what can i say but that i'm seriously surprised that you even have bud that good producing. Here's something i tried once. This is nothing i researched or that was suggested, but i just got the "idea." i used a tea infusion with my last few waterings of my favorite tea....forget which kind. It had a strong taste of vanilla. I simply used distilled water and a modest amount of honey. I did this for the last 10 days before harvest..........and then did the complete flush. I believe that plant sucked it up profusely in the last days of bud development. That bud was smooth and tasted wonderful. Try it sometime.
thaks alot guys, ad i k^ow it wasi^t my girl, we^ i take pics of the pla^ts i would use my memory card, idk, 3ut it might 3e that i live i^ a 3aseme^t appartme^t a^d i have few 3ig wi^dows may3e some o^e saw somthi^g idk, sorry im typei^g like this , its just 2 letters are ^ot workoi^g o^ my keyoard,i ^eed to take it i^, ca^ you guess witch o^es?, a^d tha^x every 1 for ur support, 3ut i might take a small 3reak i do^t wat to grow for some1 else to wait till im almost do^e a^d take my shit agai^ , i thik i ^eed to relocate
sup guys... what kind of car did u have?
wow who ever got that car was happy as shit.
i know i would.the turbo/turbo timer and that kind of shit alone i would be happy
never mind the carbin fiber stuff.the only thing i dont like about the carbin fiber shit is that it fades i would like it to stay the nice dark color.u wuld have to put like a clear coat over it.did u have the stock engine in it?its the k25 i think right?and did u set the engine itself up for the more crazy power or did u get the turbo for that stock engine?