Why I do not do LSD


Well-Known Member
... lots of religious stuff ...

But to each his own... believe as you will. I suppose when you die you'll just fertilize the soil and become a cannabis plant or whatever. Maybe someone will chop your ass down and makes a hemb bible out of you. :mrgreen:bongsmilie
LOL, I admit that would be funny.

And I appologize for being so negative to your beliefs. That was wrong and childish of me.


Well-Known Member
Does someone in your family have schizophrenia? I've literally drank liquid acid and only tripped for like 12-16 hours. I highly doubt LSD made you trip for 1 year, it may have awaken schizophrenia you had already.:peace:


New Member
Obviously he didnt trip for a year. I mean could LSD even stay in your system for that long? I thought it was completely out of your system in less than a week or two (thats what I heard).

To the thread starter: what was the initial trip like? I mean like the 1st 14 hours or whatever, what was that like?


Well-Known Member
13 is waaay to young to be messing with any drugs, yet alone LSD. At thirteen your mind has not even begun to understand that you are not your thoughts (that will happen at about 19-21/ some will never wake up). No wonder that you had a hard time dealing with your thoughts, the guy giving you the shit should have gone to jail.
I have a 14 year old sun, I can't even imagine what he would go through on LSD, he's got enough to deal with with his hormones kickin in,lol!


PS: Finding 'the one' is probably the best thing that has ever happened to you, now go and don't fall for some 'in-chaining' weird ass religion, but instead trust in 'the one' to teach you about life ;) As soon as you think you are saved and others are not you went down shit-creek mate.


Well-Known Member
Does someone in your family have schizophrenia? I've literally drank liquid acid and only tripped for like 12-16 hours. I highly doubt LSD made you trip for 1 year, it may have awaken schizophrenia you had already.:peace:
No one in my family has any history of it. An aunt I have is bi-polar. That is about it as far as family history.


Well-Known Member
Obviously he didnt trip for a year. I mean could LSD even stay in your system for that long? I thought it was completely out of your system in less than a week or two (thats what I heard).

To the thread starter: what was the initial trip like? I mean like the 1st 14 hours or whatever, what was that like?
As soon as the trip started I began hearing voices. They were telling me to go around and do things. And for whatever reason I was following them. I think they were doing more of that "I'll prove I'm real" type of stuff like I explained with the footsteps thing. That all started fairly soon into the trip.

I just don't remember many of those things they did to prove themselves... the footsteps event was the most prominent one. To be honest, I would try to forget the "proving events" over the weeks and months as I battled against trying to be able to ignore the voices and went back and forth in deciding if they were real or not.

I also was experiencing visual hallucinations for 12 to 24 hours fairly powerfully, trails, seeing patterns where they were not, things like that. The hallucinations were not as powerful as I expected them to be, though. I do remember that. It was more like a euphoric feeling, and the hallucinations were there if I looked at one thing and just focused on it for a while.


Active Member
Not to sound like an asshole but the level of bull in this thread is epic. And the worse part is that anybody who disagrees is supposedly some kind of jerk. Imagine any other topic where that would work, "Hey, you can't criticize my beliefs about economic policies because people all believe different things, and my beliefs about the economy make me feel better and help me, you're mean!" That would be absurd.


Well-Known Member
The idea of christ saving you is about as farfetched as the shit you saw and heard when you were on the lsd, if you really want to know what saved you it was your self bro, prayer just translates into cognitive therapy in your subconscious mind so pat yourself on the back and dont give all the credit to "christ". CChrist was a buddha of his day, a walking living breathing man, he didnt get resurected and all this wacked out shit the bible talks about, the people who wrote the bible were on aminita muscaras ( another form of magic mushroooms)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that really sounds like LSD induced schizophrenia. I have a friend who basically developed full blown paranoid schizophrenia after numerous drug binges. Now he thinks millions of people on the internet sit there and discuss him and watch everything he does.


Well-Known Member
Don't you find it ironic that in the same breath you admonish me for stating my beliefs and demand that YOUR beliefs be allowed to be stated without challenge. But you surely do shore up your argument by ignoring my arguments in favor of name calling. We're learning from the best; our politicians.

I think I should define what I mean by prayer before elaborating. Prayer is not sitting quietly and meditation on issues, problems, or successes. Prayer is asking an imaginary being to do what you are either unwilling to do for yourself or are incapable of doing; either through your own ineptitude or simply you are unable do it.

For instance "praying" for Baby Jesus (TM) to pay your over due mortgage bill doesn't help; getting off your ass and getting a second job does.

So, praying is NOT good for you. It is self delusion and in fact it kills people every year. Just look at the people that let their own children die because they have some fucked up belief that if they pray hard enough their child will magically be better.

And let me stop you before you argue that SOME prayer can be helpful therefor it can't all be bad. That's like saying, "I've been smacking myself in the forehead for years and it's never hurt me so it must be good for me."

I would argue that the act itself is evil because it robs the individual of the imperative that THEY do something. They have now deluded themselves into inaction. They think if they just pray hard enough Baby Jesus (TM) will come down and make everything better.

I do love Ben Franklin's quote, "God helps those who help themselves." So in other words "God" magically helps people who are already helping themselves and ignores the idiots. Wow, that sounds like EXACTLY what I was saying.

So are you calling Ben Franklin an asshole or something? 'Cause if you are... ;)
I agree with everything you say, however I still think you are an asshole. At least on the internet. I guess it can be fun at times


New Member
I dont know you but maybe jesus and god did save you, I dont know. I dont really consider myself belonging to any religion, but I dont attack those who believe in one or think differently than I do. My only beliefs are this: I believe in a higher power and I believe that jesus existed.

As far as what happened to you, I agree with the other poster and am saying its drug induced schizophrenia. I myself have gone through several bad episodes of psychosis that may or may not have had anything to do with drugs. Theres more to it than just hallucinations and made up stuff like some would think. I didnt hear any voices but I could predict what would happen like you said and that was freaky, I also had visions and dreams that turned out to actually happen in real life. And I had some weird psychic powers and could hear radio waves and things. However, throughout my life I have prayed thousands of times during real bad times, anything from asking to begging god and jesus to save me, and never ONCE anything good happened. I still believe in god, but after all of that, the few good things that have happened to me have been because of me. Its good that you are better though.


Well-Known Member
Spirituality and religion have little to do with each other. Religion is a crutch, spirituality is a path. Walk on your own BS until you don't know which way to turn, then seek truth and see what happens. We always get what we want, we just don't always know what we want.
It is hard for someone who has fucked himself up in the first place, to have the faith in himself to induce healing. That's how religions get their 'flock'
There is nothing wrong with this (for a while), better to walk with a crutch then not walk at all (the people at the end of THEIR road know what I'm talking about). I the long run however, if that crutch or 'chain' was not challenged, it would act as an anchor to your spiritual development. That some people do not want us to move on (religion/congregation)is obvious and understandable, it is not in their SELF-interest. As if the One would care what flag you fly.
And let me be clear, just because some of you are still waddling in duality (if there is light there has to be dark...) and can not except yet that truth can stands without lies or light shines without darkness and that in order to have light one does not need darkness, merely a source of light(that would be the One), well then one could say that those that walk in darkness are blind and I will not give much weight to a blind man trying to show me the way.
At the end of the day even the blind recognize the presence of light around them, they just don't know what to do with it, their ego is freaked out, and the attacks begin.
The ego will and can not stand in the presence of light, it has no source of its own that would uphold it, the truth of the mind that created it is firmly seated in light.
I do not expect many of you to understand this at this time, and spirituality is personal to all of us that walk a path toward what we perceive the source of our being, but de-valuing another mans path out of our own blindness is nor acceptable and shows how small you really are. You people are more than this, act like it!



Well-Known Member
Despite a relatively large volume of distribution (V/d, based on pKa and lipid solubility vs degree of ionization at physiological pH) for LSD it is simply a falsehood to believe you "tripped" for a year. Even with a larger dose the alpha redsitribution and beta elimination curves provide evidence of sufficient serum levels to induce hallucinations for 24-48 hours at best. My guess is you have some underlying mental illness that may have been exacerbated by the use of LSD. I cannot account for the cessation of symptoms after you "found" god but I won't discredit your story on that...to each his/her own. Be careful with what you ingest and consider how much you don't know about the origin of these substances. The neurochemical balance within which human homeostatic functioning can exist has very narrow margins and can be easily fucked up. I read a thread on here the other day about a dude who accidently poisoned himself by smoking weed that apparently had insecticide on it...of all the dumbass ways to nearly kill yourself.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you didn't have a hidden case of schizophrenia and that the LSD triggered it? I've heard that can happen. I'm also on the all natural drug boat (even though some natural things like datura will FUCK YOU UP). If you had such a bad experience with LSD I take it you would stay away from shrooms also (even though they are natural).
Shrooms remedied my OCD. It went away completely while I was on shrooms. Best time ever.