as truth is not truth at all, but merely the insane judgments of my ego.
Now close your eyes, open them up again, look around you and see the world you have made 'Son of God' Now, if you are happy with it, you are done! If not, your journey begins (we fall into this category)
I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm sure I'm doing a shitty ass job trying to put 20 years of my journey into a view paragraphs.
Bottom line: All we have to do is be willing... the rest will be given as needed!



Well-Known Member

I take issue with the statement "knowledge will set you free." What JC actually said was, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31,32). So the truth sets us free, not mere knowledge.

What that means is that tree you refer to doesn't "become a tree" once our mind accepts it as such. The tree is a tree, and we can recognize that truth or deny it. There is truth to be found, especially with regards to Christ, and the truth can and will set you free if you find it.

Like so much of the Scripture, taking one verse out of context often ends in mis-interpretation. "Do not judge" did not mean to never tell anyone what the truth is. Jesus Himself commanded his disciples to preach the truth throughout the world. Rather that statement was made in the context of the religious leaders and hypocrite pastors of his day who made up truth so they could have power over others. We are not to judge based on our own truth, but only based on the truth God has revealed. That way God remains the judge, and we are only his mouthpiece. In that case, we, ourselves, are not the judges.

If I'm being an asshole, just let me know and I'll shut the fuck up.

I don't think that this discussion is touching on some of the deeper issues with hallucinogenics. The premise that what we experience truth when we . . . (substantive writing has been omitted for brevity, see above for unity's full comment) . . . line: All we have to do is be willing... the rest will be given as needed!



Well-Known Member
As an addition to this post, the title might be wrong. I really have no way of knowing if it was LSD that was given to me at that Dead concert when I was 13. For all I know it was some other drug. Honestly, I think I have just been under the assumption it was acid because people have told me it was common for acid to be passed around in that manner at dead shows.

What other drug could it have been? I've heard meth can cause schizophrenia symptoms that can last quite a while. But is it ever taken through absorption into the skin like that?

Any help would be appreciated.


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Didn't read but the first page.

OP, you just traded one kind of craziness for another.

I don't doubt that getting heavily dosed, or dosed at all for that matter, at age 13, fucked you up badly.

Hence your current predicament, still crazy, but, this time you're completely unaware of it. It may seem preferable at the moment, but is it really?

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
As an addition to this post, the title might be wrong. I really have no way of knowing if it was LSD that was given to me at that Dead concert when I was 13. For all I know it was some other drug. Honestly, I think I have just been under the assumption it was acid because people have told me it was common for acid to be passed around in that manner at dead shows.

What other drug could it have been? I've heard meth can cause schizophrenia symptoms that can last quite a while. But is it ever taken through absorption into the skin like that?

Any help would be appreciated.

It would take one miserable bastard to do this, but someone could have been wandering around with a vial of DOB, dosing up innocent kids like you.

That's the most likely candidate sans lsd to act as a catalyst for your symptoms.

DOB is employed by some less than savory groups as a means of recruiting followers, and they were in the dead scene. Still around too. Were you invited into a bus at any point?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I love lsd. I did so much of it in HS it was ridiculous. I can take it in the morning, go back to bed, and wake up spun out... I love it. I have done lsd hundreds and hundreds of times, and now, at 35, I still enjoy it!!!!!!!!! I picked some up at gathering of vibes this summer and love to drop 2 or 3 doses and take my dog for a nice walk after work... I absolutely love lsd. always have. Now that Im older I only do it a few times a year but I always enjoy it and always have a beautiful expierience. I have never heard of anyone tripping for a year. I dont buy that. Perhaps it amplified an already exististing psychitaric condition. I only say that because i have had quite large doses of liquid and never tripped longer than 24 hours... maybe you should try it again?

Its a hobby

Active Member
I am very glad that i found this thread. I KNOW I'm slightly psychotic. It's not like the voices are telling me things though. They go along with what one person said about how your brain learns to do things. (ei your bubbly world.) So what I'm trying to say is that the voices that are being present in my head are saying things that my brain wants them to say. My brain is slightly psychotic and it appears that i can control what my voices say to me(all of them). Similar to having just a normal train of thought, only its like i have multiple. Almost as if your playing "house" as a child.....but in your mind, and i can literally have conversations i my brain. I never thought of this as bad, i just think of it as my brain is more productive.