my first plant

Aw man Dave!!! that fucking sucks yo. That was some good looking shit yo. hopefully u can bounce back and give us another good grow!! :d keep up good work
dave if you need, pm me your addy i will send you some of my seeds .i know this sucks but we will all do what we can to get you back up and runnin!! AND FUCK THE ASSHOLE(S) THAT DID THIS I HOPE THEY DIE SLOW IN THE STREET!
Did you and your girl get into a fight??? I know she sees them ! Does she leave with the pics still in the cam?? This is a violation of your personal space and i know it sucks i have been robbed before its a bad day,sorry.
We are just trying to show people that even on a budget you can grow killer herbs !so many cfl haters are misinformed you just need to be creative and use the bulbs the most effecient way possible!

Give it a shot sometime!

what can i say but that i'm seriously surprised that you even have bud that good producing. Here's something i tried once. This is nothing i researched or that was suggested, but i just got the "idea." i used a tea infusion with my last few waterings of my favorite tea....forget which kind. It had a strong taste of vanilla. I simply used distilled water and a modest amount of honey. I did this for the last 10 days before harvest..........and then did the complete flush. I believe that plant sucked it up profusely in the last days of bud development. That bud was smooth and tasted wonderful. Try it sometime.
thaks alot guys, ad i k^ow it wasi^t my girl, we^ i take pics of the pla^ts i would use my memory card, idk, 3ut it might 3e that i live i^ a 3aseme^t appartme^t a^d i have few 3ig wi^dows may3e some o^e saw somthi^g idk, sorry im typei^g like this , its just 2 letters are ^ot workoi^g o^ my keyoard,i ^eed to take it i^, ca^ you guess witch o^es?, a^d tha^x every 1 for ur support, 3ut i might take a small 3reak i do^t wat to grow for some1 else to wait till im almost do^e a^d take my shit agai^ , i thik i ^eed to relocate
i lived in more than a few shady apts i know the feeling sometimes the building maintenence will open the door with the keys and just take what they want! shady shit i hope you stay in touch! and no bs i will send you some nugs to burn no prob! just let me know it might be another week to dry some but i will ship em out!

thaks alot guys, ad i k^ow it wasi^t my girl, we^ i take pics of the pla^ts i would use my memory card, idk, 3ut it might 3e that i live i^ a 3aseme^t appartme^t a^d i have few 3ig wi^dows may3e some o^e saw somthi^g idk, sorry im typei^g like this , its just 2 letters are ^ot workoi^g o^ my keyoard,i ^eed to take it i^, ca^ you guess witch o^es?, a^d tha^x every 1 for ur support, 3ut i might take a small 3reak i do^t wat to grow for some1 else to wait till im almost do^e a^d take my shit agai^ , i thik i ^eed to relocate
damn dude i just heard what happened thats fucked up.
i cant believe it.thats some dirty shit :0(
ya moving might be the best thing,cuz u never know they might want to come back.
and like u said u dont want to have to start something again just for someone else to come and take it when ur almost done.but i do hope this set back dont stop u for good.
u should take those seeds he willing to hook u up with and atleast save them for when ur ready.well im sorry to hear this guy :0( hope to hear from ya again soon
be safe
yeah winkdog, ill keep in touch no dout and i might have to take u up on that, they also took the stuff i had for myself, they took my2 glass BoNgs,aNd my scale, my fault for leaviNg it iN plaiNview
trust its not ur fault ,its ur house u should be able to leave shit where u want.
i wish i could ring the shit out of that person or peoples necks for u :0(
Wow, dave. I don't know what to say dude. This kind of shit makes me mad. You know I had my car stolen about 4 months ago? Phucking bastards! I feel for you man. I live in an apartment too but I also got two big dogs that don't like strangers so at least the maintenance man can't get me. So yea I def wouldn't grow there again because someone shady knows. Damn dude... this is super weak.
sup guys... what kind of car did u have?

This is a crappy pic but it's all I have left... sigh. An Acura RSX isn't the most amazing car from the factory but I had over $9K in aftermarket parts in this thing including an HKS turbo kit that helped produce over 300 wheel horsepower. This car would run low 11s quarter-mile and smoke just about anything on the road. Ahh... memories.


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nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude love hondas!!! acura same shit, i kno how u feel i crashed my 98 honda civic mine had tien damper kit, had a b18 motor swap, bout it but i loved it , till i crashed it lastyear, i have the worst of luck i tell u, check her out, atleast i didint die, :cry:


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Fuck yea! I had two civics before my rsx. One coupe, one hatch. Blew three motors between them but no wrecks at least. Looks like a pretty bad one you had. But since you're a car guy you would appreciate the shit I had on that rsx. I actually customized the HKS turbo kit to accept a larger turbo and a Full Race tubular manifold. Carbon fiber hood and hatch, mugen dampers, 3 inch Thermal exhaust, Clutchmasters stage 4 clutch, B&M short shifter. Plus a whole lot of electronics like sound system shit and in-dash tv and a $500 remote start alarm system that failed to do it's damn job (preventing the car from being stolen). There's a bunch more stuff I had but I don't want to think about it any more..
wow who ever got that car was happy as shit.
i know i would.the turbo/turbo timer and that kind of shit alone i would be happy
never mind the carbin fiber stuff.the only thing i dont like about the carbin fiber shit is that it fades i would like it to stay the nice dark color.u wuld have to put like a clear coat over it.did u have the stock engine in it?its the k25 i think right?and did u set the engine itself up for the more crazy power or did u get the turbo for that stock engine?
wow who ever got that car was happy as shit.
i know i would.the turbo/turbo timer and that kind of shit alone i would be happy
never mind the carbin fiber stuff.the only thing i dont like about the carbin fiber shit is that it fades i would like it to stay the nice dark color.u wuld have to put like a clear coat over it.did u have the stock engine in it?its the k25 i think right?and did u set the engine itself up for the more crazy power or did u get the turbo for that stock engine?

yea I'm sure it went through a chop shop whoever took it. I didn't even mention a lot of parts I had. I had a $1K fully programmable ECU plus all kinds of other accessories to run the turbo shit. But it's a K20 engine. I was pushing over 20Lbs of boost on a stock block! Not recommended unless you have an expert tune your ECU. I could of dropped in forged pistons and rods like you're talking about and made 500+ horsepower. But that shit is not even usable in a front wheel drive car.