THC Bomb - 16 days on 12/12


Active Member
This is my first grow and pretty much everything I have learned here on RIU. So thanks.

I have a 400w HPS in a small room and would appreciate any input on my girl as to her development.

Strain - THC Bomb
Veg - 5 weeks with MH
Flowering - 16 days
Hydro grow with Bcuzz Cubes and Gen Hydro nutes

FYI - The sad part of the story is I started 8 and all 8 sprouted and grew until last week - 7 were males!




Well-Known Member
Hello...? Any one...any one? Would love some feedback.
Pissa about all those males. That's a crap ratio.
My only suggestion would be to stop folia spraying like 'ctemp' suggested.
I'm not a fan of it at all especially in flower. You can cause mold and rot by spraying buds.
Let the roots do there job at sucking up water and nutes.
Also, you will get more yield off that little girl if you do a little LST with it.
Looks like you also have a little clawing going on - What's your PH and PPM currently?


Active Member
I will stop spraying. My ph runs runs right between 6-6.2 and my ppm's are at 1350.

I am using about 3/4 whats recommended for ten gallons. By clawing are your referring to the leaves curling under?


Well-Known Member
I will stop spraying. My ph runs runs right between 6-6.2 and my ppm's are at 1350.

I am using about 3/4 whats recommended for ten gallons. By clawing are your referring to the leaves curling under?
Yes. Keep an eye on it.
Could be from your spraying or your on the border of over nuting, but I always like to see how for I can push my girls too.
PH is cool.


Well-Known Member
Having grown 5 crops of THC Bomb now I can tell you that 1350ppm is too high at this stage. They are sensitive to overnuting and like a very gradual increase. At your stage i would go back to 900ppm and then go up by 100ppm every feed until you reach 1500ppm and stop increasing. My crops all finished in 60 days from 12/12 it is a very fast prolific finisher.


Active Member
Having grown 5 crops of THC Bomb now I can tell you that 1350ppm is too high at this stage. They are sensitive to overnuting and like a very gradual increase. At your stage i would go back to 900ppm and then go up by 100ppm every feed until you reach 1500ppm and stop increasing. My crops all finished in 60 days from 12/12 it is a very fast prolific finisher.

With my hydro setup, how many times a day and for how long do you think is best for feeding?

I really appreciate it there is very little info about this strain out there.


Well-Known Member
I feed 4 times a day with my flood and drain system at this point of the plants life and keep it that way till the chop. What exactly is your system? Have you taken any clones?


Active Member
I did not take any clones b/c it is my first grow and just getting the feel. I have a small closet with three more THCB seedlings and one "free" seed from the seed bank that actually sprouted by surprise...what a nice surprise:) things must be looking up.

I am hoping for a better ratio this time and am hoping to get a nice mother and clone from that for a while. The system is a flood and drain that uses 2 liter bottles and pvc - Plant/11 P2.jpg

I am using small rock wool cubes as a medium.

On your flood and drain - how long is the flood at four times a day? I am flooding for 10 minutes three times a day during light hours.


Well-Known Member
I did not take any clones b/c it is my first grow and just getting the feel. I have a small closet with three more THCB seedlings and one "free" seed from the seed bank that actually sprouted by surprise...what a nice surprise:) things must be looking up.

I am hoping for a better ratio this time and am hoping to get a nice mother and clone from that for a while. The system is a flood and drain that uses 2 liter bottles and pvc - Plant/11 P2.jpg

I am using small rock wool cubes as a medium.

On your flood and drain - how long is the flood at four times a day? I am flooding for 10 minutes three times a day during light hours.
To flood to the desired height took 2minutes and the drain took 7 minutes.


Active Member
Pissa about all those males. That's a crap ratio.
My only suggestion would be to stop folia spraying like 'ctemp' suggested.
I'm not a fan of it at all especially in flower. You can cause mold and rot by spraying buds.
Let the roots do there job at sucking up water and nutes.
Also, you will get more yield off that little girl if you do a little LST with it.
Looks like you also have a little clawing going on - What's your PH and PPM currently?

I took your advice and am trying a bit of LST, I will post more pictures tomorrow when the lights are on. And would appreciate input.

Also a bit of good news, I had a seed sprout way late so I left in the room on 12/12 and it showed female today...I took two clones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, tie that little bugger over a bit to expose those bud sites to more light.
It looked as if it already had a bit of lean to it.
Could have done it a lot earlier during veg but you've only just started flowering so I'm sure it will help.